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Created By Sharon McAllister

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Maps 'n' More
Created By Sharon McAllister

County and Township Maps for the entire state of Oklahoma

Lists of Post Offices and Towns, from territorial days to the present


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State-wide resources formerly found on Ceil's Corner 

visitors since August 15, 1999 - thanks for stopping by!

This site has been extensively remodeled.  We hope you find the new interface easier to use, but have left the old gateways in place for the convenience of those of you who already know your way around.

All County Links Clickable links to on-site resources for all counties:  1915 Railroad Maps (original and color-coded); 1972 Maps; Department of Transportation Maps (downloadable, reduced view, and township details); Cemetery Locations; and Populated Places.


County Pages If you are researching a specific county, these links are the fastest and easiest way to find everything on this site for that county.


Search This Site If you have a place name but don't know which county it's in, the Site Search will help you find all counties with a place of that name (town, township, post office, etc.).


Land Descriptions If you have the Section-Township-Range numbers or a parcel you can find not only which county it's in but the precise location within that county. 


Topical Sections (The Old Gateways) 

Before we had a search engine, Cross-Reference Lists often held the key to shortening a quest for an appropriate map.  These lists include many long-gone places, and have been left online for use by the new search engine.  Maps were originally organized by set, and those gateways have also been left online for the convenience of returning visitors.


Post Offices

All Post Offices known to us from the days before the Twin Territories were organized to the present.  This list includes dates of operation, the office to which service was discontinued (if known) and the Zip Code for those still active.  In territorial times and during the early years that followed Statehood, Post Offices were ephemeral. When one was discontinued, its name would often be used for another office elsewhere in the state -- so this list helps you identify the duplicates, not just the ones that survived until today, and learn when each was active.



Transcribed from the 1915 map with stations listed for each railway line, including many that were never large enough to have a post office.  If the place you seek isn't on the lists of  Towns and Post Offices, you may find it listed here as a railway stop.  You can also search this list to find out which lines served a certain city.  Still Under Construction, but most of the western half of the state has been done.



Every populated place I could pinpoint from any source.  Not just  cities and towns, but also some unincorporated communities.  (Some unincorporated communities that don't appear on maps have escaped detection, however, so we appreciate hearing about any you know of that aren't on this list.)  You'll find not just the County, but also the Township and Range numbers and often the exact Section where a place was (or still is) located. In the case of duplicate names,  consult the list of Post Offices for their timetable.



If you know only the name of the Township --  not its number or the County it's in -- this will help you identify all of the Counties with Townships by that name. If the name is unique, your search will be ended. Township Names are often used more than once - but at least this will help you narrow your search to only a few of the 77 counties.  This list was valuable before the search engine was added, has been left online for those who still might want to consult it.


Territorial Counties

Includes even the original lettered counties of Oklahoma Territory and both Counties and Districts of the Five Nations, with clues as to corresponding present-day locations. 


Links to 1895 Maps

 For some time, the now-famous 1895 Atlas and Gazetteer [link temporarily broken for remodeling] has been the only on-line source of information about many communities that existed briefly during territorial days. If you're already familiar with Pam's project, use the above link. If you don't know your way around her site but do know the present-day county, the one to the left will lead you to the right map. 


1915 Railroad Maps

From a 1915 Atlas. In addition to "Cities, Towns & Villages", this set shows railroads, rivers, creeks, and even a few trolley and electric lines. These maps include many communities that disappeared decades ago.  The set covers the entire state and has been presented as one map per county.  In addition, the state has been divided into three sections:  Western, Central, and Eastern Oklahoma.  These provide an overview and clickable links to individual counties, but the print is very fine. The individual county maps not only load faster but are much easier to read.  We have also added some regional versions under Railroad Maps


1972 USGS Maps

One page per county, taken from a US Geological Survey Map. Shows "Population Centers", including many communities too small to have Post Offices, roads, railroads and airports. Township and Range Grids are also shown. These cover the entire state, with one map per county, and most are now clickable versions that lead to the corresponding Township Maps.  The County Quick Links (as described above) lead to the latest version for each county, so it is no longer necessary to use the old gateway.


County/Township Maps

Quite detailed recent maps of individual numbered Townships, each typically covering 36 sections. At this scale, each square mile is represented by about one square inch. In addition to still-populated places, these show cemeteries, named roads, rivers & creeks -- even which Section Lines are open & which are closed. One set per county, one map per numbered township within that county.  


Cemeteries in Oklahoma This leads to a set of lists organized by county.  Each list gives at least the name and location of each cemetery in the GNIS database. For some counties, additional cemeteries have also been identified. The locations of many of these cemeteries are shown on detailed present-day maps.
Help If you are new to searching for places in Oklahoma or just haven't been able to find what you expected, this section includes more detailed descriptions of some of the available resources and tips about where to look first, depending on what clues you have.  


Related Resources

Trails Linking the West. Before the Railroads, there were wagon roads and trails that could be traveled only on foot or horseback.  Nevertheless, they enabled trade & communication by linking far-flung places. This page is a collection of links to historical accounts and maps I've found online, includes some of the major trails but focuses on those in Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico. 

1900 Census EDs.  In 1900, the Twin Territories were enumerated separately.  The census of Indian Territory covered the Five Nations and the Quapaw Tract.  The census of Oklahoma Territory covered 23 counties, few of which had the same boundaries as their modern counterparts.  This site provides present day maps with hand-drawn boundaries and labels for the 1900 EDs of many counties but is still under construction.

GNIS All of these references have been developed to help you find places for which GNIS doesn't provide precise locations, or doesn't define them in the reference system you need.  We've made it as comprehensive as possible, to help you distinguish historical places from modern ones that bear the same names but are actually in different locations. If the place you seek is in the GNIS database, its interactive mapping system lets you zoom in and out to study the surrounding area. It provides an excellent overview, but please bear in mind that its database uses Latitude and Longitude and does not always show the precise location in the Section-Township-Range system. If you are seeking detailed information (such as the exact roads leading to an obscure cemetery), you'll probably find the maps posted here more useful.

Thanks for stopping by!
Maps 'n' More

State-wide resources formerly found on Ceil's Corner 
Created By Sharon McAllister
Became an OKGenWeb Special Project  March 31, 2001
© 2001 - 2025 OKGenWeb

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 Wednesday, February 12, 2025 

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