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Surname Given Position or
County or
FACTOR [Y] Neely Black U. S. Deputy Marshal Carbon, I. T. Pat Bannister my grandfather
FAGG Bud Outlaw Oklahoma City, O. T. whfp28
FAGG Pink Outlaw Oklahoma City, O. T. whfp28
FALCONER Henry Deputy U. S. Marshal Indian Territory Submitted by:
Earline Barger
FALCONER Wm Sheriff 1902 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
FANNIN Elijah W. Clerk 1889 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
FANNIN Lige Deputy U. S. Marshal Indian Territory Submitted by:
Earline Barger
FANNIN Robert Deputy Sheriff 1887  Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
FARQUHARSON Albert Officer Logan Co. See photo
FARR Major J. T. Deputy U. S. Marshal Indian Territory Submitted by:
Earline Barger
FARR John U. S. Deputy Marshal Choctaw Nation brdp196
FARRELL Frank Chief of Police Seminole Nation brdp139
FARRIS William "Bill" Outlaw - member of the Cook gang Indian Territory brdp55
FARWELL Frank U. S. Deputy Marshal under E. D. Nix Oklahoma Territory htp194
FAUCET Bill Peace Officer Oklahoma Territory  
FAUGHT R. D. U. S. Deputy Marshal Sapulpa, I. T. - Western District brdp213
FAULKNER Ben F. Sheriff Sequoyah Co. Earline Barger
Sequoyah Co. CC
FELTON James M. Officer Logan Co. See photo
FENLON James City Marshal
Enid, Garfield Co. Enid Police Chiefs
FERGUSON T. B. Territorial Governor Oklahoma Territory whfp34
FERRIS Frank Deputy Sheriff, 1910 Roff, Pontotoc Co. (Stratford) Newspaper dated June 16, 1911
FESSENDEN John Outlaw - member of the Christian gang Indian and Oklahoma Territory brdp112
FIELDS John U. S. Deputy Marshal
wounded by Ned Christie
Indian Territory brdp33
FIELDS Will Capt. of the U. S. Indian Police
Killed by Jim Cumming
Indian Territory brdp245
killed "Scarface Joe"
Oklahoma City, O. T. whfp27
FILMORE Isaac Outlaw
was executed 09-03-1875 at Ft. Smith
Indian Territory National Park Service
FINCH William Mulatto Murder
Murdered two guards who were returning him to Ft. Sill
Was executed 06-29-1883 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
FINDLAY Jessie Conspirator in the jail break of the Christian Brothers
was Bill Christian's girlfriend
Oklahoma Co. whf
FINK Ed N. U. S. Deputy Marshal Waleetka, I. T. - Western District brdp213
FINELY Elmer Sheriff Apache, Oklahoma Holdenville Daily News, Sept. 23, 1936
FISHER Alfred Treaspassing Logan Co. See document
FISHER Guy Police Officer Indian Territory brdp116
FISK Carl Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
FIXICO Barney Murder Western District brdp213
FLETCHER Jackson Choctaw Bootlegger - shot by U. S. Deputy Marshal Bill Colbert Creek Nation brdp248
FLIPPEN Hurt Rogers County Deputy Sheriff
killed by either Troy Love or "Kye" Carlile..September 1932, Cherokee County, Oklahoma
Rogers Co *source: "Bad Boys of the Cookson Hills"..R. D. Morgan..New Forums Press
Submitted by:
R. D. Morgan
FLIPPING Hugh Deputy Sheriff Cooweescoowee District, Cherokee Nation Indian Pioneer Papers
John M. Reynolds Interview
July 16, 1937
FLOYD Charles Arthur
aka Pretty Boy
aka Choc Floyd
aka Jack Hamilton
Bootlegger & Bank Robber
Feb. 3, 1904 GA- October 22, 1934 East Liverpool, Ohio
killed former sheriff Era A. Kelley on April. 9, 1932
Eastern Oklahoma pbf
See more info
FLOYD E. W. Sheriff
brother of "Pretty Boy" Floyd
died August 20, 1970 still in office.
Sequoyah Co. pbfp353
FLYNT John Unknown Logan Co. See document
FOLSOM W. C. Sheriff 1882 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
FOOEY Samuel Indian Outlaw - Murder
Killed a school teacher named John Emmit Neff, and robed him of his money.
was executed on 09-03-1875 at Ft. Smith.
Cherokee Nation imp63
National Park Service
FORTUNE Robert Black U. S. Deputy Marshal Wilburton, I. T. brdp162, 239
FOSSETT Miss Mamie U S Deptuy Marshal
appointed by US Marshal C. H. Thompson
Oklahoma Territory See women
FOSSETT William D. "Bill" Chief Assistant under Canada Thompson
U. S. Marshal 03-31-1902
Oklahoma Territory htp254
Also see photo & article
homestead claim
FOSTER Erwin Calvin Sheriff Mangum, OK  
FOSTER Harry Policeman Lawton, Oklahoma Territory htp250
FOSTER Henry Possession of Mash Logan Co. See document
FRALEY Arthur Bank Robber Mill Creek, I. T. pbfp234
FRANK Noah Creek U. S. Deputy Marshal
04-25-1866 - 09-18-1941
was an Indian interpreter in the Court of Judge Parker
served under Pussyfoot Johnson up until 1907 and for a year or so previously was special Indian police under George Hanna
Creek Co. Sapulpa Herald - Creek Co. OK - 09-19-1941
FRANKLIN L. E. Sheriff Pontotoc Co. pbfp264
FRANTZ Frank Territorial Governor Oklahoma Territory whfp34
FRAZIER S. S. Unknown Logan Co. See document
FREAS H. M. Sheriff - elected in 1910 Osage Co.  
FREELING Prince Attorney General Ardmore, Carter Co. The Jake Hamon Story
FRENCH Jim Outlaw - was with Belle Starr gang then joined the Cooks gang. Indian Territory imp171
Indian Pioneer Papers
William Harvey Adams Interview
October 26, 1937
FRENCH James "Big Jim" Outlaw I.T. Submitted by:
Mike Tower
FULKERSON Grover Deputy Sheriff
01-24-1888 - 08-24-1917
Cleveland Co.  
FULLER Ellis Dean Deputy United States Marshal
ca. 1921-1927
Muskogee Co. See photo
Being researched by:
William H. Fuller - Son
FULSOM Edward Murder & Horse Thief
Killed William Massingill by pistol whipping him
Was executed 06-30-1885 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
FULSOM Joe Outlaw - brought in by Bass Reeves Creek Nation brdp203

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