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1930 Garvin County Census
Return to Alphabetical Index Listing

Lindsay Township "C" Surname Index

Cacy?, Cicil			Page 57A
Cacy?, Clifford			Page 57A
Cacy?, Daisy			Page 57A
Cacy?, Gladys			Page 57A
Cacy?, Isreal			Page 57A
Cacy?, Marie			Page 57A
Cacy?, Victor			Page 57A
Cacy?, Virgie			Page 57A
Cain, Alfred B.			Page 76A
Cain, Dell			Page 76A
Cain, Dora B.			Page 76A
Cain, Dorothy J.		Page 76A
Cain, May			Page 76A
Caler, Dorothy			Page 93A
Caler, Harold			Page 93A
Caler, Jewel			Page 93A
Caler, Loveda			Page 93A
Caler, Rufus A.			Page 93A
Caler, Woodie			Page 93A
Callahan, J. C.			Page 52A
Callahan, Winnie		Page 52A
Campbell, Anson B.		Page 50A
Campbell, Arthur C.		Page 77B
Campbell, Beatrice		Page 50A
Campbell, Lola Eugene		Page 50A
Campbell, Thomas Murray		Page 50A
Campbell,Cora			Page 77B
Campbell,Earlie			Page 77B
Campbell,Essie			Page 77B
Campbell,Evie			Page 77B
Campbell,Goldie			Page 77B
Campbell,Leanord		Page 77B
Campbell,Roy			Page 77B
Cannon, A. L.			Page 48B
Cannon, Billy Joe		Page 48B
Cannon, Cynthia			Page 48B
Cannon, J. C.			Page 48B
Cannon, Junior			Page 48B
Capas, E. L.			Page 48A
Capas, Gearldine		Page 48A
Capas, Odesa			Page 48A
Caplain, Sallie			Page 51A
Caplain, V. E.			Page 51A
Carr, ??????			Page 65B
Carr, Benley			Page 65B
Carr, Christine			Page 65B
Carr, Ethel			Page 65B
Carson, Billie			Page 91A
Carson, Cora			Page 94A
Carson, Jack			Page 91A
Carson, Jack W.			Page 91A
Carson, June			Page 91A
Carson, Virginia S.		Page 91A
Carter, Billie J.		Page 62B
Carter, Lawrence		Page 62B
Carter, Lucy			Page 62B
Carter, Thelma M.		Page 62B
Carter?, ? O?			Page 66B
Cascar, Bud			Page 81A
Cascar, Juanita			Page 81A
Cascar, Margaret T.		Page 81A
Cascar, Mary E.			Page 81A
Cascar, Robert L.		Page 81A
Casey, Chester			Page 69B
Casey, Clayborn			Page 69B
Casey, Diana?			Page 69B
Casey, M. V.			Page 69B
Casey, Ora			Page 68B
Casey, Roy			Page 69B
Casey, Ruby			Page 69B
Casey, Troy			Page 69B
Casey, Walter			Page 69B
Castleman, ????			Page 69B
Castleman, ?olly?		Page 69B
Castleman, Alice Ann		Page 69B
Castleman, Herbert?		Page 69B
Castleman, James S.		Page 69B
Castleman, Maneta?		Page 69B
Castleman, Roy?			Page 69B
Castleman, Viola?		Page 69B
Cates, Elden			Page 51B
Cates, Eunal?			Page 51B
Cates, J. W.			Page 51B
Cates, Mary C.			Page 51B
Cates, Mary John		Page 51B
Chambers, Ben			Page 85A
Chambers, Clarence		Page 82A
Chambers, Haskell		Page 82A
Chambers, Herman		Page 85A
Chambers, Jewell		Page 82A
Chambers, May			Page 85A
Chambers, Opal			Page 85A
Chambers, Therman		Page 85A
Chandler, Dave			Page 87A
Chandler, David L.		Page 84B
Chandler, Emma L.		Page 87A
Chandler, Grady			Page 87A
