Antioch School, Dist No. 15
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This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission.

From information at the Nora Sparks Warren Library in Pauls Valley.   This information may not include all classes. 
Spellings are exactly as the teachers have written them or as they appear to the transcriber and may be in error.

   Antioch Cemetery Pictures & Antioch School Pictures      Antioch Cemetery Pictures Page 2 Early Antioch Town picture


At one time Antioch had about 300 or 400 people living there. Around 1928 a man named
George Adams had a dry goods, grocery, and hardware store there. Besides these stores,
Antioch had two grocery stores, a blacksmith's shop and a post office. The streets were just old dirt roads and they had a great big well dug out in the middle of the street. You had to go around the well no matter what direction you were going. The well was there up until the time they paved the street. It was pretty deep, but it got to where it didn't furnish any water. The post office in Anitoch was moved to Maysville in about 1931. After they moved it, they didn't have any carriers out of Antioch and you had to get on your horse and ride over to Maysville to get your mail. Antioch just gradually faded away. Pauls Valley had the railroad a long time before Antioch died out.
Bun & Dollie Bullard
As the gateway to the Table Top Mountains, Antioch is located seven miles south of Maysville. It was established during the 1880's and has a long and colorful past. On certain days men would meet there and gamble. Bootleg whiskey was brewed here in the early 1900's.
At one time Antioch had a drug store, two mercantile stores, blacksmith shop, a cotton gin, a school and a post office which was started in 1895 with John T. Purdy as the first postmaster. The post office was discontinued in 1932. Today the community has stopped growing but is kept alive by the activities of its residents. It had a long past, rough times, but is still going.

Teacher -  Anna Bone, of Antioch
Year Beginning Nov 11, 1918- and Ending April 30, 1919
No. of Months Taught - 6, Number of days school was taught- 120, Number of visits by superintendent- 1,
Grade and kind of certificate held by teacher - State,  Salary of teacher per month - $100.00
Number of acres in school site - 2

Name Age Sex Days Attended
Orval Adams 16 M 81
Cecil Burch 17 M 4
Fern Barber 14 F 62
Howard Barber 17 M 64
Lola Burch 14 F 33
Lizzie Brown 21 F 9
Carrie Dean 12 F 50
Clarence Guthrie 14 M 65
Tom Guthrie 16 M 6
Olie Guthrie 12 M 51
Nola Grisham 14 F 95
Minnie Guthrie 10 F 76
Albert Johnson 17 M 16
Alfred Johnson 14 M 16
Byron Knight 12 M 118
Jewel Knight 16 F 54
Lon Knight 14 F 93
George Love 14 M 78
Thurman McCaskill 16 M 18
Bee Murdock 13 F 80
Eshel(?) Murdock 14 F 69
Maud Murdock 16 F 14
Jesse McCaskill 12 F 74
Carl Swindle 13 M 100
Homer White 14 M 67
Alva White 16 F 60
Roxie Willingham 15 F 47


Teacher -  (Not listed)
Year Beginning - and Ending April 30, 1919
Number of days school was taught- 120, Number of visits by superintendent- 1,
Grade and kind of certificate held by teacher - 3,  Salary of teacher per month - $70.00

