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Surname Given Position or
County or
WADE Ace Deputy U. S. Marshal Indian Territory Submitted by:
Earline Barger
WADE Gilbert Deputy Sheriff 1880 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
WAGON Carl Sheriff Poteau , LeFlore Co. 1p43
WA-HAR-KEY SON ? ? ? ? Choctaw Outlaw - double murder of Mr. Marriot and his wife turned in by one of jealous wives arrested by Heck Thomas and received a life sentence. Choctaw Nation htp73-74
WAIGHTMAN George Horse Thief - Train & Bank Robbery - Murder
aka "Red Buck"
member of the Doolin gang
killed a preacher named Godfrey because he refused to give up his team and wagon.
was killed by U. S. Deputy Chris Madsen near Arapho on March 5, 1896
Vinita, I. T. htp142, 174, 226
WAITE Fredrick Tecumseh United States Indian Policeman
Deputy U. S. Marshal
I.T. Fred was also a wanted man, the subject of two Federal warrants for murder and one local warrant when he was involved in the Lincoln County War out in New Mexico with Billy the Kid, etc
Submitted by:
Mike Tower
WALKER Eugene U. S. Deputy Marshal Indian Territory brdp162
WALKER Pete Unknown Logan Co. See document
WALKER Tandy U. S. Marshal Indian Territory Indian Pioneer Papers
Jim Beagles Interview
August 16, 1937
WALKER William Murder
killed Calvin Church
was executed 08-30-1889 at Ft. Smith.
Durant, Choctaw Nation National Park Service
WALL Thomas J. Sheriff 1877 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
WALNER John U. S. Marshal Garvin Co. Indian Pioneer Papers
W.H. O'Gwin Interview
February 21, 1938
Indian Pioneer Papers
Frances Walner Interview
date not given
Indian Pionner Papers
Mrs. John Walner   Interview
October 16, 1937
WALTERS J. A. Sheriff Sequoyah Co. Earline Barger
Sequoyah Co. CC
WALTERS Jack Black U. S. Deputy Marshal Southern District brdp206, 249
WALTON John Callaway Governor Oklahoma pbfp127
WALTON Oliver Possession of Still Logan Co. See document
WARD Cyrus Byington  Ranger 1885 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
WARD J. D.  Ranger 1894-95 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
WARD Jeff D.  Judge 1900 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
WARD Jefferson Davis Ranger 1893 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
WARD Jeremiah Sheriff 1862-67, 1870 Deputy Sheriff, Judge 1878 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
WARD Joseph Riddle Hall  Judge 1892 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
WARD Robert Jones  Sheriff 1875, Treasurer 1878 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
WARD S.T. Undersheriff, 1895 Pottawatomie Co. Tecumseh Leader, Tuesday, May 3, 1895
WARD Tony Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
WARREN Edmond Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
WARREN Lloyd Possession of Intoxicating Liquor Logan Co. See document
WASSON Clark B. U. S. Marshal
took office 04-15-1930
Eastern District of Oklahoma usmars
WASSON James Murder
Killed Henry Martin and A. Watkins
was executed 04-23-1886 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
WATSON Emmett Sheriff
Grady Co. Grady County Sheriffs
WATSON Robert Stabbed Grant Johnson Eufaula, Oklahoma brdp237
WATSON Thomas Sheriff Choctaw Nation brdp128
Indian Pioneer Papers
Elliston Labor Interview
May 20, 1937
WATT Hank Outlaw Indian Territory brdp68
WATTS Frank Deputy Marshal, 1895 Pottawatomie Co. Tecumseh Leader, Tuesday, May 3, 1895
WEATHERFORD Money U. S. Marshall Weatherford, OK  
WEAVER Booth Peace Officer Oklahoma Territory  
WEBB Jim Outlaw Chickasaw Nation brdp187
WEEKS Tom U.S. Marshal Osage See The Coffeyville Journal
WEIBLING Christopher C. Peace Officer Oklahoma Territory  
WELCH W. A. Ranger 1899 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
WELCH William A.  Judge 1881 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
WELVERTON Burton Officer Logan Co. See photo
WELLS Henry Outlaw
rode with Al Spencer and Jelly Nash
Indian Territory pbfp125
WEST Bill Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
WEST Bill U. S. Deputy Marshal Briartown, Oklahoma - Muskogee Co. Indian Pioneer Papers
F. W. Keith Interview,
July 31, 1937
WEST John 1st U. S. Marshal Briartown, Oklahoma - Muskogee Co. Indian Pioneer Papers
F. W. Keith Interview,
July 31, 1937

Indian Pioneer Papers
William Anthony Cummings Interview,
May 20, 1937

John Henry West Interview,
September 15, 1937

Ellis West Interview,
no date given
WEST Kinch Outlaw - member of the Tom Story gang Indian Territory brdp198-199
WEST Richard "Little" Dick Outlaw
was a member of the Bill Doolin gang
then formed his own gang
killed April 8, 1898 by Sheriff Rinehart - buried Summit View Cemetery, Guthrie, Logan County, Oklahoma
Indian Territory imp196
htp173-174, 223, 229-230, 242, 245-252, 254
WESTER Orren Sheriff
Love Co.  
