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Your Guide To Oklahoma County Oklahoma Genealogy
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Updated: 08 Jan 2025
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Updated: 20 Mar 2009

Daily Oklahoman, The
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
April 28, 1989, page 79

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Martha Knott in 1985

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Martha Knott in 1989

Martha Knott one of Oklahoma's best-known character actresses and comediennes. Her career spans an impressive five decades, beginning as a child star in her parents tent shows, a family act that traveled the Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas circuit presenting a series of plays in small towns everywhere. Known as the Standley Players they included Martha, her parents, Jack and Myrtle, a brother [Johnny Standley] and two sisters.(Marjorie)

Daily Oklahoman, The
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
July 15, 1997, page 47

Robert, James, passed away quietly at home on July 12, 1997. Robert is survived by his loving wife of 61 years, local actress Martha Knott, and a grateful family who will miss his laughter, his music, and his loving kindness. Robert "Bobby" Knott was a well-known musician and band leader in the Oklahoma City area. For 17 years he led the Bobby Knott Orchestra at the Petroleum Club. His 60 year musical career began at the age of three and, as a boy, he toured with the Post Junior Cowboy Band directed by his father. 

He met his future wife, Martha Standley, when he joined the Standley Players Tent Show as trumpet player and band leader. They traveled and entertained with the tent show before settling in Oklahoma City where he played with dance and jazz bands and raised his family. He also taught music and ballroom dancing, inspiring many young people, as well as his own children to make music and to entertain. Bobby's love of music was only surpassed by his love for his family. A memorial service will be held on Wednesday, July 16th, 2 pm at 1st Christian Church; Jewel Box Theater, 3700 N Walker. 

son James Standley Knott

Smith Turner, 201 E. Main, Yukon, OK 354-2533

Sources:  fair use as stated above

Contributed by Zoey Fryhover, July 2007. Information posted for educational purposes for viewers and researchers. The contributor is not related to nor researching any of the above.

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I'm am particularly interested journals or other records of movement into Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.
Site authored by Marti Graham, Coordinator
Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
part of the OKGenWeb Project
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