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Surname Given Position or
County or
SAGE J. W. Deputy 1871,  Sheriff 1874, Sheriff 1880 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
SAMPSON Paul Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
SAMPSON Sam Creek Outlaw - member of the Buck gang
hung on July 1, 1896 for murder, robbery and rape
Indian Territory brdp88
SANDERS Bud Cherokee Sheriff Coo-wee-scoo-we District htp123
SANDERS George Outlaw - part of the Cook gang Indian Territory imp171
SANDERS Louis Unknown Logan Co. See document
SANDERS Osee Murder
Killed Thomas S. Carlyle
Was executed 09-08-1876 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
SANDLIN Green F. Jailer
Indian Territory See Photo
Being researched by:
Sally Sandlin Gill - Granddaughter
SARBER John N. Marshal Indian Territory imp48-57
SAWYERS Woody Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
SCALES Charley Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co.. McCurtain Lawmen
SCALES Henry Marshal Ft. Gibson, Indian Territory Indian Pioneer Papers
Aaron Duncan interview
September 14, 1937
SCARFACE JOE   Indian Outlaw
killed by Shieriff John Fightmaster for trying to flee from his jail cell.
Oklahoma City, O. T. whfp27
SCOTHORN J. W. U. S. Attorney Guthrie, Oklahoma moop20
SCOTT Cherry Mulatto woman - Murder of her mother
shot her in the head while she was sleeping
was acquitted by reason of insanity.
Indian Territory htp74-75
SCOTT Henry W. Territorial Justice Oklahoma City and Norman, Oklahoma Territory htp211
SCOTT Jess U. S. Deputy Marshal Okmulgee Co.  
SCOTT Johnny Sheriff Muskogee Co. See obit
SCRUGGS J. C. Sheriff Pawnee, Oklahoma Territory htp203
SEARLE J. W. U. S. Deputy Marshal Choctaw Nation brdp196
SEARS Tom Sheriff Washington Co. Submitted by:
Steve Clemons
See article
SEAY Abraham J. Supreme Court Justice of the 2nd Judicial District
vacated his position to become Territorial Governor in 1891
See photo
See tombstone photo
Kingfisher, Oklahoma Territory htp135, 211
whfp31, 34
SEELEY George Outlaw Indian Territory brdp186
SEELEY Isham Murder and Robery
along with Gibson Istanubbee
killed and robbed Mr. Funny and his wife
Was executed 04-21-1876 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
SEGLER L. L. "Les" Constable
Chief of Police - 1916
Ardmore, OK See more
Information provided by:
Steve Riner
SELF Monroe Sheriff from Spiro LeFlore Co. 1p43
SEVERNS George Orin U. S. Deputy Marshal Oklahoma Territory whfp59
SEVERNS Joe O. U. S. Deputy Marshal under E. D. Nix Logan O. T. htp194
SEXTON Thompson D.  Clerk 1882 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
SHADLEY Lafayette U. S. Deputy Marshal
was shot by Bill Dalton near Ingalls, O. T. later dying at Stillwater, O. T.
Oklahoma Territory htp197, 200
SHAVER Dick U. S. Deputy Marshal Indian Territory brdp162
SHELBY Rafton Hoyt "Hoyt" First Chief of Police in Andarko, Caddo Co., Okla then Sheriff and later Indian agent, b 1890 Caddo Co.
SHELL Huckleberry Sheriff Sequoyah Co. Earline Barger
Sequoyah Co. CC
SHELL Nancy Bootlegger - arrested by Deputy John Curtis
pleaded guilty to selling whiskey in the Nations and was fined $100, and sentenced to 30 days in jail.
Cherokee Nation htp82-85
SHIELDS George Outlaw
in Texas known as "Satan Shields"
learned the "Wolf" gang was in town to get a friend of his. He went to the hardware store, and bought a hickory ax handle and went to the saloon. When he finished six bloody would-be killers lay on the floor.
Oklahoma City, O. T. whfp27
SHIELDS Jack Unknown Logan Co. See document
SHIELDS John Black - Robbey - brought in by Grant Johnson Western District brdp226
SHIRLEY Myra Belle
aka Belle Starr
Queen of the Bandits - [Feb. 3, 1846- Feb. 3., 1889] Indian Territory tl1p155
SHOBERT Bert Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
SHORT Ed City Marshal & U. S. Deputy Marshal
enroute to the federal jail in Wichita with "Black-Face" Bryant - Bryant grabbed a gun from the mail bin and exchanged gunfire with Ed Short. Short lived long enough to put the prisioner on a cot and then he was dead.