WHALEY Thomas Henry Police Officer
U S Deputy Marshal
Hughes Co. See info
See more
Glenda Whaley Ryans
WHIPPLE John Webster U S Deputy Marshal - late1800's Oklahoma Territory view article
submitted by Lisa Hamilton
WHITAKER Bill Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
WHITE Ewers U. S. Marshal
Took office 07-07-1925   |   died May 1926
Western District of Oklahoma  appoints deputies
WHITE Cornelius Black Police Officer
killed in 1951
Tulsa, Oklahoma Oklahombres Journal Vol X, Number 4, Summer 1999
WHITE George Deputy Sheriff, 1911 Pontotoc Co.  
WHITE Gideon S. "Cap" U. S. Deputy Marshal - died 1914 in Lavita, Colorado Indian Territory brdp38
imp114, 119-162, 207
WHITE J. R. Sheriff
his duties sometimes was to inflict the lash punishment of men charged with law infraction. These punishments took place both at Kulli Tuklo, county seat of Red River County, and at Alikehi, seat of the District Court of this section of the Choctaw Nation.
He was a native of Texas, married Lena Simpson. He died August 25, 1914, Idabel, McCurtain Co., OK
Red River County
Indian Territory
Thoburn, Vol. 3, p. 1023, W. Julius White Bio
WHITE Paul County Commissioner c1923 
died of small pox after trying to care for inmates who were affected with small pox.
LeFlore Co. Paula White Harrison
WHITE W. E. City Marshal
Enid, Garfield Co. Enid Police Chiefs
WHITEFIELD Henry Outlaw - killed 07-09-1898 Indian Territory brdp114
WHITFIELD Fred Unknown Logan Co. See document
WHITEHEAD Pete Murder - killed Jack Bullard and a deputy Roger Mills Co. Indian Pioneer  Papers
Eliza J. Sullivan Interview,
June 29, 1937
See clipping
WHITLEY ? ? ? ? Murder
in Bell and Tom Green Counties and robbed a bank at Cisco, Texas in 1887
along with Kep Queen and John Barber
killed by Rangers.
Indian Territory htp122
WHITSON Cal Deputy U. S. Marshal Indian Territory Submitted by:
Earline Barger
WHITTLE Frank Unknown Logan Co. See document
WHITTINGTON William Murder - Robbery
Killed and robbed John Turner
One of the first to hang by Judge Parker on 09-03-1875
Indian Territory imp62
WIERMAN Joe Peace Officer Oklahoma Territory  
WILEY "Captain" Outlaw Indian Territory brdp110
WILEY William Elliot
aka "Colorado Bill"
was executed 08-29-1879 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
WILKERSON J. C. U. S. Deputy Marshal
helped bring in Ed Newcome
Nowata, I. T. htp182
WILKES Oscar "Mack" Asst. Police Chief Ardmore Butch Bridges This 'n That Vol 4 Issue 167
See article
WILLARD Joseph Henry US Deputy Marshal Indian Territory See article
Submitted by:
Frank E. Vanderbilt
WILLIAMS Bootes Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
WILLIAMS E. C. City Marshal
Enid, Garfield Co. Enid Police Chiefs
WILLIAMS Doc Outlaw - member of the Christian gang Indian and Oklahoma Territory brdp112
WILLIAMS George U. S. Deputy Marshal Indian Territory htp57, 60, 77-78
WILLIAMS J. D. Outlaw Indian Territory brdp186
WILLIAMS Joe Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
WILLIAMS John U. S. Deputy Marshal Choctaw Nation brdp196
WILLIAMS Minnie Sheriff
wife of Waldo A. was appointed to fill his position.
