Cotton County OKGenWeb

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Brown Cemetery

Also known as Brown Church
Northwest of Temple
GPS ~ 341744N 0981846W

Brown Church Cemetery

Alternate name see Brown.

Devol Cemetery

Off Hwy 44 on Hwy 70 at the border line of Cotton & Tillman counties.
GPS ~ 341213N 0983636W

Elm Grove Cemetery

Also known as New Salem & Scott
NW of Walters
GPS ~ 342418N 0982238W

Fairview Cemetery

Also known as Randlett.
One mile east of Randlett on Hwy 70.
GPS ~ 341023N 0982601W

Hooper Cemetery

Alternate name see Lone Star.

IOOF Cemetery

Lone Star Cemetery

From Temple, take SH 5 south for approx. 1 mile, as road curves continute for 2.5 miles east,
turn south onto Lonestar Road and continue 3.5 miles
GPS ~ 341050N 0981027W

New Salem Cemetery

Alternate name see Elm Grove.

Randlett Cemetery

Alternate name see Fairview.

Scott Cemetery

Alternate name see Elm Grove.

Shakelford Cemetery

Northeast of Walters
5 miles east, 3 miles north, then 1 mile west of Walters
GPS ~ 342518N 0981435W

Temple Cemetery

Also known as Temple Masonic.
Take School Road (by High School), south of town on top of hill.
GPS ~ 341514N 0981410W

Temple Masonic Cemetery

Alternate name see Temple.

Walters Cemetery

on Hwy 5 about 2 miles west of Walters
on north side of highway
GPS ~ 342200N 0981946W

Wilkerson Cemetery

5 miles south of Randlett
GPS ~ 340657N 0983023W


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