Ellis County


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Obituaries and Death Notices Index

Obituaries in the Archives
National Obituary Archives
Obits at OK Cemeteries Net

Funeral Homes
Some have Obit Searches

If you have some that you wish to submit, Please feel free to contact the County Coordinator.

A - E     F - J      K - O       P - T       U V W X Y Z
UNDERWOOD, Eunice Dorthy (Richardson) (Apr 1, 1924 - Sep 16, 2012)
Underwood, Joel Burch
Upchurch, Deborah (Massey)
Uplander, Lillie (Baker)
VanHoff, Paul Vaughn, Clyde Kenneth James
Wagner, Kate L. (Ewing)
WAGNON, John "Bub" Vincent, Jr.
   (Aug 15, 1928 - Aug 16, 2013)

Walter, Henry C.
Walton, Harry
Walton, Ollie O. (Smith)
Ward, Sarah Louise (Ruddle)
Watson, Lois E. (Bozarth)
Webb, Robert J.
Weber, William Elbert
Weis, Nellie (Gray)
Welsch, Irma (Richards)
WEST, Kenneth David (Dec 24, 1930-Apr 2, 2014)
West, Roy Moore
WHITE, Lyda Marie (Jan 11, 1949-Jul 27, 2013)
White, Mary (Fritzler)
Wilcox, Teddy Lee
Wiley, Roy
Williams, Viola
Williamson, Martha
Wilson, Jackie Lee
Wilson, Lester E.
Wingo, Isaac J.
Wingo, Jasper
Winslow, Eva
Winters, E. A.
Winters, Viola (Klein)
Wohlgemuch, Mrs.
Woods, Eugene Harold
Woods, Grace (Sneary)
Woods, Nelson Lynn
WORD, Audine Ann (Aug 30, 1930-Jun 24, 2014)
Word, Claudine (Davis)
Word, Marshall Davis
Wynn, Dorothy Helen Todd
Yauck, Marie E. (Kraft)
Ybarra, Alfonso R.
Yelton, William Green
Zobisch, Lois (McCartor)  

This page was last updated on 06/30/14

Ellis Co

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