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Obituaries and Death Notices Index

Obituaries in the Archives
National Obituary Archives
Obits at OK Cemeteries Net

Funeral Homes
Some have Obit Searches

If you have some that you wish to submit, Please feel free to contact the County Coordinator.

A - E     F - J      K L M N O       P - T       U - Z
Kerbs, Adam
Kerbs, Leah (Meier)
Kibbe, Elymas
Kibbe, Walter Henry
Kilgore, James W.
Kincaid, Elizabeth Zosco
Klein, Reinhardt
Knowles, Cora E. (Lemely)
KNOWLES, Jeff Lee (Aug 1, 1963 - Mar 17, 2013)
Koch, John C.
Kolander, Douglas
Kolander, Stella M. (Butler)
Korn, Fay Christina
Kraft, Vernon Alexander
Ladd, Lloyd
Lamb, Mrs. A. W.
Larabee, Addie Ethel
LARKEY, Roy Dean (Oct 24, 1949 - Nov 15, 2014)
Latham, William
Latta, John H.
Latta, Reva Arlene (Atkinson)
Leedy, Keith Coolidge
Leedy, Lauretta Hallie (Drolte)
Lewis, Lessie Susan Elizabeth
Lewright, Wilma (Addington)
Lile, Addie C. (Dowell)
Lile, Henry Nelson
London, Nancy M. (McCracken)
London, William C.
Longhofer, Jonas
Lutz, Annie M. (Tierce)
MABRY, James Gerson (May 13, 1943-Agu4, 2013)
Malson, Karma Kay (Sipe)
Mann, Cleta Yvonne (Wells) (Dec 26, 1936- Jun 26, 2013)
Mann, Golda L. (Teeter)
Marshall, Leo Eli
Marshall, Lillie
Marston, LaVona (Bradley)
Martin, Clarence Edward
Massey, Ed Tilman
Matthews, Edwin Gurney
MAYFIELD, Kenneth Neil (Dec 4, 1941-Mar 25, 2014)
McCartor, Mable Blanche (Howe)
McCool, James C.
McCumber, William Franklin
McDaniel, Almina (Mrs.)
McDonald, Fay R.
McKEE, Bonnie Lee (Stout) (Oct 21, 1925 - Apr 16, 2012)
McKenna, Milton Edward
McNeely, Robert Charles
McNutt, Ada
McQuigg, Henry E. "Gene"
McQuigg, Okla Irene (Dearing)
McWilliams, Roxanna (Rucker)
Meeks, Lula M. (Thompson)
Meeks, MyrtleM.
Meier, Alex W.
Meier, Alvin E.
Meier, Anna (Kerbs)
Meier, Billy
Meier, Eva E. (Wassenmiller)
Meier, Henry
Meier, Herman
Meier, Jacob
Meier, John Fredrick
MEIER, Mary Louise (Mar 6, 1927 - Apr 29, 2012)
Meier, Mollie (Meier)
Meier, Ralph Adam Frederick
MEININGER, Ida Fae (Oct 1, 1954 - Jan 24, 2013)
Meller, Lavon
Mercer, Infant
Meyer, Eugene Henry
Meyer, Fred F.
Meyers, Ida Bell (Hechler)
Meyers, Urias A.
MILLER, Mildred Beatrice (Sep 20,1926 - Mar 21, 2013)
MILLER, Max (Sep 16, 1929 - Sep 27, 2013)
Miner, Winfield Scott
Mingus, Louise F. (Theisen)
Mitchell, "Cap"
Mitchell, Walter Clyde
MOLLOY, Spotwood
Moore, Alvin Leroy
Moore, Joe
Moorehead, Doyle
Morris, Eva (McCormick)
Morris, Leah (Meiers)
Morton, Anna D. (Sturgeon)
Moser, Darrel
Moyer, Mary C. (Kinkead)
Myers, Henry "Hank"
Nash, Marcus
New, Dorothy E. (Dymond)
Nine, Floyd Henry
Nine, Rhea Naoma (Mayberry)
Nuttall, John Franklin
Olsen, Rachel (Hall) Orr, Richard Monroe

This page was last updated on 11/18/14

Ellis Co

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