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1930 Garvin County Census
Return to Alphabetical Index Listing

Lindsay Township "P" Surname Index

Painter, Bertha			Page 45B
Painter, Ezra			Page 45B
Painter, M. C.			Page 45B
Painter, M. C.			Page 45B
Painter, Meredith		Page 45B
Painter, Odette			Page 45B
Painter, W. H.			Page 45B
Painter, Woodrow		Page 45B
Pallock, James R.		Page 71A
Pallock, Jesse			Page 71A
Pallock, Ora			Page 71A
Pallock, Verna			Page 71A
Palmer, A. M.			Page 62A
Palmer, Albert			Page 62A
Palmer, Donagene		Page 62A
Palmer, Elizabeth		Page 79A
Palmer, Emma			Page 79A
Palmer, Floyd			Page 62A
Palmer, Hattie			Page 79A
Palmer, Jim D.			Page 79A
Palmer, Leasie			Page 62A
Palmer, M. S.			Page 62A
Palmer, Mervin			Page 79A
Palmer, Ocie			Page 62A
Palmer, Ruby			Page 62A
Palmer, Silas			Page 79A
Palmer, Venus			Page 79A
Palmer, William			Page 62A
Palton, David?			Page 91A
Palton, Marion			Page 91A
Palton, Mary			Page 91A
Palton, Mary 			Page 91A
Park, Eddie			Page 99A
Park, Effie			Page 99A
Park, Jesse			Page 99B
Park, Marie			Page 99A
Park, Sam			Page 99A
Parker, A. B.			Page 58A
Parker, Carolyn Ruth		Page 58A
Parker, Doris R.	        Page 42B
Parker, Elizabeth		Page 58A
Parker, Florence Irine		Page 58A
Parker, Mary Maud		Page 58A
Parker, Wilbert			Page 58A
Parsley, Coy			Page 92A
Parsley, Earl?			Page 92A
Parsley, Edith			Page 92A
Parsley, Elan?			Page 92A
Parsley, Ernest W.		Page 92A
Parsley, Jay B.			Page 92A
Parsley, Lola			Page 92A
Parsley, Stacy			Page 92A
Parson, Faye			Page 71A
Parson, Minnie			Page 71A
Parson, Niles H.		Page 71A
Parson, Rachel			Page 71A
Parson, Tom			Page 71A
Paterson, Louisiana		Page 48A
Patterson, Bernice		Page 67A
Patterson, Fannie		Page 67A
Patterson, John E.		Page 67A
Patterson, Vera?		Page 67A
Patton, Billy			Page 80A
Patton, Estelle			Page 80A
Patton, Jay			Page 80A
Patton, Loyd			Page 80A
Patton, Ray			Page 80A
Patton, Viola			Page 80A
Patton, William			Page 80A
Paxton, Ben			Page 88B
Paxton, Bill			Page 88B
Paxton, Clyde			Page 88B
Paxton, Elsie			Page 88B
Paxton, Marjorie		Page 88B
Paxton, Mayme			Page 88B
Paxton, Monroe			Page 88B
Paxton, Mozell			Page 88B
Paxton, Velma Joy		Page 88B
Paxton, Woodrow			Page 88B
Pearce, Bertha			Page 53A
Pearce, J. A.			Page 53A
Pearce, Mattie J.		Page 53A
Pearson, Elljay			Page 82A
Pearson, Marie			Page 82A
Peatterman, A. F.		Page 49A
Peatterman, Caddie		Page 49A
Peatterman, Earl		Page 49A
Peatterman, J. C.		Page 49A
Peatterman, J. T.		Page 49A
Peatterman, Leo			Page 49A
Peatterman, May			Page 49A
Peatterman, Velma Ruth		Page 49A
Peck,  Clayton L.		Page 61A
Peck,  Hazel ?			Page 61A
Peck,  Pearl			Page 61A
Peck,  Velma L.			Page 61A
Peck, Roy			Page 61A
Pennington, Ardell		Page 81B
Pennington, Dora		Page 81B
Pennington, Edith		Page 81B
Pennington, Jim E.		Page 73A
Pennington, John C.		Page 81B
Pennington, Le Roy		Page 81B
Pennington, Lee C.		Page 81B
Pennington, Minnie		Page 81B
Pennington, Vanis		Page 81B
Pennington?, Ada		Page 68B
Penrod, Annie			Page 48A
Penrod, Carl			Page 48A
Penrod, Chester			Page 48A
Penrod, Frank			Page 48A
Penrod, Gertrue			Page 48A
Penrod, J. A.			Page 48A
Penrod, Jessie			Page 48A
Penrod, Letha			Page 48A
Penrod, Oma			Page 48A
Percy, Leona			Page 44B
Percy, Lita			Page 44B
Percy, Stella			Page 44B
Percy, Tom			Page 44B