Hennessey, Oklahoma Territory htp157
SHUMATE D. B. Possession of Intoxicating Liquor in Indian County
Violation of the National Prohibition Act
Logan Co. See document
SIMMONS Leslie Grand Larceny Logan Co. See document
SIMPKINS O. Violation of the National Prohibition Act Logan Co. See document
SIMPSON Bill U. S. Deputy Marshal Indian Territory brdp239
SIMPSON John U. S. Deputy Marshal Muldrow, Indian Territory Indian Pioneer Papers
W. W. Payne Interview
November 9, 1937
SIMS Jack Unknown Logan Co. See document
SIMS Sam Unknown Logan Co. See document
SINGER Sam Unknown Logan Co. See document
SISSON Ned E. U. S. Deputy Marshal under Canada Thompson Garfield, Oklahoma Territory htp254
SIX KILLER "Unk." Outlaw
was executed 10-10-1873 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
SIXKILLER B. H. Judge Cherokee Nation brdp123
SIXKILLER Red Bird Judge - Supreme Court Cherokee Nation brdp142
SIXKILLER Sam Policeman
High Sheriff
Killed 12-24-1886
Cherokee Nation brdp140, 196
SIZEMORE Fred Unknown Logan Co. See document
SLOAN Dudley C. 1st Sheriff Cimmaron Co. Being researched by:
Scott Sloan
SMALLEY L. C. Bank Robber Mill Creek, Oklahoma pbfp251
SMALLEY W. C. Bank Robber Mill Creek, Oklahoma pbfp251
SMILEY Ben Deputy Sheriff  in the early 1900's McClain County Judy Knight Carlson
SMITH Andrew Jacson U. S. Deputy Marshal Creek and Cherokee Nation brdp196
Indian Pioneer Papers
Cleracy Fields Smith Interview,
January 14, 1938
SMITH Bill U. S. Deputy Marshal Indian Territory imp136
Indian Pioneer Papers
J. W. Brewer Interview
July 15, 1937
SMITH Charles Bootlegger Cherokee Nation brdp138, 203
SMITH Clara Was accused of Murder Ardmore, Carter Co. The Jake Hamon Story
SMITH Dave Horse Thief - bootlegger
was a member of the Starr gang
killed by U. S. Deputy James Cole
Deputy Cole also killed Dave Smith's wife for shooting to kill a federal officer
Indian Territory htp95
SMITH E. J. Unknown Logan Co. See document
SMITH Fatty City Marshal Kingfisher, O. T. whfp22
SMITH Frank C. FBI Agent Oklahoma City, Oklahoma pbfp313
SMITH Frank N. Sheriff
Love Co.  
SMITH Henry Posseman
was killed by Seaborn Kalijah in the Creek Nation
Indian Territory  
SMITH Hiram Sylvanus U.S. Marshall Indian Territory See more
Information provided by:
Janice Ciletti
SMITH J. A. Bootlegger - brought in by Bass Reeves Chickasaw, Pottawatomie and Western Creek District brdp192
SMITH J. A. Police Detective Tulsa, Oklahoma pbfp253
SMITH John August 4, 1896 as Deputy Marshal he captured C.E. Lawrence, near Enid, O.T. Enid, O.T. Bill Doolin's Jail Break
SMITH Luther Jarrett Photo taken Purcell, I.T. May 1891 Indian Territory Thelma Noland
SMITH Paul Policeman Indian Territory brdp117
SMITH Rentie Indian Murder - killed Fee Jefferson on Cave Creek
brought in by Heck Thomas
Muskogee District of the Creek Nation htp141
SMITH Richard Murder
killed Thomas pringle
was executed 01-25-1889 at Ft. Smith.
