This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission. |
In memory
of those who fought and died for our country
These names were
provided by the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs but may not be complete. If
you know of any name which may be missing from our list please let us know.
Garvin County
Military Hall of Fame
James C. Williams |
Ernest E. Billingsley Jr. | Douglas Baker |
William R. Ball | Samuel Eli Elkins | Glenn Allen Faulk |
William Edward Grumbles | Noah L. Whisenhunt | -- |
Clyde Edward Roark | Thomas E. Smith | James L. Colson |
Ace Cox | Louie Laurren Davis | Charley B. Dory |
Robert H. Harmon | Richard Gelen Mason | William Allen Morgan |
John W. Tolle | George W. Cooper | James W.Goodwin |
Elvin E. Mitchell | Lynwood Shults | Paul E. Crews |
Glen C. Allen | John Allen | Thomas Marion Doake |
Ben E.Coffey | Billy Jess Shearon | Charlie Yarborough |
Burney "Pake" Blankenship | William A. Morris |
Cecil R. Alexander | Julier P. Anthony | |
Alexander, Tommie H. | ||
Eugene Bagley | Harley Bain | Paul E. Baker |
William F. Baker | Jasper N. Bean | John W. Beaver, Jr. |
Robert E. Booze | James W. Bozarth | Buster Buckelew |
Richard Burton | Harold K. Butts | Wendell E. Callen |
L.T. Carter |
Carl W. Childress Added info 2011 |
Jack D. Conatser |
Charles H. Culver | Billy J.Davis | Ernie J. Dickenson |
James W. Dickson | Wilburne H. Dobbins | Paul A. Dodgion |
Lee F. Duke | Frank T. Easton | Howard M. Eastwood |
Woodrow W. Erwin | Albert S.T. Evans | Cleo M. Finch |
Cecil J. Floyd | Atkins Frenchman | Henry Garrett |
Gorace J. Gillespie | Rochier Griffin | James L. Griggs |
Gevet b. Grimes | Ralph a. Hall | Homer J. Hardaway |
Leo J. Hays | Samuel L. Herron | Humber A. Hooven |
Virgil E. Hope | Jesse E. Ivey | Sylvester R. Ivie |
J.B. Jackson | Ivan E. Lane | L.P. Lauderdale |
Woodrow P. Lofton | Choice R. Maness | Charles W. Minton |
Wilson H. Mixon | James H. Montgomery | Paul E. Nation |
Cephus N. Neil | Edward L. Pettigrew | Billy G. Ponder |
Walter A. Porter | Edward Rendak | Robert R. Riggs |
Thomas S.F. Riley | George V. Rollow | Milton I. Russell |
Cecil C. Sheegog | Elmo J. Stephens | Clarence D. Thomas |
Harvey R.Tiner | John Wallace | Wallace B. Watkins |
W.R. Weatherford | Kenneth R. Webb | Otis Weeden |
Wallace B. Williams | Acie L. Wolf | Robert Clay Florence |
Also Known to have served
was Pfc James W. Schmidt (See Info)
Leland L. Buttler |
Billy G. Casker | Silas E. Griffin |
Eugene M. Grubbs | Floyd Kinard | Newman C. Pruitt, Jr. |
William Richardson | Delbert G. Rouse | Olen J. Sikes |
Richard B. Clements | Billy C. Chambers | Arvel R. Smart |
Larry M. Beck | James L. Armstrong | William L. Crawford |
Robert W. Hammer | Martin R. Maness | Murl A. Moyers |
Oscar W. Pierce | Gary Allen | Jimmy Newfield |
Roscoe Wright, Jr. | - | - |
Veterans Website
Offer your opinions on the WWII memorial. Includes a searchable database of veterans,
pictures and general memorabilia.
Provides a collection of pictures from the Washington landmark, along with a series of
personal recollections and narratives.
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