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1930 Garvin County Census
Return to Alphabetical Index Listing

Lindsay Township "L" Surname Index

L??????, ?????? F?		Page 63B
L??????, Annie?			Page 63B
L??????, Ira			Page 63B
Lacy, Clarence E.		Page 74A
Lacy, Hershel O.		Page 74A
Lacy, Isaac			Page 74A
Lacy, Lester			Page 74A
Lacy, Sarah			Page 74A
Lacy, Urel			Page 74A
Lacy, Vestie			Page 74A
Laffin, Charles			Page 74A
Laffin, Jennie			Page 74A
Laffin, John			Page 74A
Laffin, Lowell			Page 74A
Laffin, Vethene			Page 74A
Laffin, Zelia			Page 74A
Lain, E. H.			Page 57B
Lain, Lillie Pearl		Page 57B
Lain, Margrett			Page 57B
Lambert, Ada May		Page 63B
Lambert, Alice			Page 63B
Lambert, Charlie		Page 63B
Lambert, Hale?			Page 63B
Lambert, Izora			Page 63B
Lambert, Johnie			Page 63B
Lambert, M. W.			Page 63B
Lambert, Moses W.		Page 63B
Lane, Curtis			Page 88A
Lane, Emma			Page 94A
Lane, Flossie			Page 88A
Lane, Lorene			Page 94A
Lane, Marie			Page 88A
Lane, Mary L.			Page 94A
Lane, Pauline			Page 94A
Lane, Robert			Page 94A
Lang, Carl			Page 51B
Lang, Cecil			Page 51B
Lang, Christeen			Page 51B
Lang, J. C.			Page 51B
Lang, Jerrel			Page 51B
Lang, Willie			Page 51B
Langford, Clarence		Page 61B
Langford, Clares		Page 61B
Langford, Leo			Page 61B
Langford, Ralph			Page 61B
Lannam, Allie			Page 54A
Lannam, Mary			Page 53A
Lannam, R. L.			Page 53A
Lannam, W. A.			Page 54A
Largent, Allen			Page 62B
Largent, Bert			Page 62B
Largent, Beulah			Page 62B
Largent, Bud			Page 75B
Largent, Dee			Page 75B
Largent, Ethel			Page 75B
Largent, F. M. (Bud)		Page 62B
Largent, Harrison		Page 75B
Largent, Helen			Page 62B
Largent, Ina			Page 75B
Largent, Kara??			Page 62B
Largent, Marsula		Page 64A
Larkam?, Claimbie?		Page 46A
Larkam?, Dorotha L.		Page 46A
Larkam?, Elva			Page 46A
Larkam?, J. W.			Page 46A
Lawrence, Berneice?		Page 44A
Lawrence, H. E.			Page 44A
Lawrence, J. A.			Page 46B
Lawrence, Joe			Page 44A
Lawrence, Marie?		Page 44A
Lawrence, Samantha		Page 67B
Lawrence, Selina E.		Page 44A
Leatherwood, Chester		Page 74A
Leatherwood, Eugene		Page 74A
Leatherwood, Gertrude		Page 74A
Leatherwood, Henry		Page 74A
Leatherwood, Jackson		Page 74A
Leatherwood, James		Page 74A
Leatherwood, John		Page 74A
Leatherwood, Richardson		Page 74A
Leatherwood, Tom		Page 74A
Leatherwood, Troy		Page 74A
Ledford, Katie			Page 91B
Ledford, Lillian		Page 91B
Ledford, Noah			Page 91A
Ledford, Shutte			Page 91B
Lee, Buck			Page 63A
Lee, Charles			Page 42A
Lee, Deloris?			Page 63B
Lee, Dessie?			Page 63B
Lee, Dortha			Page 54A
Lee, E. A.			Page 45B
Lee, Fannie			Page 65B
Lee, Francis L.			Page 57A
Lee, Fred			Page 65B
Lee, Gertrude			Page 57A
Lee, Henry			Page 54A
Lee, J. K.			Page 45B
Lee, Jimmie			Page 54A
Lee, Joe			Page 57A
Lee, Mary			Page 42A
Lee, Pauline			Page 57A
Lee, Tom			Page 63B
Lee, W. H.			Page 63A
Lemascus, Anna R.		Page 81A
Lemascus, Beulah		Page 81A
Lemascus, Billy B.		Page 81A
Lemascus, Elmer			Page 81A
Lemascus, Ernest		Page 81A
Lemascus, Florence		Page 81A
Lemascus, Foster		Page 81A
Lemascus, Genevia		Page 81A
Lemascus, Haskell		Page 81A
Lemascus, Jess			Page 81A
