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1930 Garvin County Census
Return to Alphabetical Index Listing

Lindsay Township "R" Surname Index

Raines, Alfred			Page 71A
Randell, Grover			Page 99A
Randolph, Annie			Page 47A
Randolph, Emmett Ray		Page 47A
Randolph, G. W.			Page 47A
Randolph, G.W. Jr.		Page 47A
Randolph, Mammie		Page 47A
Randolph, Mary Louise		Page 47A
Randolph, Robert E.		Page 47A
Rankins, Jack			Page 83A
Rankins, Jim R.			Page 83A
Rankins, Marie			Page 83A
Rankins, Ollie			Page 83A
Rawson, ?le?? Lee		Page 68B
Rawson, Arthur			Page 68B
Rawson, Dave			Page 68B
Rawson, Eddie			Page 69A
Rawson, Jane			Page 68B
Rawson, T? S.			Page 68B
Rawson, Walter			Page 68B
Ray, ??????			Page 67A
Ray, Charles H.			Page 59B
Ray, Marvin			Page 67A
Reed, Mildred			Page 95B
Reed, Raymond			Page 95B
Reede, Emma			Page 49A
Reede, J. H.			Page 49A
Reeves, A, Mrs.			Page 79B
Reeves, Blanch			Page 54A
Reeves, Carry			Page 56A
Reeves, Edward			Page 54A
Reeves, Elizabeth Ann		Page 56A
Reeves, L. L.			Page 54A
Reeves, Mary Evelyn		Page 56A
Reeves, Ruth Lee		Page 56A
Reeves, S. R.			Page 56A
Reeves, Vashti			Page 56A
Reeves, W. R.			Page 56A
Reynolds, Bert			Page 87A
Reynolds, Corine		Page 82B
Reynolds, Jay B.		Page 87A
Reynolds, Kenneth		Page 87A
Reynolds, Norma			Page 82B
Reynolds, Velma			Page 87A
Rhodes, George W.		Page 65B
Rhodes, Leola			Page 65B
Rice, Rebecca			Page 95B
Rice?, Billy J.			Page 66A
Rice?, Ethel B.			Page 66A
Rice?, Perry L.			Page 66A
Richardson, Albert L.		Page 77A
Richardson, Alice		Page 75A
Richardson, Bennie		Page 66A
Richardson, Bennie?		Page 66A
Richardson, Cletus		Page 75A
Richardson, David W.		Page 80B
Richardson, Della M.		Page 80B
Richardson, Edith		Page 77A
Richardson, Edna		Page 77A
Richardson, Edward B.		Page 80B
Richardson, Ethel J.		Page 80B
Richardson, Fern M.		Page 80B
Richardson, Flossie		Page 77A
Richardson, Hansen		Page 80A
Richardson, Henry V.		Page 80B
Richardson, Homer		Page 75A
Richardson, Jean		Page 77A
Richardson, Jess		Page 75A
Richardson, John H.		Page 80B
Richardson, John T.		Page 80B
Richardson, Junior		Page 80A
Richardson, Kenneth		Page 75B
Richardson, Lee			Page 75B
Richardson, Lenora		Page 80A
Richardson, Lois A.		Page 80B
Richardson, Maude E.		Page 80B
Richardson, Maude M.		Page 80B
Richardson, Mazie		Page 75A
Richardson, Minnie		Page 75B
Richardson, Peen		Page 75A
Richardson, Rodney		Page 66A
Richardson, Samuel I.		Page 80B
Richardson, Sherman		Page 66A
Richardson, Vaney		Page 66A
Richardson, Vernon?		Page 66A
Richardson, Wanda		Page 66A
Riddle, Ellen			Page 99B
Riddle, Emma			Page 99B
Riddle, Troy			Page 99B
Riddles, Ed			Page 82B
Ridenour, Otis E.		Page 58B
Riding, Clyde			Page 55B
Riding, James Robert		Page 55B
Riding, Nattie			Page 55B
Riggs, A. R.			Page 49B
Riggs, Bertha			Page 49B
Riggs, Ester			Page 49B
Riggs, Forrest			Page 49B
Riggs, Sallie			Page 49B
Rinard, Ethel			Page 51B
Rinard, Gertrue ab		Page 51B
Rinard, Junita			Page 51B
Rinard, Louise			Page 51B
Rinard, Ruby			Page 51B
Roach, Brooks			Page 54A
Robbers, Bertie L.		Page 43A
Robbers, Betty Joe		Page 43A
Robbers, J. A.			Page 43A
Robbers, Pearl			Page 43A
Robberson, I. J.		Page 44B
Robberson, J. R.		Page 44B
Robberson, Junita		Page 44B
Robberson, Roger?		Page 44B
Robbins, Anna			Page 88B
Robbins, Beatrice		Page 88B
Robbins, Cadmus			Page 88B
Robbins, Charles		Page 94A
Robbins, Clara			Page 47A
Robbins, Cleo			Page 88B
Robbins, Cora			Page 88B
Robbins, Elbert			Page 94A
