Thank you for visiting us! These pages are going to be under construction for some months
yet, so please ignore the dust and watch your step. This is a list of the items we are
going to present to help you with your search for ancestors who lived in Old Greer County
when it belonged to Texas and later to Oklahoma Territory. After 1907, when Oklahoma
became a state, Old Greer County was divided into smaller counties of JACKSON,
We hope this presentation will help you locate grandpa or Uncle John that has eluded you.
So, grab a fresh cup of coffee, it's on the table by the door, and come wander through our
rooms of information. As you can see, they aren't all furnished yet. The items in our list
of treasures will be put online during 1999, so please bare with us
Please visit often, to see what has come about since your last visit.
Doan's Crossing on Red River
Great Western
Cattle Trail
Stories of Cattlemen,
Cowboys and Ranches of Old Greer County
We have names, district numbers, date of organization, and how they
consolidated of the 166 schools in Greer County, Texas. Each of these have had an
enumeration sheet since 1898 and we have the students' names on microfilm. We also have
some 1890 records of the County Judge from Greer County, Texas, that shows Texas paying
the teachers' salary, recorded in Texas. Some of these links are newspaper articles
regarding the schools.
School News
It Really Happened!!
They Grew From The
Newspaper Articles on
Early Residents
Law and Disorder
Creta Mine
Altus Water Well
Articles From
the Plain Dealer Newspaper, 1898 Editions, Altus, O.T
Name Index,
Plain Dealer Newspaper, 1898 Editions, Altus, O.T.
Articles from the
Plain Dealer Newspaper, 1901 Editions, Altus, O.T.
Name Index,
Plain Dealer Newspaper, 1901 Editions, Altus, O.T.
Newspaper accounts of Births
Marriages to 1907
Newspaper Wedding
Announcements, 1901
Greer County Marriages,
1901-1930, Groom's List
Newspaper accounts of
Deaths to 1907
1901 Newspaper
1902 Newspaper
More Oklahoma Obits
Greer County Deaths, 1912-1918
We would like to build files of Family Bible Records. In a lot of instances, these are the
only records for births, deaths and marriages. These can be valuable help in researching
the families in the area. Perhaps, through your donation of your family bible records, you
may also find those lost branches of new cousins.
List of unclaimed mail at the P.O.
List of Early Post
Samples of Census in the Library
County Archives
County Archives
County Archives
County Archives
Land Records, Deeds, Patents, Court Records
Records Indexes
Partial 1898 Assessment Roll, Altus
Township, Greer County, O.T.
We have over 13,000 names in our card files. The family files in our library are full of
stories of our early pioneers.
Stories of the Dust Bowl Days
from those who lived them.
The cemeteries in Jackson County have been transcribed. The books are available for
limited lookups by WTGS volunteers. Eventually, we hope to have them online. We also have
card files on obituaries from newspapers that are not in the books. As Courthouse records
were being read, wills, probate records numbers, land records and marriages have been
noted for the people found in the books. If you have obituaries of people that had lived
in early Greer County, but moved on, please send copies to WTGS, to be added to our files.
Eldorado, OK
Old Greer County Museum, Mangum, OK
Western Prairie Museum,
Altus, OK
Sample of Books and
Microfilm Available
Western Trails
Newsletters Contents
Like to join us? If you are researching in Southwestern Oklahoma, our Newsletters may have
a clue for you. There is a query section from people looking for relatives. Maybe they are
looking for yours also. Just print out the Membership Form and send
it to us.
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Trails Genealogical Society Home Page
Copyright, WTGS, 1997-1998-1999
NOTICE: Western Trails Genealogy Society grants that this information and data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, for personal and genealogical research. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation without written permission of the officers of WTGS.