Name Age Sex Days Attended
Alfred Barber 6 M 44
Letrice Barber 7 F 47
Carl Birdwell 9 M 70
Willie Birdwell 11 F 3
Arthur Burch 13 M 32
Bessie Burch 6 F 12
Roy Burch 9 M 19
Felix Brown 12 M 33
Katie Brown 9 F 31
Ida Brown 7 F 30
E.C. Cagle 6 M 64
Nelta Lee Cagle 5 F 47
Agnes Dean 9 F 55
Boyd Dean 13 M 73
George Dean 7 M 45
Horace Dean 8 M 52
Watson Dean 7 M 84
Ed Edwards 7 M 26
Johnnie Edwards 13 F 11
Minnie Edwards 10 F 31
Win Edwards 6 M 25
Carl Fowler 6 M 55
Clyde Fowler 9 M 60
Emma Fowler 12 F 27
Hugh Fowler 11 M 50
Agnes Gregg 9 F 51
Joe Gregg 9 F 54
Elmer Guthrie 8 M 96
Louis Guthrie 6 M 63
Artie(?) Lee Hays 8 F 65
Clarence Hays 9 M 78
Juanita Hays 6 F 12
S.J. Hays 6 M 72
Garlan Hope 7 M 54
Herbert Hope 5 M 55
Mamie Holladay 7 F 23
Charlie Johnson 19 M 64
Louis Johnson 6 M 32
Pearl Johnson 11 F 50
Walter Johnson 14 M 63
Raymond  Knight 9 M 115
Clifford Love 8 M 43
J.R. Love 5 M 8
Juanita Love 7 F 42
S.N. Love 9 M 102
Boochie McCaskill 13 M 50
Esther McCaskill 4 F 2
Etta McCaskill 6 F 40
Harry McCaskill 11 M 61
Herbert McCaskill 6 M 56
Drewry McCaskill 14 M 58
Spurgeon McCaskill 12 M 65
Johnnie McCaskill 14 M 63
Troy McCaskill 8 M 77
Virgil McCaskill 9 M 66
Mack McGregor 12 M 13
Tom McGregor 9 M 17
Edna Morgan 5 F 9
Virgie Morgan 10 F 10
Victor Oliver 9 M 5
Orbie Purdys 6 M 19
Coleman Quiett(?) 6 M 19
Hal Quiett(?) 11 M 66
Elva(?) Sellers 14 F 33
Hulda Dellers 11 F 23
Cleo Swindle 8 F 59
Naomi Swindle 10 F 60
Georgia Taylor 6 F 23
John Taylor 8 M 23
Marie Willingham 13 F 44
Velma Willingham 9 F 63
Haskell White 11 M 33
Herschell White 7 M 72


Teacher - Jewell Gooch, of Pauls Valley
Year Beginning - Jan 5, 1920 and Ending April 30, 1920
White School,  No. of Months Taught - 4 1/4, Number of days school was taught- 85, Number of visits by superintendent- 2,
Grade and kind of certificate held by teacher - 3rd grade, county,  Salary of teacher per month - $75.00
Number of Acres in school site - 2, Number of teachers in district - 2, Number of pupils failing in year's work - 22

Name Age Sex Days Attended
Artie Burns 12 F 34
Alfred Barber 7 M 27
Leatrice Barber 10 F 30
Mamie Burks 11 F 53
Arthur Burch 13 M 33
Bessie Burch 7 F 31
Roy Burch 10 M 35
Wilmer Burns 13 M 34
Lela Curtis 9 F 27
Boyd Dean 15 M 39
George Dean 8 M 51
Hardee Dean 9 M 51
Watson Dean 8 M 41
Alton Dean 6 M 10
Agnes Dean 10 F 38
William Edwards 7 M 15
Edd Edwards 8 M 15
Minnie Edwards 11 F 15
Johnnie Edwards 15 F 10
Clyde Fowler 10 M 52
Carl Fowler 7 M 52
Lee Fowler 6 M 48
Emma Fowler 13 F 25
Cecil Hays 13 M 28
Waymen Hays 11 M 33
Clarence Hays 10 M 69
S.J. Hays 6 M 58
Garland Hope 8 M 60
Herbert Hope 6 M 61
Dixie Hays 8 F 59
Edna Hays 7 F 23
J.C. Johnson 9 M 52
Charlie Johnson 9 M 75
Louis Johnson 7 M 46
Clyde Johnson 5 M 15
Pearlie Johnson 12 F 68
Sarah Johnson 6 F 48
Raymond Knight 10 M 76
S.N. Love 10 M 63
J.R. Love 6 M 45
Juanita Love 8 F 71
Spurgeon McCaskill 11 M 65
Beulah McCaskill 11 F 74
Tom McGregory 9 M 28
Elsie McGregory 6 F 28
Troy McCaskill 9 M 64
Herbert McCaskill 7 M 68
Ninaleen McCaskill 5 F 41
Virgie Morgan 11 F 69
Edna Morgan 6 F 87
Alice Shore 13 F 35
Sylvia Shore 12 F 35
Allean Shore 8 F 20
Cleo Swindell 9 F 71
Eva Sellers 15 F 41
Hulda Sellers 12 F 47
Johnnie Taylor 8 M 49
Georgia Taylor 7 F 41
Willie Taylor 6 M 45
Haskell White 12 M 37
Herschal White 10 M 42
Velma Willingham 9 F 71
Chester Willhite 14 M 50
Nimmie Willhite 11 F 51
Gussie Willhite 13 F 51
Pairlee Willhite 7 F 51
Edgar White 5 M 28