Robbins, Elonzo ab.		Page 47A
Robbins, James			Page 88B
Robbins, John			Page 88B
Robbins, Mattie			Page 88B
Robbins, Nancy			Page 47A
Robbins, Nancy			Page 88B
Robbins, Pearle			Page 94A
Robbins, Phindale		Page 88B
Robbins, Vesta			Page 94A
Robbins, William A.		Page 88B
Roberson, Lela			Page 47B
Roberson, Lois			Page 47B
Roberson, May			Page 47B
Roberson, Roy			Page 47B
Roberts, Avis			Page 76A
Roberts, Bill			Page 49B
Roberts, Buster			Page 76A
Roberts, Calvin O.		Page 76A
Roberts, Ellin?			Page 49B
Roberts, Floyd			Page 67A
Roberts, Gladys			Page 76A
Roberts, J. D.			Page 54A
Roberts, James			Page 76A
Roberts, Jesse M.		Page 76A
Roberts, John E.		Page 67A
Roberts, Louise			Page 67A
Roberts, Lucile			Page 49B
Roberts, Mattie			Page 49B
Roberts, Maude			Page 76A
Roberts, Mervin			Page 76A
Roberts, Oma L.			Page 76A
Roberts, Paula R.		Page 76A
Roberts, Porter			Page 59B
Roberts, Raymond?		Page 67A
Roberts, Rosie			Page 67A
Roberts, Scott			Page 76A
Roberts, Verl			Page 76A
Roberts, Vida			Page 54A
Roberts, W. A.			Page 49B
Robinson, Dallas?		Page 52B
Robinson, Forrest Freeman	Page 59B
Robinson, H. E.			Page 52B
Robinson, Johnie		Page 52B
Robinson, Johnie Ruth		Page 52B
Robinson, Nettie H.		Page 56B
Robinson, Rosa Bell		Page 52B
Robinson, Thelma		Page 52B
Robinson, Velma			Page 52B
Robison, George R.		Page 99A
Robison, Lucy			Page 99A
Roblin?, Monroe			Page 69B
Rockwell, Gail			Page 97A
Rockwell, John			Page 97A
Rockwell, Pearl			Page 97A
Rockwell, Thomas		Page 97A
Rogers, Brian?			Page 66A
Rogers, Buddie			Page 66A
Rogers, Cecil			Page 66A
Rogers, Ella			Page 66A
Rogers, H??????			Page 66A
Rogers, Houston			Page 66A
Rogers, Raymond			Page 66A
Roland, Clifford		Page 56B
Roland, Della M.		Page 56B
Roland, F. M.			Page 56B
Roland, Jack			Page 56B
Rolen, Bud			Page 94B
Rolen, Calvin			Page 94B
Rolen, Harold			Page 94B
Rolen, John			Page 94B
Rolen, Lindsay			Page 94B
Rolen, Robert N.		Page 97A
Rolen, Stella			Page 94B
Rollen, Etta			Page 57A
Rollen, J. W.			Page 57A
Rollins, Beatrice		Page 68A
Rollins, Chales L?		Page 68A
Rollins, Emma G.		Page 68A
Rollins, Lennie			Page 68A
Rollins, Lizzie			Page 68A
Rollins, Robert T.		Page 68A
Ross, Chas			Page 76A
Ross, D. H.			Page 56B
Ross, Glydas			Page 57A
Ross, Joe			Page 76A
Ross, John			Page 76A
Ross, John W.			Page 57B
Ross, Mary Ellen		Page 57A
Ross, Mattie			Page 57B
Ross, Neill			Page 76A
Ross, Ola			Page 76A
Ross, Oleva			Page 76A
Ross, Patsy			Page 76A
Roth, J.			Page 45B
Rowland, Annie Lee		Page 69A
Rowland, Gene			Page 69A
Rowland, George M.		Page 69A
Rowland, Jack			Page 69A
Rowland, May			Page 69A
Ruce?, O. B.			Page 50B
Ruckles, ??????			Page 65A
Ruckles, ??????			Page 65A
Ruckles, ??????			Page 65A
Ruckles, ??????			Page 65A
Ruckles, Eulys			Page 65A
Ruckles, Mary L.		Page 65A
Ruckles, Outha			Page 65A
Ruckles, William V.		Page 64B
Russell, Alva			Page 80B
Russell, Alva B.		Page 80B
Russell, D???? M.		Page 47B
Russell, Euli??			Page 57B
Russell, Eva			Page 93B
Russell, Faye			Page 93B
Russell, Francis		Page 93B
Russell, George J.		Page 56A
Russell, Harvie E.      	Page 56A
Russell, James L.		Page 56A
Russell, Julia K.		Page 80B
Russell, Lavena			Page 93B
Russell, Mary			Page 93B
Russell, Mary A.		Page 56A
Russell, Mildred		Page 93B
Russell, Roxie			Page 93B
Russell, Roy			Page 93B
Russell, Ruth			Page 80B
Russell, Samuel			Page 93B
Russell, Sarrah B.		Page 56A
Russell, Tessie			Page 93B
Russell, Walter H.		Page 56A