Katie School
District 46

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See Katie Cemetery     See Cemetery Pics 1    See Cemetery Pics 2


Katie School
District 46

School Year 1932 - 1933

This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission.

County Superintendent of Schools Year Book

School – Katie    Garvin County District No. 46          School Year 1932 - 1933

General Levy Fund 14.28 Mills
Bldg. Fund ___ Mills
Sinking Fund Levy 2.3 Mills
Total Levy 16.58 Mills

School Census
White 88 Male, 80 Female, 168 Total
Colored 15 Male, 18 Female, 33 Total
Aggregate 103 Male, 98 Female, 201 Total
Indians 0 Male, 0 Female, 0 Total
No. 8th Grade Graduates – 4
No. 12th Grade Graduates – blank
Model School  1460  Points
Accredited School – Yes

Revenue From Sources Other Than Taxes
County Apportionment - blank
State Appointment – blank
State Aid - 20.00
Federal Aid - blank
Transfer Fees – blank
Other Revenue – blank

Valuation of Assessed Property
Personal Property - 6825
Real Estate - 104696
Public Service - 86846
Total Valuation - 198367 (listed as all in dollars column but s/b 1983.67?)

General Fund Appropriation – blank
Sinking Fund Appropriation – blank
School Expense this fiscal year – blank
Deficit at close of year – blank
Surplus at close of year – blank

School Officers
Name                                               Post Office                  Term Expires              Appointed Date
Director –
T. D. Moss             Elmore City, Rt. 2         March 1935              blank
Clerk –
P. T. Garvin                      Elmore City, Rt. 2         March 1934              blank
Member –
A. J.(F?) Burch          Elmore City, Rt. 2         March 1933              blank

Name                              Address              Yrs taught Monthly Salary Certificate College/University Attended
C. M. Thomas              Elmore City                   15           $130.00               Life                       E.C.
Merle Holland             Elmore City                      4                75.00                 Life                       E.C.
Rosa Moore                 Elmore City                      9                75.00                 Life                        E.C.
Cleo Stewart                 Elmore City                      2                75.00                 Life                        E.C.
Evelyn Yeary                Elmore City                      7                75.00                 Life                        blank

Length of Term          Summer Term – 2 months                                  Winter Term – 6  months
Opening School         Summer Term – July 18, 1932                          Winter Term – October 31, 1932
Closing School           Summer Term – September 9, 1932                 Winter Term – April 14, 1933

Estimate Approved for school year
Gen Control    $10.00
Teachers Salary   2714
Inst. Supplies    25
School Library    35
Janitors Salary    60
Janitors Supplies    15
Light Fuel Water   30
Maint of Building    30
Repair of Appa    25
Insurance   50
Int. on Warrants   100
Total    $3094.12

Name of pupil transferred to district From Dist No Cost of transfers

Acres in site – 4                  Estimated Value of Bldg $5500.00
Date Erected – blank, First Cost - $4500.00 Value of Equipment - $300.00,  Insurance - $4250.00

                                    Total enrolled to date Total Days attended Av Daily Attendance     Days Taught 
Total Boy, Grades                52                           6091                         38 
Total Girl, Grades                52                           6707                          41                                                           
Total Boys, High School      9                              1420                             8   
Total Girls, High School      5                                 768                             4                             160     

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Katie School and the two signs on the building, as it stands today, June 3,  2000.

Return to Towns

This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission.

See Katie Cemetery     See Cemetery Pics 1    See Cemetery Pics 2
If you take the back way between Pauls Valley and Elmore, just go on across Highway 29 and on south.  This road will go straight into Katie about 5 or 6 miles down.  The cemetery is right behind the old school house.  You can't miss it.  If coming from Elmore City, where Highway 29 curves back to the left, take the side road that goes on straight.  You will come to a 4 way stop.  Turn right/south here and it goes straight into Katie.  Also coming from Wynnewood, on Highway 29, turn back left/south when you are about 3 miles from Elmore City.  Fairoaks Pentecostal Church is on the north side of Highway 29 and an old store and a pink house is on the south side, just where you would turn.  Follow the road all the way into Katie, 5 or 6 miles. Or you can get there from Highway 74 by turning east at the Satterwhite school and following this road on around.  It get back in some places and has an old bridge that doesn't look too safe, but if you stay with the main road it runs right into Katie.

According to James R. Millwee's information, Katie was named after a little girl named Catherine (Kate) Millwee.  She was born June 27, 1890 in central Texas to John Harvey and Mary Alice (Hargove) Millwee.  Her mother died about three weeks after she gave birth to Kate.  She and her older brother were taken to live with their Hargrove grandparents for a period of years until her father remarried years later.  The Hargroves petitioned the government to have the town named after their family member of that name.   He went on to say that this had been verified by an article in the Pauls Valley Democrat, dated April 26, 1987.  There was a picture of the young Catherine Millwee Beard with the article.  Submitted by Karla Millwee Bowen

  Katie currently exists at a crossroads where the old school building is located.  The volunteer fire department is just down the road to the north and the two churches are down the road to the east.  If you go straight south from the Katie crossroads about 5 miles,  you will come to Hennepin and Highway 7.  If you go east I was told, the road would fork and come out at the meridian, and near I-35.  The cemetery is just behind the school.  Below are a few pictures:

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This is the old Katie School House which is currently used as a community center of sorts and also houses a museum of sorts
about Katie.  In the front window are many many trophies.  The above plaque is set in the wall near the entry way.

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The above sign is also on the Katie School House, near the front door and the red and white metal building houses the
Katie Volunteer Fire Department.

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This is a view of the cemetery which is behind the Katie School House, with a gazebo of sorts in the forefront.  Also a picture
of the Katie School House from a distance with one of the churchs also in the view.

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These are pictures of Katie's church houses.  The one to the left is the Katie Victory Baptist Church and to the right is the
Katie Missionary Baptist Church