Teacher - Lee Kennedy, of Antioch
Year Beginning Jan 5, 1920 and Ending April 30, 1920
White school, No. of Months Taught - 4, Number of days school was taught - 85, Number of visits by superintendent - 2,
Grade and kind of certificate held by teacher - 3rd,  Salary of teacher per month $100.00, 
Number of 8th grade applicants for diplomas - 5, Number of acres in school site - 2,
Number of teachers in district - 2, Number of pupil's failing in year's work - 6

Name Age Sex Days Attended
Orval Adams 17 M 22
Fern Barber 15 M 30
Howard Barber 17 M 35
Hulda Burns 15 F 26
Lola Burch 16 F 26
Carl Burks 13 M 66
Bula Curtis 15 F 30
Dixie Curtis 17 F 16
Carrie Dean 13 F 46
Nola Grisham 18 F 42
Culbert(?) Johnson 15 M 52
Walter Johnson 13 M 62
Anna Lea Johnson 11 F 63
Byron Knight 13 M 81
George Love 15 M 47
Thurman McCaskill 16 M 32
Drewry McCaskill 15 M 58
Jesse McCaskill 19 F 64
Beatrice Murdock ? F 69
Ethel Murdock 15 M 66
Maud Murdock 16 F 61
Revis(?) McGregor 12 F 19
Mack McGregor 15 M 25
Mary McGregor 17 F 12
Nual(?) McKee 16 M 47
Claud McKee 14 M 63
Hansford Nallins(?) 15 M 8
Carl Swindell 14 M 72
Naomi Swindell 11 F 65
Elva White 16 F 14
Homer White 15 M 19
Roxie Willingham 15 F 28
Marie Willingham 14 F 28

Teacher - Mason Hart, of Antioch
Year Beginning -  and Ending May 20, 1921
White school, Numbers of days school was taught -160, Number of visits by County Superintendent - 1,
Grade and kind of certificate held by teacher - 1st, Salary of teacher per month - $100.00,
Number of 8th grade applicants for diplomas - 8

Name Age Sex Days Attended
Orvil Adams 17 M 100
Howard Barber 18 M 80
Fern Barber 11 M 75
Leatrice Barber 11 F 89
Alfred Barber 8 M 78
Arthur Burch 14 M 15
Roy Burch 11 M 138
Bessie Burch 8 F 120
Irene Berger 8 F 85
Velma Berger 6 F 49
Carl Birdwell 10 M 69
Marena Christopher 14 F 40
Pink Christopher 7 F 83
Nina Christopher 9 F 85
Bulah Curtis 15 F 3
Dicie Curtis 17 F 3
Lela Curtis 9 F 57
Bulah Collins 6 F 36
Irene Croy 9 F 90
Lillian  Croy 7 F 90
Boyd Dean 15 M 127
Carrie Dean 14 F 120
Agnes Dean 11 F 145
George Dean 11 M 155
Alton Dean 7 M 102
Horace Dean 10 M 130
Watson Dean 9 M 130
Ralph Dean 6 M 133
Minnie Edwards 12 F 75
Lonnie(?) Edwards 14 F 25
Ed Edwards 9 M 99
William Edwards - M 102
Nola Grisham 16 F 120
Bertha Guthrie 12 F 140
Cecil Hays 13 M 60
Waymen Hays 12 M 106
S.J. Hays 7 M 41
Clarence Hays 11 M 69
Dicie Hays 9 F 76
Edna Hays 9 F 133
Sarah Johnson 7 F 109
Opal Klepper 8 F 76
Curry Klepper 10 M 79
Byron Knight 13 M 150
Raymond Knight 11 M 155
Floyd Lindsay 9 M 46
George Love 16 M 120
S.N. Love 11 M 135
Clifford Love 10 M 69
J.R. Love 8 M 152
Juanita Love 9 F 129
Claud McKee 15 M 140
Bulah May McKee 13 F 143
Drewie McCaskill 16 M 80
Jessie McCaskill 14 F 90
Herbert McCaskill 8 M 108
Troy McCaskill 10 M 108
Spurgeon McCaskill 12 M 109
Ninaleen McCaskill 6 F 93
Tom McGregor 11 M 83
Willis McGregor 6 M 53
Norman McGregor 11 M 65
Mack McGregor 15 M 70
Elsie McGregor 7 F 86
Auis McGregor 13 F 75
Lillian McGregor 12 F 40
Virgie Morgan 13 F 140
Edna Morgan 7 F 85
Ethel Murdock 16 F 125
Beatrice Murdock 14 F 140
Warren Park 12 M 40
Clara Park 6 F 4
Sylvia Shores 12 F 125
Alice Shores 15 F 127
Aileen Shores 15 F 52
Hulda Sellers 13 F 80
Carl Self 14 M 110
Mamie Self 12 F 157
Willie Taylor 6 M 68
John Taylor 9 M 72
Georgie Taylor 8 F 83
Homer White 15 M 47
Haskell White 13 M 60
Herschell White 11 M 120
Edgar White 7 M 113
Marie Willingham 14 F 10
Velma Willingham 10 F 152