Chandler, Ivy			Page 84A
Chandler, Kineth		Page 44A
Chandler, Lela			Page 87A
Chandler, Lillian		Page 84A
Chandler, Louise		Page 87A
Chandler, Mildred L.		Page 84B
Chandler, Wilma			Page 84A
Charles, Cefanie		Page 50B
Charles, F. L.			Page 50B
Charles, Ida			Page 50B
Charles, James L.		Page 50B
Chastein, Aloma			Page 54B
Chastein, C. L.			Page 54B
Chastein, Charles L.		Page 54B
Chastein, Elizabith M.		Page 54B
Cheek, Bob			Page 72B
Cheek, Everet			Page 72B
Cheek, Lucile			Page 72B
Cheek, Robert			Page 72B
Cheek, Runa			Page 72B
Cherry, Alice			Page 82A
Cherry, Clara			Page 82A
Cherry, Elmer L.		Page 82A
Cherry, Fern			Page 82A
Cherry, Homer L.		Page 82A
Cherry, Ida M.			Page 82A
Cherry, Juanita			Page 82A
Cherry, Lowell C.		Page 82A
Cherry, Luther			Page 82A
Cherry, Ula			Page 82A
Cherry, Voda H.			Page 82A
Childress, Edwin		Page 96A
Childress, Glayds		Page 94A
Childress, Grover		Page 96A
Childress, Harvell		Page 96A
Childress, Howard		Page 96A
Childress, Mollie		Page 96A
Childress, Odessa		Page 96A
Childress, Rudolf		Page 94A
Clark, Alice			Page 97A
Clark, Benjamin T. ab		Page 49A
Clark, Bettie			Page 91A
Clark, Braxton S.		Page 49A
Clark, Harris Chester		Page 49A
Clark, Henry Edward		Page 55B
Clark, Jefferson		Page 55B
Clark, John C.			Page 89B
Clark, Lester			Page 89B
Clark, Lorane			Page 89B
Clark, Mammie			Page 49A
Clark, Millie			Page 89B
Clark, Navada			Page 89B
Clark, Ralph			Page 89B
Clark, Roy			Page 89B
Clark, T. J.			Page 55B
Clark, Thelma			Page 89B
Clark, Tomie Adell		Page 55B
Clark, Virginia			Page 93A
Clark, William E.		Page 49A
Clark, William Elmer ab		Page 49A
Clay, Coy			Page 80A
Clay, Loreta			Page 80A
Clay, Onley			Page 80A
Clements, Marie			Page 54B
Clements, Marie L.		Page 54B
Clements, T. B.			Page 54B
Clements, Thedis B.		Page 54B
Clements, William Gibson	Page 54B
Clifton, Alice			Page 63A
Clifton, Eddie			Page 63A
Clifton, Floy			Page 63A
Clifton, George W.		Page 63A
Clifton, Peggie Inez		Page 63A
Clifton, Ruby			Page 63A
Coal, Elizabeth			Page 47A
Coal, J. P.			Page 47A
Coal, James P. Jr.		Page 47A
Coal, Morine E.			Page 47A
Coal, Walter E.			Page 47A
Cochran, Bell			Page 86B
Cochran, Billy			Page 86B
Cochran, Cecilia		Page 52A
Cochran, Dorthe			Page 52A
Cochran, Francis		Page 86B
Cochran, Grover ab		Page 52A
Cochran, William		Page 86B
Coffee, Douglas L.		Page 93B
Coffee, Douglas L. Jr.		Page 93B
Coffee, Joe M.			Page 93B
Coffee, Joseph			Page 93B
Coffee, Manerva			Page 93B
Coffey, Opal			Page 92A
Coffey, Reuben H.		Page 92A
Coffey, Ruby			Page 92A
Coffey, Sophie			Page 92A
Coil, Carl			Page 53B
Coil, Corine			Page 53B
Coil, Jenner			Page 53B
Coil, Leo			Page 53B
Coil, O. J.			Page 53B
Colbert, James W.		Page 76A
Colley, Hallen Torist		Page 47B