Choctaw Nation National Park Service
SMITH S. T. U. S. Deputy Marshal under E. D. Nix Oklahoma Territory htp194
SMITH Sandy Outlaw - Murder
was in on the murder of George Taft
died in jail just before the case came to trail
Choctaw Nation brdp16
SMITH Tom U. S. Deputy Marshal Indian Territory brdp112
SMITH W. C. U. S. Deputy Marshal Bartlesville, Indian Territory brdp56
SMITH W. L. Unknown Logan Co. See document
SMITH Will Outlaw Indian Territory brdp83
SMITH William Short Changing Logan Co. See document
SMITH William "Bill" U. S. Deputy Marshal Indian Territory brdp38
SNODDY E. W. U. S. Deputy Marshal under E. D. Nix Alva, Oklahoma Territory htp211
SNYDER Jess "Buck" Outlaw - member of the Cook gang Indian Territory brdp12
SNYDER Stanley Outlaw
rode with Al Spencer and Jelly Nash
Indian Territory pbfp125
SPADE Pete Black - Horse Thief Choctaw Nation Indian Pioneer Papers
Andrew Jackson Berryhill Interview, July 9, 1937
SPAIN John U.S. Deputy Marshal of the Western District (Indian Territory) Sallisaw, I. T. appointed at Fort Smith, AR on 19 July 1889
Submitted by:
Sandra McKim
SPANIARD Jack Cherokee Murder
killed Deputy Marshal William Erwin
was executed 08-30-1889 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
SPAUDLING Homer Captain Okmulgee Police Department
killed in the line of duty by Jimmy Sexton on January 8.1922 in Okmulgee,Oklahoma
Okmulgee, OK noted in pages 17-29, of book, Armed and Dangerous by R.D.Morgan with Mike Koch-Copyright 2002,120 pages-17 pages photographs-Ez Lane publishing
Submitted by:
SPAYD Eli Constable Washington Co. Submitted by:
Steve Clemons
See article
SPEED Dick City Marshal
was killed by Arkansas Tom near Ingalls, O. T.
Perkins, Oklahoma Territory htp197
SPEED Horace U. S. district attorney
Oklahoma Territory whfp30, 35
SPENCER Al Outlaw Osage, Indian Territory pbfp122-123, 125-30
SPRADLING Joe Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
SPRING Buster J. Sheriff Atoka Co., I. T. Indian Pioneer Papers
Buster J. Spring Interview,
July 28, 1937
SPRINGER Jack Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
SPRINGFIELD   Deputy, 1895 Pottawatomie Co. Tecumseh Leader, Tuesday, May 3, 1895
SPROLE Lincoln Murder
killed Ben Clark and his son Alex
was executed 07-23-1886 at Ft. Smith.
Chickasaw Nation National Park Service
SPURGEON John Outlaw - member of the Little Dick West gang
arrested by Heck Thomas near Carney.
Indian Territory htp244
STAFFORD Sam Sheriff
June 1928 - 1928
Love Co.  
ST. POWERS William "Bill" Train Robbery - member of the Dalton gang
aka "Bill Powers" and aka "Tom Evans"
killed robbing a bank in Coffeyville, Kansas.
Indian and Oklahoma Territory htp159, 168
STAKE Jonas Outlaw - brought in by Bass Reeves Indian Territory brdp195
STALLINGS Duke U. S. Marshal
took office 05-26-1926 &06-01-1933
Western District of Oklahoma usmars
STAMPHILL W. L. U. S. Deputy Marshal Indian Territory brdp239
STANDERFER Samuel Larthur Deputy Sheriff
Sheriff 1928-29 & 1937-40
Kiowa Co. Janice (Standerfer) Freeman
great grandfather
STANFORD Tom Possession of Intoxicating Liquor in Indian Country Logan Co. See document
STANLEY Jake Outlaw Western District brdp221
STANLEY Virgil B. Marshal
02-12-1949 to 03-21-1949
Northern District of Oklahoma  
killed his wife and infant
was executed 07-09-1890 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
STANTON Howard Possession of Intoxicating Liquor in Indian Country Logan Co. See document
STARR Cale High Sheriff Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory Indian Pioneer Papers
Mrs. John E. (Red Cloud) Duncan interview
May 18, 1937
STARR Douglas Robbery
nephew of Henry Starr
Indian Territory pbfp150
STARR Ed Deputy U. S. Marshall Indian Territory Indian Pioneer Papers
William Anthony Cummings Interview,
May 20, 1937
aka "Bearcat"
Cherokee Bandit - [Dec. 2, 1873 - Feb. 22, 1921]
wanted for the murder Deputy Floyd Wilson
Indian Territory Henry Starr - Gunslinger
STARR Sam Cherokee Bandit Indian Territory tl1p155
STEEL Ike Deputy Marshal Payne Co. ootp51
STEELE George W. Territorial Governor
of Illinois - appointed by President Harrison
Oklahoma Territory whfp30, 34
STEIN Ed Indian Territory (Chickasaw area) gang, Brother-in-law of Pink & Jim Lee. Indian Territory htp40, 42-61, 264
STEPHENS Bud Horse Thief - fugitive from Texas - Murdered by Henry Loftis Indian Territory brdp12-13
STEPHENS John Mulatto Murder
murdered Annie Kerr and her 16 year old son for testifying against him in a larceny case.
