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Obituaries and Death Notices Index

Obituaries in the Archives
National Obituary Archives
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Funeral Homes
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A - E     F - J      K - O       P Q R S T       U - Z
PACKARD, Sidney Oliver
Parker, Gladys (Akers)
Parker, Joel Dobbs
Parker, Sarah J. (Keller)
Patterson, C. A.
Patterson, Della (Demo)
Patterson, Naomi Irene (Wysong)
Pearce, Jesse Carson
Pittman, Donnie Ray
Poindexter, Etta Gladys
Polin, Benjamin Leroy
Polin, Elva May (Marsh)
Polin, John Kenneth
Polin, Leroy Samuel
Polin, Marvin Jesse
POWERS, AnnaMarie (Singer) (Aug 7, 1960 - Mar 24, 2012)
Pratt, Barbara Francis (Henry)
Pratt, Edgar Arnold
Pratt, Esta V. (Barker)
PRICE, Jerrid Lusky (Feb 2, 1974-Apor 24,2014)
Priest, Hannah Valinda (Taylor)
Prince, Eliza (Richard)
Pryor, James H.
Rader, George W.
Rampy, Don Freeman
Rampy, Christopher Don
RATZLOFF, Virgil Walter (Feb 16, 1930 - Nov 13, 2013)
REA, Gloria Joy (Nov 26, 1952 - May 6, 2012)
Reed, Anna (Dittmeyer)
Reisig, Lillian (Weibert)
Richard, Rolla Roy
Richardson, Turner
Riley, Barbara Louise (Rippstein)
Robison, Donald Ray
ROGERS, Hazel Dawn (Meier) (Oct 1, 1925 - Jun 28, 2013)
Roll, Hannah
Runion, Son
Ryan, Normalee (Bennett)
Satterwhite, Charles Lowell
Satterwhite, Madeline Grant (Gamble)
Schaub, Clara A. (Hill)
SCHNEIDER, Lucille W. (Jul 26, 1913-Feb 21, 2014)
Schoenhals, Allen
Schoenhals, Arthur
SCHROEDER, Janet Yvonne (Jan 18, 1938 - Aug 7, 2014)
Schultz, Neva Lucille (Ryel)
Schultz, Willard
Schwab, Delbert G.
Shafer, Beulah H. (Perkins)
Shaw, Hazel D. (Lucas)
Shaw, Liddie
Shepherd, Orville Malone
Shepherd, Paul Morrison
Shields, Campbell
Shreve, Claude
Sibley, Henry W.
Slavin, James Ted
Smith, George Horace E.
Smith, Harold Wayne
Smith, Ida M. (Webb)
Smith, Job Hill
Smith, Raymond Edward
Smith, Robert Kenneth
Smith, Robert Kenneth Jr.
Smith, Tom
Snyder, John Sr.
Spomer, Conrad
SPRAGUE, Linda Jean (Jun 27, 1952 - Nov 11, 2013)
Squire, Charles Arthur
Squire, Victor
Staker, Charles Henry
STEINERT, Dorothy C. (Hohweiler) (Jul 18, 1921 - Mar 9, 2014)
Stephens, Ella J.
Stephens, Mary
Stepp, Lila M. (Mefford)
STEWART, Lucille Eva (Mar 20, 1918 - Apr 14, 2012)
STORY, Bertha Ruth (Bailey) (Dec 25, 1936 - Jul 4, 2012)
Stout, Carl Arley
Stout, Joan
Stripe, Margaret May (Raurk)
Stuckey, Everett Fred Jr.
Sweeden, Depha R. (Cox)
Swenn, Rosie (Schibbelhute)
Taylor, Lawrence L.
TEFERTILLER, Vera Neweata (Sep 22, 1917 - Apr 15, 2013)
Terpening, C. E.
TERRY, Clyde Wayne (Mar 22, 1940 - Feb 6, 2013)
Thomas, Harvey R.
Thomas, Mr.
Thompson, Matilda May (Garvin)
Thompson, Waldemer Earnest
Thompson, Waldemar Lee
Thompson, Waldemer Lee
Tolley, Frank
Travis, Jay C.
Treat, Hazel B. (Shepherd)
TURNER, Victor Gordon (Aug 24, 1931-Jun7,2013)

This page was last updated on 08/11/14

Ellis Co

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