Collins, Carrie			Page 82B
Collins, John C.		Page 82B
Collins, Richard		Page 82B
Colwell, ??????			Page 68A
Colwell, Connor?		Page 68A
Colwell, Euel			Page 68A
Colwell, J. W.			Page 68A
Colwell, John W. Jr.		Page 68A
Colwell, Julia			Page 68A
Colwell, Justin?		Page 68A
Colwell, Robt? B.		Page 68A
Colwell, Rosie			Page 68A
Combs, Roy			Page 83A
Combs, Zelma			Page 83A
Comstock, Ephriam		Page 85B
Comstock, Jenny			Page 85B
Comstock, Kermit		Page 85B
Comstock, Lucy			Page 85B
Comstock, Oscar			Page 85B
Comstock, Oscar			Page 85B
Comstock, Pauline		Page 85B
Conn, Bernice			Page 94A
Conn, Evert			Page 94A
Conn, Jack			Page 94A
Conn, Jimmy			Page 94A
Conn, Mattie			Page 94A
Connelly, Ilena? J?		Page 64B
Connelly, Kenneth		Page 64B
Connelly, Roy? H?		Page 64B
Connelly, Troy? P?		Page 64B
Conner, Clarence		Page 58A
Conner, Etna			Page 58A
Conner, Ina June		Page 46B
Conner, Jack ab			Page 46B
Conner, Lora Lee		Page 58A
Conner, Myrtle			Page 46B
Conner, Pat			Page 46B
Conner, S. S.			Page 52B
Conner, W. F.			Page 46B
Cook, F. M.			Page 66A
Cook, Penny			Page 66A
Cooper, Allie E.		Page 62A
Cooper, C. C.			Page 42A
Cooper, Fay			Page 42A
Cooper, Florence?		Page 42A
Cooper, James			Page 42A
Cooper, James H.		Page 62A
Cooper, James M.		Page 62A
Cooper, Morris			Page 42A
Cooper, Rosie? M.		Page 62A
Cooper, Virginia		Page 42A
Copass, Archer			Page 63A
Copass, Carlton			Page 62B
Copass, Dean			Page 63A
Copass, Doy			Page 62B
Copass, Flonnia			Page 62A
Copass, Flossie			Page 63A
Copass, G. C.			Page 62A
Copass, Ira			Page 48B
Copass, Mable			Page 48B
Copass, Mildred			Page 62B
Copass, Nona			Page 48B
Copass, Oua?			Page 48B
Copeland, Emma L.		Page 96A
Copeland, Fannie		Page 96A
Copeland, Floyd			Page 96A
Copeland, Grandville		Page 96A
Copeland, James			Page 96A
Copeland, Margaret		Page 100A
Copeland, Martha J.		Page 96A
Copeland, William T.		Page 100A
Copeland?, Tate?		Page 65B
Copland, Emil			Page 50A
Cordell, B. G.			Page 47A
Cordell, Jewell			Page 47A
Costello, C. E.			Page 48A
Costello, Croo Leavitt		Page 48A
Cottral, Hana L.		Page 94A
Cottral, Virgil A.		Page 94A
Cottrell, Anna Lee		Page 48A
Cottrell, Ethell ab		Page 48A
Cottrell, Maggie		Page 48A
Cottrell, Virgil		Page 48A
Covel, Addie			Page 73A
Covel, Ara W.			Page 73A
Cowden, Bessie			Page 89A
Cowden, John			Page 89A
Cowden, Lonzo			Page 89A
Cowden, Marvin			Page 89A
Cowden, Mary			Page 89A
Cowden, Sidney			Page 89A
Cox, Bertha			Page 89A
Cox, Della			Page 99A
Cox, Henry B.			Page 89A
Cox, Kenneth H.			Page 99A
Cox, Lela			Page 52A
Cox, Lewis L.			Page 99A
Cox, May			Page 51B
Cox, Obediah W.			Page 99A
Crabtree, Cloycine		Page 73A
Crabtree, Dellie		Page 73A
Crabtree, Ed L.			Page 73A
Crabtree, John			Page 72A