Perry, Anne Bet			Page 47B
Perry, Joseph			Page 47B
Perry, Lee			Page 47B
Perry, Mary E.			Page 47B
Perry, Mattie Lu		Page 47B
Perry, Nar?			Page 47B
Petterman, Belle		Page 48B
Petterman, Jean			Page 48B
Petterman, Leapus		Page 48B
Petterman, M. F.		Page 48B
Petterman, Mildred		Page 48B
Phelps, Alma			Page 88A
Phelps, Billy H.		Page 88A
Phelps, Charles			Page 88A
Phelps, James C.		Page 88A
Phelps, Juanita			Page 88A
Phelps, Leanard			Page 88A
Phelps, Monta G.		Page 88A
Phelps, Samuel C.		Page 88A
Phelps, Tom			Page 88A
Phillips, Allie			Page 82A
Phillips, Amos			Page 82B
Phillips, Clara B.		Page 58A
Phillips, E.			Page 82B
Phillips, Emma			Page 82B
Phillips, Gertrude		Page 85B
Phillips, Joe			Page 82A
Phillips, Lee			Page 82B
Phillips, Leroy			Page 82B
Phillips, Lorene		Page 82B
Phillips, Opal			Page 82B
Phillips, Tom			Page 85B
Phillips, Ulis			Page 85B
Phillips, Vena			Page 82B
Phillips, Vurmon		Page 82A
Phillips, William E.		Page 82B
Pitman, Bessie ?		Page 44A
Pittman, Betty Jo		Page 44B
Plank?,  Elwin ?		Page 61A
Plank?,  Owen H.		Page 61A
Plank?, Frances H.		Page 61A
Pledges, Billie			Page 57A
Pledges, Corra			Page 57A
Pledges, J. T.			Page 57A
Pledges, Leuan?			Page 57A
Plemons, James C.		Page 89B
Polk, Alvin			Page 82A
Potter, B??????			Page 63B
Potter, Nova G.			Page 63B
Potter, Ray W.			Page 63B
Potts, Jery			Page 55B
Powell, A. J.			Page 53A
Powell, Anne			Page 55A
Powell, J. H.			Page 55A
Powell, Leroy			Page 55A
Powell, M. C.			Page 53A
Pratt, Bonnie			Page 94B
Pratt, Charlie			Page 82B
Pratt, Clarence S.		Page 82B
Pratt, Earl			Page 73B
Pratt, Elma			Page 73B
Pratt, Elmo			Page 73B
Pratt, Enice			Page 73B
Pratt, Francis E.		Page 82B
Pratt, Geraldine		Page 73B
Pratt, Hazel			Page 53B
Pratt, Henry J.			Page 73B
Pratt, James P.			Page 94B
Pratt, Laurie			Page 53B
Pratt, Lorine			Page 53B
Pratt, Marvin			Page 73B
Pratt, Mary Linn		Page 53B
Pratt, Myrtle			Page 53B
Pratt, Myrtle			Page 82B
Pratt, R. D.			Page 53B
Pratt, Robert L.		Page 73B
Pratt, Violet			Page 82B
Price, Albert L.		Page 98A
Price, Elizabeth		Page 89A
Price, Elizabeth		Page 89A
Price, Ella			Page 98A
Price, Frank			Page 89A
Price, Grant			Page 98A
Price, James H.			Page 88B
Price, John			Page 98A
Price, Juanita			Page 98A
Price, Lee			Page 88B
Price, Maudie?			Page 44B
Price, Millie			Page 88B
Price, Otis			Page 98A
Price, Paul			Page 98A
Price, Romeo			Page 98A
Price, Roy			Page 89A
Price, Sina			Page 98A
Price, W. A.			Page 44B
Priest, Daniel			Page 52B
Priest, David			Page 52B
Priest, Ernest			Page 81B
Priest, Jermiah ab		Page 52B
Priest, Lewis W.		Page 81B
Pritchett, Andy			Page 42A
Pritchett, Annie		Page 42A
Pritchett, Bertha		Page 77B
Pritchett, Edith M.		Page 77B
Pritchett, Ervin J.		Page 77B
Pritchett, Flossie		Page 42A
Pritchett, Hellen?		Page 42A
Pritchett, Hugie?		Page 42A
Pritchett, James E.		Page 77B
Pritchett, Jim			Page 77B
Pritchett, Lottie		Page 42A
Pritchett, Minnie C.		Page 77B
Pritchett, Pearl		Page 42A
Prock, Will			Page 96B
Pruitt, Annie			Page 56B
Pruitt, J. H.			Page 56B
Pugh, Carrie			Page 75A
Pugh, Charles			Page 99A
Pugh, Claydine			Page 99A
Pugh, Elzzie			Page 99A
Pugh, Fannie			Page 95B
Pugh, Ida Z.			Page 75A
Pugh, John W. Jr.		Page 99A
Pugh, John W. Sr.		Page 99A
Pugh, Mary			Page 99A
Pugh, Raymond			Page 99A
Pugh, Robert L.			Page 75A