He entered their home at night, while they slept, and chopped off their heads.
brought in by L. P. Isbell
executed Jan. 14, 1887 at the Ft. Smith gallows.
Delaware Reservation htp60
STEVENS Bud Shot and killed Deputy Sheriff Dallas Hodges
when he tried to arrest him in Gordonville, Grayson County, Texas
fled to Indian Territory
also killed Babe Hodges
was killed by Bully July
Seminole Nation  
STEVENS Jennie - "Little Britches" Outlaw Indian Territory  
STEVENS John Outlaw
was executed 01-14-1887 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
STEVENSON Jerry Unknown Lawbreaker Logan Co. See document
STEWART Charley U. S. Deputy Marshal Indian Territory Indian Pioneer Papers
Lem F. Blevins,
May 20, 1937
STEWART Demit Unknown Logan Co. See document
STEWART E. C. Sheriff Sequoyah Co. Earline Barger
Sequoyah Co. CC
STEWART Dr. Henri Outlaw
was executed 08-29-1879 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
STIDHAM ? ? ? ? Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
STILLWELL Jack Peace Officer Oklahoma Territory  
STINE Jess A. Deputy Special Officer Indian Territory See more
See authorization
See photo
See photo 2
Being researched by:
Lynne Pitchford
STOCKMAN Benjamin Unknown Logan Co. See document
STOREY William Lawyer
Judge - appointed 1872
Indian Territory imp55
STORMONT Jim Sheriff Okmulgee Co. pbfp253
STORY Tom Outlaw - killed by Bass Reeves Indian Territory brdp198-199
STOVAL Wade Sheriff Sequoyah Co. Earline Barger
Sequoyah Co. CC
STOVER George Chief of Police
Enid, Garfield Co. Enid Police Chiefs
STOWE Charles L. U. S. Marshal
08-13-1895 to 12-12-1895
Southern District of Indian Territory usmars
STOWE Lucius L. U. S. Marshal
was the original appointment
Southern District of Indian Territory usmars
STRAIN Owen Bearden See Story Oklahoma See photo
Being researched by:
Sue Reynolds
STROUD Zewel Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
STUHL Otis Horse Thief
member of the Green-Whitehead gang
Roger Mills Co. See clipping
SULLIVAN Adlie (?) Sheriff
early 1920-30's
Texas Co.  
SUMRILL Ed Under Sheriff Duncan, Oklahoma Oklahombres Journal Vol X, Number 4, Summer 1999
SUNDAY Dave Sheriff Saline district, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory Indian Pioneer Papers
Mrs. John E. (Red Cloud) Duncan interview
May 18, 1937
SUTTON Fred E. U. S. Deputy Marshal Indian Territory brdp38
SWAIN John U. S. Deputy Marshal Indian and Oklahoma Territory htp69-70, 77
SWAIN John U. S. Deputy Marshal
killed near Purcell, I. T.
Pittsburg Co. Indian Pioneer Papers
Tobe Mackey Interview
March 10, 1937
Indian Pioneer Papers
W.H. O'Gwin,
February 21, 1938
SWEATTE Jim Town Marshal
killed by Ed Thomlinson
Keokuk Falls, O. T. ootp96
SWEATTE William T. Town Marshal
made marshal after his brother Jim Sweatte was killed.
Keokuk Falls, O. T. ootp96
SWINNEY Samuel E. U. S. Marshal
took office 06-18-1934
Eastern District of Oklahoma usmars

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