Teacher - Mrs. Jewell Klingesmith, of Paoli
Year Beginning  Nov 10, 1924 and Ending April 17, 1925
White school, Numbers of days school was taught -112, Number of visits by County Superintendent - 3,
Grade and kind of certificate held by teacher - 3rd, Salary of teacher per month - $85.00,
Number of acres in school grounds - 2, Kind of school building - frame, condition of school - poor, Estimated value of building and ground $1800.00,  Number of books in library - 20

Name Age Sex Days Attended
James Adams 6 M 50
Clyde Burger 7 M 132
Edlow Bishop 8 M 77
Frank Burch 9 M 129
James Cowan 10 M 42
Garrett Dobbins 13 M 74
Jesse Dobbins 10 M 74
Coleman Edwards 7 M 28
Freeman Faulkinberry 13 M 3
Joe Hays 6 M 62
Ralph Johns 11 M 26
Paul Knight 7 M 152
Cecil Lawrence 7 M 112
Oscar Loyd 11 M 32
J.R. Love 11 M 64
Jack Love 8 M 62
Girnie Miller 9 M 45
Edward Pelfrey 11 M 68
Foster Swindell 8 M 125
Ralph Willingham 9 M 111
Betty Mae Bishop 6 F 49
Daffine Bishop 10 F 80
Inez Burlson 6 F 63
Beulah Colline 10 F 91
Vada Dean 8 F 116
Viva Dean 7 F 75
Ruth Edwards 9 F 59
Willie Lee Knight 8 F 152
Bonnie Love 6 F 1
Nona Bell Love 6 F 62
Odessie Miller 11 F 42
Winifred McGregor 10 F 33
Beatrice Howlin 6 F 1
Hazel Nix 11 F 12
Pauline Pelfrey 9 F 36
Ruth Pelfrey 7 F 78
Iris Richards 6 F 48
Nadine StClair 6 F 28
Hazel White 8 F 76

Teacher - Pearl Knight, of Antioch
Year Beginning July 14, 1924 and Ending April 17, 1925
White school, Numbers of days school was taught -152, Number of visits by County Superintendent - 3,
Grade and kind of certificate held by teacher - Life, Salary of teacher per month - $135.00,
Number of 8th grade applicants for diplomas - 8,  Number of acres in school grounds - 2, Kind of school building - frame, Condition of school building - poor, Estimated value of building and ground - $1800.00, Number of books in library - 20

Name Age Sex Days Attended
Roy Burch 15 M 96
Horace Dean 13 M 84
George Dean 12 M 97
Altom Dean 11 M 76
Edd Edwards 13 M 35
William Edwards 11 M 40
Elmer Guthrie 14 M 91
Lewis Guthrie 11 M 101
Clarence Hays 15 M 48
S.J. Hays 11 M 68
Clifford Love 14 M 95
S.N. Love 15 M 37
Troy McCaskill 14 M 84
Spurgeon McCaskill 16 M 84
Herbert McCaskill 12 M 86
Harry McCaskill 16 M 87
Virgil McCaskill 14 M 16
Hubert Pelfrey 13 M 69
Harry Pelfrey 12 M 16
Warren Park 14 M 107
Vernon Pryor 10 M 32
Edgar White 10 M 81
Herschell White 13 M 59
Pallie Bishop 13 F 72
Mamie Burks 16 F 113
Irene Burger 11 F 144
Velma Burger 9 F 143
Bessie Burch 12 F 118
Minnie  Edwards 16 F 52
Flossie Faulkenberry 15 F 30
Elsie Guthrie 8 F 102
Ruth John 14 F 32
Lorene John 12 F 15
Ruth Kennedy 15 F 107
Ione Lawrence 12 F 134
Clarence Lawrence 10 F 135
Jaunita Love 15 F 65
Edna Morgan 12 F 17
Ninaleen McCaskill 10 F 88
Goldie Nix 14 F 11
Clara Park 9 F 126
Gladys Richards 14 F 66
Cleo Swindell 14 F 109
Velma Willingham 15 F 81

Antioch School District 15
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This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission.

