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1930 Garvin County Census
Return to Alphabetical Index Listing

Lindsay Township "E" Surname Index

Eagan, I. W.			Page 54A
Eagan, J. E.			Page 54A
Eagan, Mattie C.		Page 54A
Early, G. M.			Page 56B
Early, N. P.			Page 56B
Eatmon, Alma			Page 58A
Eatmon, Eula Francis		Page 58A
Eatmon, Grace			Page 58A
Eatmon, J. W.			Page 58A
Eatmon, Jane			Page 58A
Eatmon, Margrie J.		Page 58A
Eatmon, O. C.			Page 58A
Eatmon, Tomas W.		Page 58A
Eddings, May			Page 46B
Eden, Anita			Page 57A
Eden, Dortha May		Page 57A
Eden, Geniva			Page 57A
Eden, Nora			Page 57A
Eden, W. D.			Page 57A
Eden, Woodie Faris		Page 57A
Edgemond, ??????		Page 63B
Edgemond, Allan			Page 63B
Edgemond, Nettie?		Page 63B
Elidge?, Jake			Page 44A
Elidge?, Mamie?			Page 44A
Elkins, Ada			Page 51A
Elkins, Edna			Page 51A
Elkins, H. E.			Page 51A
Elkins, J. W.			Page 51A
Elkins, Leo			Page 51A
Elkins, S. E.			Page 51A
Ellis, Belle			Page 83B
Ellis, Clara L.			Page 83B
Ellis, Clare			Page 83B
Ellis, DeKalb			Page 97B
Ellis, Georgia			Page 97B
Ellis, Henry			Page 83B
Ellis, Maisie			Page 97B
Ellis, Ophelia			Page 83B
Ellis, Sallie			Page 75A
Ellis, Tommy			Page 75A
Ellis, Wiley			Page 83B
Ellithorp, ???			Page 69B
Ellithorp, ??????		Page 69B
Ellithorp, Everett		Page 69B
Ellithorp, Judy			Page 69B
Ellithorp, W. A.		Page 69B
Ellithorp, Wilber?		Page 69B
Emory?, Tom			Page 91A
Emory?, Virginia		Page 91A
England, Claude			Page 97A
England, Earle			Page 97A
England, Francis		Page 97A
England, Geral D.		Page 97A
England, Lavora			Page 97A
England, Opal			Page 97A
England, Willie 		Page 97A
English, Clarra			Page 49B
English, Hazel Fay		Page 49B
English, J. T.			Page 49B
English, John  ?		Page 66B
English, Kenneth Ray		Page 49B
English, Kyle			Page 66B
English, Lonnie			Page 66B
English, Mabron?		Page 66B
English, Mollie			Page 66B
English, Oscar			Page 66B
English, Ruth			Page 66B
English, Virginia		Page 92A
Estes, Grace			Page 55A
Estes, Jack Cudd		Page 59B
Estes, Jackie			Page 47B
Estes, Joe W.			Page 47B
Estes, Joe W. Jr.		Page 47B
Estes, O. C. Jr.		Page 55A
Estes, Ode C.			Page 55A
Ethridge, Artie			Page 50B
Ethridge, David			Page 50B
Ethridge, Lee			Page 50B
Ethridge, Mary			Page 50B
Evans,  Claud C.		Page 61A
Evans,  Lois			Page 61A
Evans, Albert			Page 62B
Evans, Annie I.			Page 60A
Evans, Artie			Page 85A
Evans, Billy John		Page 52A
Evans, Charles			Page 70A
Evans, Edgar D.			Page 83B
Evans, Edna			Page 52A
Evans, Elbert C.		Page 95A
Evans, Harold			Page 85A
Evans, Henry T.			Page 60A
Evans, Ida			Page 83B
Evans, Irene E.			Page 62B
Evans, John			Page 52A
Evans, Kenneth			Page 85A
Evans, Lydia			Page 62B
Evans, Marietta			Page 62B
Evans, Oral			Page 85A
Evans, Thomas J.		Page 95A
Evans, Tresse			Page 83B
Evans, Winifred			Page 85A
Everett, Allene			Page 95B
Everett, Faye			Page 95B
Everett, Galen			Page 95B
Everett, Herbert		Page 95B
Everett, Lee L.			Page 95B
Everett, Virginia		Page 95B
Ewert, Annie			Page 49B
Ewert, Claud Harrell		Page 49B
Ewert, J. J.			Page 49B
Ewert, McCaughey		Page 49B