Lemascus, Kenneth R.		Page 81A
Lemascus, Lola			Page 81A
Lemascus, Louise		Page 81A
Lemascus, Majorie M.		Page 81A
Lemascus, Maude			Page 81A
Lemascus, Opal			Page 81A
Lemascus, Reva			Page 81A
Lemascus, Rufus L.		Page 81A
Lemay, Coddie			Page 83B
Lemay, Jack			Page 83B
Lemay, Robert R.		Page 83B
Lennom, Chester			Page 89A
Lennom, Ruby			Page 89A
Lennom, Zeda			Page 89A
Leonard, Corlain		Page 48A
Leonard, Fred			Page 48A
Leonard, Fred C.		Page 48A
Leonard, Sade E.		Page 48A
Lester, Janie			Page 51A
Lester, W. H.			Page 51A
Lester, William ab		Page 51A
Letherwood, Estell		Page 42A
Letherwood, Eugene		Page 42A
Lewis, C. E.			Page 52A
Lewis, Clara Louise		Page 50B
Lewis, Jack			Page 83A
Lewis, Jimmie			Page 52A
Lewis, Lara			Page 52A
Lewis, Nadine			Page 52A
Lewis, O. W.			Page 52A
Lewis, Roy			Page 50B
Lewis, William Ray		Page 50B
Lindsay, Anita			Page 90B
Lindsay, Dorothy		Page 90B
Lindsay, Dorothy		Page 90B
Lindsay, Frank			Page 90B
Lindsay, Jhonnie		Page 90B
Lindsay, John			Page 90B
Lindsay, Lewis			Page 90B
Lindsay, Lindy L.		Page 90B
Lindsay, Louise			Page 90B
Lindsay, Murray			Page 90B
Lindsay, Zela			Page 90B
Linnea?, Fred			Page 45A
Linnea?, Margaret		Page 45A
Linnea?, Ruby S.		Page 45A
Linnea?, Selma			Page 45A
Linneair?, Mary			Page 44A
Little, Shirley			Page 50B
Lloyd, A. C.			Page 53A
Lloyd, A. F.			Page 53A
Lloyd, Ina Mae			Page 53A
Lloyd, James Paten		Page 53A
Lloyd, Junior Lee		Page 53A
Lloyd, Keneth Lewis		Page 53A
Lloyd, Leonard Elam		Page 53A
Lloyd, Martha			Page 53A
Lloyd, Oda			Page 53A
Lloyd, Wallace Grady		Page 53A
Lokey, Altha			Page 64B
Lokey, Arthur G.		Page 64B
Lokey, Billie May		Page 64B
Lokey, Cora Bell		Page 64B
Lokey, Daniel B.		Page 64B
Lokey, Edith M.			Page 64B
Lokey, Ganeva?			Page 64B
Lokey, John B.			Page 64B
Lokey, John B. Jr.		Page 64B
Lokey, Marie			Page 64B
Lokey, Richard D.		Page 64B
Lokey, Victor C?		Page 64B
Loman, Arvey			Page 77A
Loman, Bessie L.		Page 77A
Loman, Coy			Page 77A
Loman, Fannie			Page 77A
Loman, Henry			Page 77A
Loman, Loyd			Page 77A
Loman, Willard			Page 77A
Long, Louanna			Page 86B
Loper, Edna			Page 77A
Loper, Everet E.		Page 77A
Loper, Joseph B.		Page 77A
Loper, Mandy			Page 77A
Loper, Olan			Page 77A
Loper, Otis			Page 77A
Lorfman, Doris Fay		Page 57A
Lorfman, F. W.			Page 57A
Lorfman, Lula Ray		Page 57A
Lorfman, Mary Louise		Page 57A
Lorfman, Mattie Lue		Page 57A
Lowe, Edward J.			Page 84A
Lowe, Edwin C.			Page 84A
Lowe, Elsie Lorene		Page 84A
Lowe, Hattie			Page 84A
Lowe, Lela M.			Page 84A
Lowe, Mattie L.			Page 84A
Lowe, Will			Page 84A
Loyd, Bertie			Page 52B
Lucus, Tom			Page 45A
Lune, Eliza			Page 96B
Lutes, Ben Miliam		Page 53B
Lutes, Birdie			Page 53B
Lutes, Miliam			Page 53B
Luton, Ben M.			Page 92A
Luton, James 			Page 92A
Luton, Kirby			Page 92A
Luton, Marion F.		Page 92A
Luton, Mary L.			Page 92A
Lynch, Clio A.			Page 58A
Lynch, Ellen Rae		Page 58A
Lynch, John Douglas		Page 58A
Lynch, John W.			Page 58A
Lynch, Leeanna			Page 92A
Lynn, Allice			Page 49B
Lynn, Gwneolyn?			Page 49B
Lynn, Matilda			Page 49B
Lynn, W. R.			Page 49B
Lynn, William Fred		Page 49B