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Obituaries and Death Notices Index

Obituaries in the Archives
National Obituary Archives
Obits at OK Cemeteries Net

Funeral Homes
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FANNING, Wanda "Tiny" Olean Nuttall
  (Sep 18, 1934 - Aug 21, 2013)

Fansler, Infant
Farris, Grace (Meeks)
Fehrer, Bill
Fessler, Glen Marvin
Fiel, Andrew
Finney, Ruth Anna
FISHER, Mildred Gertrude (Apr 14, 1906 - Apr 19, 2013
Flaherty, Lucille Luvice (Flock)

FLOCK, Darwin Patrick (Feb 5, 1971 - Apr 10, 2012)
FLOYD, Donna Gayle (Jan 13, 1937 - Dec 22, 2012)
FORBES, Jackie Doyle (Jun 13, 1949 - Dec 6, 2013)
FORD, Timy Annette "Ann" (Dycus)
Forester, Nadine (Killion)
Forrest, Margaret I. (Bonifield)
Freeman, Franklin Lee
Fritz, Hattie Leory
Fritz, Mattie Ellen
Froage, America A.
Froage, Harry C.
FULTON, Crystal Theola (May 29, 1957 - Mar17, 2013)
GANN, Patricia Corine (Aug 12, 1943 - Oct 17, 2013)
Garringer, Anning Monroe
Garver, B. C. (Rev.)
Gex, John Anthony III
Gibbs, Margaret E. (Shannon)
GILLISPIE, Virgin Ray (Nov 14, 1949 - Dec 12, 2012)
Gilson, Austa Inez (Parker)
GIRTON, Gary Dean (Dec 23, 1949 - Mar 27, 2014
Girton, Leon Walter
Girton, Nellie
Girton, Walter Leon
Glenn, Gary Douglas Sr.
Goff, Hazel G. (McConaughy)
Goodson, William H.
Gott, Clarence John
Gott, Donald Joseph
GRAHAM, Barbara Jean (Dec 8, 1936 - Jan 28, 2013)
GRANTHAM, Sylva Margie (May 7, 1917 - Aug 17, 2013)
Grantham, William Edgar
Guy Franklin Lee
Habekott, Joshua
Halbert, Charles Vernon
Hall, George William
HAMAKER, Rae Dean (Jan 1, 1937 - Jan 31, 2013)
Hamilton, Ralph Harold
Hammons, Eva S. (Johnson)
Hanan, Elsie Mae (Pierce)
HANAN, Maebelle Priscilla (Rider)     (Mar 26, 1923 - Jul 27, 2014)
Hanan, Mamie L. (Clark)
Hanlon, Dorothy Faye (Sober)
Hanlon, James Michael
Harl, Lillie A.
Harmon, Garnet M. (Henderson)
HARREL, Loren Dean (Oct 27, 1932 - Jan 18, 2013)
Harris, W. H.
HARVELL, Martha Ellen
Helmke, Anna K. (Weisshoar)
Helton, Robert
Hennigh, Lela (Korn)
Henson, Martha Marian
HERRON, Juanita Lee (Oct 7, 1926 -Sep 12, 2014)
HICKS, Rodney Warren (Oct 31,1945 -Nov 16, 2014)
Hill, Emma D. (Allison)
Hill, Millicent
HILLS, Infant Son of Ivan Hills
Hiner, Herbert Junior
Hixson, Samuel Monroe
HIXSON, Sammy J. (Aug 8, 1937 - Nov 24, 2014)
Holloway, Aldyth Winnie (Stewart)
Holloway, Helen C. (Wright)
Holt, Jack Lee
Hoots, Berttie (Nix)
Howard, Alfred Thomas
Huff, Thomas Edison
HUGHES, George
HULL, Jewell Irene (Jul 27, 1925 - Nov 24, 2013)
Hummer, Mary V.
Hurst, Arthur H.
Hurst, Daniel Schaffer
Inselman, John Quinlin (Oct 14, 1935-May 2, 2014) Ives, Raymond Eugene
JACKSON, Leroy Monroe (Jan 3, 1937 - Jun 21, 2014)
Jacoby, Kenneth Wesley
Jenkins, W. Matt
Jennings, Raymond Lewis
Johns, Valjean
JONES, Leah Winifred (Jul 13, 1917 - Jan 31, 2013)

This page was last updated on 12/01/14

Ellis Co

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