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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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The Depew Independent 
Birth, Marriage, and Death Index

Abbett 11 Henderson 5
Ailey 2, 10 Hitchcock 5
Arrowood 5, 6 Holman 7, 10
Ary 9 House 2
Austin 4 Johnson 3
Babdridge 7 Jones 11
Bailey 7 Kinch 3, 4, 11
Barber 3 Lagow 1
Barker 1, 6, 7, 9 Lee 8, 11
Benedict 7 Loucks 1
Bennett 9 Lowery 3
Bessie 5, 6 McElroy 8, 9
Bland 7 Melton 1
Blankenship 2 Mercer 3, 4
Bollinger 3 Merryman 8
Bond 1 Mount 7, 8
Bounds 10 Murphy 8
Broome 3, 5, 6, 7, 10 Newman 1, 4
Brown 1, 2, 6 Oliver 10
Bruce 8 Peaters 3
Burton 9, 10 Pettegrew 10
Carson 6, 8 Pilkinton 7
Carter 2, 8 Plenttner 4
Cates 1 Poston 10
Cathey 9 Pulliam 8
Chandler 7, 9 Quandel 1
Cleveland 11 Ramsey 3
Cooper 6, 10, 11 Redford 9
Coppedge 5 Reynolds 11
Corey 7 Richardson 10
Craig 6, 7 Riker 10
Crawford 5 Robertson 10
Crow 6 Root 8
Cundiff 5, 6 Rosson 1
Daugherty 1 Rufner 5, 6
DeLaney 5 Rundle 4
Demoss 1 Ryan 2
Dickey 11 Sampson 3
Dixon 2 Sanders 5
Donaldson 5 Schiller 8, 9
Dotson 6 Shawver 2, 8, 11
Ewing 10 Sims 11
Faultner 3 Smith 2
Ford 2, 8 Snyder 10
Fox 1 Spicer 5
Frame 10 Thomas 8
Freshour 9 Warner 11
Garner 11 Wedlaw 5
Gerlach 1 Weed 6
Giles 7 West 1
Goodwin 3 Westbrook 10
Grantham 5 Wheeler 4, 5
Graves 4 Whitfield 7
Greene 6 Wilcoxson 11
Haines 5 Wildman 11
Hale 11 Williams 2, 4, 6
Hamon 10 Winfred 7
Harrington 3, 10 Wood 1
Hembrow 2 Workman 3

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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
Marti Graham, County Coordinator & Webmaster

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