Crabtree, Logan			Page 73A
Crabtree, Theodore		Page 73A
Crabtree, Willie		Page 72A
Cranford, Albert		Page 83A
Cranford, Andy			Page 83A
Cranford, Arle			Page 83A
Cranford, Arline		Page 83A
Cranford, Artus			Page 83A
Cranford, Dexie			Page 83A
Cranford, Ella			Page 83A
Cranford, Ernest		Page 83A
Cranford, Etta			Page 83A
Cranford, Gertie		Page 83A
Cranford, Girtha		Page 83A
Cranford, Gladys		Page 83A
Cranford, Leon			Page 83A
Cranford, Levada		Page 83A
Cranford, Nathanial		Page 83A
Cranford, Ocie			Page 83A
Cranford, Olan			Page 83A
Cranford, Vardis		Page 83A
Crawford, Andrew		Page 96B
Crawford, Earl			Page 60A
Crawford, Ernest		Page 83B
Crawford, Francis		Page 83B
Crawford, Francis Elizabeth	Page 56B
Crawford, Rachel		Page 96B
Crawford, Robert		Page 83B
Crawford, S. J.			Page 56B
Crawford, Ula			Page 83B
Crawford, Wayne E.		Page 83B
Crier, John C.			Page 80B
Crinshaw, Annie			Page 48B
Crinshaw, Billy			Page 48B
Crinshaw, Kenneth		Page 48B
Crinshaw, Louise		Page 48B
Crinshaw, Roy			Page 48B
Crinshaw, W. C.			Page 48B
Crinshaw, Willie		Page 48B
Crisp?, Elias			Page 69B
Crow, Anna			Page 57B
Crow, Clarence			Page 57B
Crow, Dortha May		Page 57B
Crow, Faustine?			Page 57B
Crow, Lewis			Page 57B
Crow, Minnie Lee		Page 57B
Cudd, Alvin P.			Page 50B
Cudd, Britton			Page 83A
Cudd, Eva			Page 83A
Cudd, Fern			Page 83A
Cudd, Green			Page 51A
Cudd, Haskell			Page 83A
Cudd, Jay B.			Page 83A
Cudd, Leo			Page 83A
Cudd, Minnie Bell		Page 51A
Cudd, Ray			Page 83A
Culler, Bessie			Page 91A
Culler, David			Page 91A
Culler, Edria			Page 91A
Culler, Ernest			Page 91A
Culler, Ira M.			Page 91A
Culler, Lizzie			Page 91A
Culler, Mabel			Page 91A
Culler, Wesley			Page 91A
Cunningham, A. B.		Page 61B
Cunningham, A. C.		Page 61B
Cunningham, Clara		Page 85A
Cunningham, Claude		Page 61B
Cunningham, Ed Earl?		Page 64A
Cunningham, Elmer		Page 57B
Cunningham, Elmer		Page 95A
Cunningham, Ernest		Page 64A
Cunningham, Etta		Page 61B
Cunningham, Faye		Page 85A
Cunningham, Homer		Page 61B
Cunningham, Ina			Page 61B
Cunningham, Jack		Page 57B
Cunningham, Leola		Page 61B
Cunningham, Mattie		Page 95A
Cunningham, Merrill		Page 85A
Cunningham, Myrtle		Page 61B
Cunningham, Paul		Page 85A
Cunningham, Pauline		Page 85A
Cunningham, Ralph		Page 85A
Cunningham, Ruth		Page 85A
Cunningham, Susie		Page 57B
Cunningham, Viola		Page 64A
Curby, Homer			Page 46A
Curby, Jack			Page 46A
Curby, Otto			Page 46A
Curby, Susie			Page 46A
Curby, T. E.			Page 46A
Curby, Tallman			Page 46A
Cutty, Christene		Page 66A
Cutty, Clinton?			Page 66A
Cutty, Erin?			Page 66A
Cutty, Frank			Page 65B
Cutty, Hazel			Page 65B
Cutty, John L.			Page 65B
Cutty, Lillian?			Page 66A
Cutty, Louise			Page 65B
Cutty, Nettie			Page 65B