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Hello Jack & Family,
Received your letter the other day. Boy Richmond would look good to me
now. I havent got a pay day since
I have been in the army. And I have only been off the post 2 times. I didnt come in
on time so they wont let me go any more for a month. So I have been broke for 2 weeks.
I will be a good man if it does not kill me. I am glad Mary and Viola
are there and making good. If this dam war would hurry and get over it would suit me.
Ans Soon,
Note: This letter is written on Army Air Corps stationary with their
It was written by Tommie H. Alexander to his Uncle Jack Smith,
who was living in Richmond, CA at the time. The envelope is post marked
April 19, 1943, at 3:30 P M, from Wichita Falls, TX. Tommie Alexander
was the son of Allen A. and Cora Alexander, who reside in Pauls Valley, OK.
Tommie was with the 861st Bomb Squadron during the invasion of France.
On August 16, 1944, his plane, The Bold Sea Rover, was hit
by flak and crashed at Assainvilliers, France. There were no survivors.
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