Hughes Consolidated School District 1
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This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission.

 See 1932/1933 Hughes school roster  
submitted by Donald Pearce

This is a picture from the old Hughes Consolidated School which was my class picture in 1941.
This was taken in front of the school, Mr. Garrison was the superintendent and my teacher was Mrs. Lacy. 
The only students I am able to identify is as follows.   

     Top Row, fourth from right        A younger sister of Mary Jane Turner

     Middle Row, Fourth From left -  Carson Hollis

     Front Row, First on right           Everett Hollis

     Front Row, Third from right       Me ( Donald Pearce)

     Front Row, Fourth from right     Rose Lumpkin

     Front Row, Sixth from Right      Patricia ? (don't know last name)


The boy at the left end of the middle row is Bobby Gene Mullins, my nephew. submittedd by Paul Cunningham

Hughs School
District Con 1

School Year 1932 - 1933

This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission.

County Superintendent of Schools Year Book

School – Hughs    Garvin County District No. Con 1             School Year 1932 - 1933

General Levy Fund 14.38 Mills
Bldg. Fund ___ Mills
Sinking Fund Levy 7.8 Mills
Total Levy 22.18 Mills

School Census
White 231 Male, 205 Female, 436 Total
Colored 0 Male, 0 Female, 0 Total
Aggregate 0 Male, 0 Female, 0 Total
Indians 0 Male, 0 Female, 0 Total
No. 8th Grade Graduates – 15
No. 12th Grade Graduates – 9
Model School – 1670 Points
Accredited School – Yes

Revenue From Sources Other Than Taxes
County Apportionment - blank
State Appointment – blank
State Aid - 1503.00
Federal Aid - 314.75
Transfer Fees – blank
Other Revenue – blank

Valuation of Assessed Property
Personal Property - 27055
Real Estate - 392062
Public Service - 179955
Total Valuation - 599072 (these are all written in the columns indicating dollars, but is probably $5990.72?)

General Fund Appropriation – blank
Sinking Fund Appropriation – blank
School Expense this fiscal year – blank
Deficit at close of year – blank
Surplus at close of year – blank

School Officers
Name                                           Post Office         Term Expires Appointed Date
Director –
N. A. Miller               Lindsay, Rt.2      March 1935          7-14-32
Clerk –
F.(T?) S. Castleman     Lindsay, Rt.2      March 1934         blank
Member –
L.P. Duncan           Lindsay, Rt.2     March 1933         5-7-32

Name                         Address          Yrs taught Monthly Salary Certificate College/University Attended
Guy M. Wood           Lindsay, Rt. 2       31        $170.00           B.S. Degree                E.C.
Sam Davis                 Lindsay, Rt. 2        6          $100.00            B.S. Degree                 E.C.
Doris Stevens           Lindsay, Rt. 2         2            $90.00            B.A. Degree                 C.S.T(F?).C.
Raymond A. Ward   Lindsay, Rt. 2         1            $85.00            Life                              A. & M.
Lloyd Garner            Lindsay, Rt. 2       blank       $85.00            Life                              N.W.S. T(F?).C.
Mattie Belle Cudd   Lindsay, Rt. 2         1            $85.00            Life                              C.S.T(F?).C.
Mrs. Sam Davis       Lindsay, Rt. 2          6            $85.00            Life                              E.C.
Mrs. Jennie Wood   Lindsay, Rt. 2       16            $90.00            Life                              E.C.

Length of Term - Summer Term – One Months                    Winter Term – 7 Months
Opening School- Summer Term – August 22, 1932             Winter Term – October 10, 1932
Closing School - Summer Term – September 9, 1932          Winter Term – April 28, 1933

Estimate Approved for school year
General Control    $25
Teacher’s Salaries 4550.50
Inst. Supplies    75
School Library    75
Janitor's Salary    280
Janitor’s Supplies 25
Light fuel water     400
Maint of Building    155
Transportation    4000
Insurance        238
Int on Warrants    400
Fire Escapes    75
Jan. Supply House    25
Furniture fix    42.50
Total  $10366.14

Name of pupil transferred to district From Dist No Cost of transfers
Woodrow Burgess                    19                                      6.25
Lorene Burgess                        19                                       blank
Magnolia Jenkins                      61                                       25.00
Ernest Holdsclaw                   61                                      37.50
Fred Holdsclaw                         61                                       50.00
Ernest Thornton                       61                                       50.00

Acres in site – 5              Estimated Value of Bldg $25000.00
Date Erected – blank, First Cost - blank, Value of Equipment - blank  Insurance - blank

                                    Total enrolled to date Total Days attended Av Daily Attendance     Days Taught 
Total Boy, Grades         167                               17222                        107                    
Total Girl, Grades         142                                13988                        87
Total Boys, High School 37                                 4298                          26
Total Girls, High School 40                                   4952                         30                             160


Hughes Consolidated School District 1
1956 Return to school pictures index

This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission.

Hughes School Seniors of 1956
Submitted by: Sherry Winter

Here is a picture of the Hughes Senior class from 1956. Wendell White was my dad.
Sherry Winter

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