   Antioch Cemetery Pictures & Antioch School Pictures        Antioch Cemetery Pictures Page 2       
See Antioch school roster                          Antioch Info                      Early Antioch Town picture

Submitted by Laquetha Young

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This is the Antioch Schoolhouse, built in 1929, as it looked in 1942

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This picture shows the schoolhouse as it looked in 2000

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Antioch 1930-1931 Class
Teachers are: Minnie Jane Guthrie & Cecil Barker

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No info on this picture

Antioch School
District 15
School Year 1932 - 1933

This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission.

County Superintendent of Schools Year Book

School – Antioch    Garvin County District No. 15            

General Levy Fund 13.8 Mills
Bldg. Fund ___ Mills
Sinking Fund Levy 5.0 Mills
Total Levy 18.80 Mills

School Census
White 60 Male, 43 Female, 103 Total
Colored 0 Male, 0 Female, 0 Total
Aggregate 0 Male, 0 Female, 0 Total
Indians 0 Male, 0 Female, 0 Total
No. 8th Grade Graduates – 2
No. 12th Grade Graduates – blank
Model School  1275  Points
Accredited School – Yes

Revenue From Sources Other Than Taxes
County Apportionment - blank
State Appointment – blank
State Aid - 221.00
Federal Aid - 16.15
Transfer Fees – blank
Other Revenue – blank

Valuation of Assessed Property
Personal Property - 5675
Real Estate - 66080
Public Service - 252
Total Valuation - 72007 (listed as all in dollars column but s/b 720.07?)

General Fund Appropriation – blank
Sinking Fund Appropriation – blank
School Expense this fiscal year – blank
Deficit at close of year – blank
Surplus at close of year – blank

School Officers
Name                                               Post Office                  Term Expires              Appointed Date
Director –
Orval Adams                Antioch                      March 1935             blank
Clerk –
Lester Cagle                     Antioch                      March 1934             blank
Member –
R. E. Ellis                     Anticoh                      March 1933             blank

Name                              Address              Yrs taught Monthly Salary Certificate College/University Attended
R. C. Barker                  Elmore City                   6           $100.00            Life                             E.C.
Mrs. R. C. Barker        Elmore City                    3              75.00              Life                              E.C.

Length of Term          Summer Term – 2 months                       Winter Term – 6 months
Opening School         Summer Term – July 11, 1932               Winter Term – November 7, 1932
Closing School           Summer Term – September 2, 1932      Winter Term – April 21, 1933

Estimate Approved for school year
Gen Control    $10
Teachers Salary    1082.40
Inst. Supplies    10
School Library    25
Janitors Supplies    15
Light Fuel Water   50
Maint of Building    25
Int. on Warrants   75
Total    $1292.40

Name of pupil transferred to district From Dist No Cost of transfers
Stanley McWhirter                C2                     $60.42
Mozell Todd                           C2                       60.42
Lois Todd                               C2                       60.42
Louis Guthrie                         C2                      60.42
Elsie Guthrie                           C2                      60.42
Willis Lee Knight                    C2                      60.42

Acres in site – 2              Estimated Value of Bldg $4000.00
Date Erected – blank, First Cost - $3750.00 Value of Equipment - $600.00,  Insurance - 4500.00

                                    Total enrolled to date Total Days attended Av Daily Attendance     Days Taught 
Total Boy, Grades              53                             5266                            29          
Total Girl, Grades               48                              3406                            16                             160
Total Boys, High School  
Total Girls, High School   


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People labeled are:
Back row, left to right: Coleman 'Porky' Edwards, Deota Alexander
Third row, left to right: Elsie Guthrie McKinney, Bonnie McCaskill, Cleta McCaskill, Pete Evans
Second row, left to right: None
Front row, left to right: Billey Alexander, Billey Dean

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