Duncan, Oklahoma Oklahombres Journal Vol X, Number 4, Summer 1999
WILLIAMS Paul C. Policeman Indian Terriotry brdp117
WILLIAMS Richard Disturbing the Peace Logan Co. See document
WILLIAMS Sterling Outlaw Indian Territory brdp186
WILLIAMS Tony Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
WILLIAMS Waldo A. Sheriff
killed 05-13-1930 in the line of duty
Duncan, Oklahoma Oklahombres Journal Vol X, Number 4, Summer 1999
WILLIBEY Guy Sheriff Creek Co. Being researched by:
Shirley Gorman
WILLIS Thomas Murder - Robbery
killed and robbed W. P. Williams
was executed 01-16-1890 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
WILSON Aaron Black Murderer
Murdered James Harris and his 12 yr old son
hung by Judge Parker 04-21-1876
Indian Territory brdp10
WILSON Arthur Sheriff Creek Co. See article
WILSON Floyd U. S. Deputy Marshal
killed December 14, 1892 by Henry Starr.
Cherokee Nation htp147, 181
WILSON Frank U. S. Deputy Marshal - killed 1892 Indian Territory brdp54
WILSON Frank Outlaw - first man killed by Grant Johnson Western District brdp229-230
James Casherago"
killed Zachariah W. Thatch
was the last one to be executed 07-30-1896 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
WILSON Milo Outlaw - member of the United Socialist Club Indian Territory brdp117
WILSON Samuel Robert Officer - Deputy Sheriff LeFlore Co. - Choctaw Nation 1p37
WILSON Sinker Murder
Killed Datus Cowman
Was executed 09-08-1876 at Ft. Smith.
Cherokee Nation National Park Service
WILSON W. E. Police Officer Tulsa, Oklahoma pbfp242, 245
WINCHESTER Albert Possession of Still Logan Co. See document
WINGO Ed U. S. Deputy Marshal
killed bootlegger "Long Jim"
Indian Territory htp76-77
WINGO Sam U. S. Deputy Marshal Choctaw Nation brdp196
WITTE Gerhard H. U. S. Marshal
took office 10-04-1907
Central District of Indian Territory usmars
WOFFORD Eli Chief of Police Tulsa Co. Indian Pioneer Papers
Callie B. McNiece Interview
WOFFORD Thad T. U. S. Marshal Tulsa Co. Indian Pioneer Papers
Callie B. McNiece Interview
WOLFE Archie Indian Outlaw - friend of Ned Christie
apprehended in Chicago
Cherokee Nation tl1p153
WOLFE John Outlaw Indian Territory brdp209
WOLFE Robert Outlaw - brought in by Bass Reeves Indian Territory brdp200
WOLL James
"J. C."
Chief of Police Sallisaw, Oklahoma pbfp94
WOLSEY John Chief of Police Muskogee, Oklahoma pbfp252
Killed Nathaniel Hyatt
was executed 07-11-1884 at Ft. Smith.
Cherokee Nation National Park Service
WOODMANSEE R. O. Possession of Intoxicating Liquors in Indian County Logan Co. See document
aka "Bone Dry"
Deputy Sheriff Sequoyah Co. pbfp93
WOODY Stephen A. Policeman Lawton, Oklahoma Territory htp256
WRIGHT William Outlaw - member of the United Socialist Club Indian Territory brdp115-117
WYATT Ellsworth
aka Dick Yeager
killed a deputy sheriff in Kansas
was taken to Enid jail 08-04-1895 and died there 09-07-1895.
Oklahoma Territory The Guthrie Daily Leader 04-13-1975
WYATT John Trespassing Logan Co. See document
WYERS John Lawman
Deputy U. S. Marshal
died in 1922.
Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
Helen Wyers
See photo
WYERS Sampson Sheriff
Deputy U. S. Marshal
Haskell Co. Helen Wyers
See photo
also see photo

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