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1930 Garvin County Census
Return to Alphabetical Index Listing

Lindsay Township "T" Surname Index

Taylor, Argis			Page 96A
Taylor, Bettie			Page 97B
Taylor, Birdie			Page 96A
Taylor, Dave			Page 96A
Taylor, Dorothy			Page 95B
Taylor, Elbert			Page 97B
Taylor, Ella			Page 95B
Taylor, Fannie			Page 97B
Taylor, Grady			Page 97B
Taylor, Harence?		Page 95B
Taylor, Hilda L.		Page 99B
Taylor, Littleberry		Page 97B
Taylor, Tommy			Page 96A
Taylor, Wilburn			Page 95B
Tedwell, Justima		Page 82A
Tedwell, Malsa			Page 82A
Tedwell, Vance			Page 82A
Terry, A? R.			Page 68B
Terry, Ethel			Page 68B
Terry, Fannie? Mae		Page 68B
Terry, Marie?			Page 68B
Tharp, Bryant			Page 74A
Tharp, Cora			Page 74A
Tharp, Cynthia			Page 74A
Tharp, Jesse F.			Page 74A
Tharp, Laveta			Page 74A
Tharp, Lee			Page 74A
Tharp, Maxine			Page 74A
Tharp, Nova			Page 74A
Tharp, Williams			Page 74A
Thomas, Charlie			Page 62B
Thomas, Charlie Jr.		Page 62B
Thomas, Ethel			Page 62B
Thomason, Andrew		Page 67A
Thomason, Blanch		Page 67A
Thomason, Floyd  ?		Page 67A
Thomason, John H.		Page 85A
Thomason, Minnie		Page 85A
Thomason, Ralph			Page 85A
Thomason, Ruby S.		Page 67A
Thomason, Viola			Page 85A
Thompson, ??			Page 63A
Thompson, ????? W.		Page 64B
Thompson, Ada			Page 64B
Thompson, Annie			Page 74B
Thompson, Billie Ray		Page 63A
Thompson, E. H.			Page 63A
Thompson, Harfin		Page 63A
Thompson, John 			Page 74B
Thompson, Joy Wendly?		Page 63A
Thompson, Lea			Page 68B
Thompson, Leo?			Page 68B
Thornton, Lula M.		Page 76A
Tomas, Clarence			Page 50A
Tomas, Fannie			Page 50A
Tomas, Frantie			Page 43A
Tomas, Harrel			Page 50A
Tomas, James			Page 43A
Tomas, Olita			Page 43A
Tomas, Orvel L.			Page 43A
Tomas, Richard			Page 50A
Tomas, Viola			Page 50A
Tomas, Virgiana			Page 50A
Tomas, William			Page 50A
Tompson, Jullian		Page 89B
Tompson, Zorada			Page 89B
Trammel, Dona			Page 51B
Trammel, M. L.			Page 51B
Trammell, A. L.			Page 45B
Trammell, Anne			Page 90A
Trammell, James			Page 90A
Trammell, John A.		Page 90A
Trammell, Mable			Page 45B
Trammell, Norene		Page 90A
Trammell, Vernon		Page 90A
Trott, Gene E.			Page 55B
Trott, Hugh A.			Page 55B
Trott, Pearle			Page 55B
Trout, ?lay E.			Page 63B
Trout, Clarence			Page 62B
Trout, Claud?			Page 63B
Trout, Edith			Page 62B
Trout, Herbert			Page 62B
Trout, Idalia			Page 62B
Trout, J???			Page 67A
Trout, Laura?			Page 63B
Tucker, Emma			Page 52A
Tucker, J. W.			Page 52A
Tuell, Henry			Page 54A
Tuggle, Charlie A.		Page 55B
Tuggle, Clara May		Page 55A
Tuggle, George E.		Page 55B
Tuggle, James			Page 55A
Tuggle, Richard			Page 55B
Tuggle, W. H.			Page 55A
Tugman, J. D.			Page 62B
Turner, Asa			Page 97A
Turner, Carra			Page 94A
Turner, Leona			Page 97A
Turner, Ova Lee			Page 94A
Turner, Samuel J.		Page 94A
Tye, Bill			Page 50B
Tye, Bobbie			Page 85A
Tye, Dean			Page 85A
Tye, Dovie			Page 85A
Tye, Frank			Page 85A
Tye, Georgia			Page 98A
Tye, Gladys			Page 98A
Tye, Henry			Page 98A
Tye, Janice?			Page 98A
Tye, John			Page 98A
Tye, John F.			Page 98A
Tye, Lillie			Page 98A
Tye, Lizzie			Page 50B
Tye, Tom J.			Page 85A