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Surname Given Position or
County or
TAFF Walter Deputy Sheriff Pottawatomie Co. Walter Taff
See Walts webpage
TATE Charles Judge Carter Co. b1July 1999 - Sept. 1999
TATE Walter Deputy Sheriff of Oswalt, shot and mortally wounded by Ben Canty d Sep 1917
Love Co. Linda Bonham
TAYLOR Bill Deputy U. S. Marshal Indian Territory Submitted by:
Earline Barger
TAYLOR James "Jim" U. S. Deputy Marhsal
killed Jim Lee near Dexter TX c 1885
Chickasaw Nation brdp108
TAYLOR John Clerk 1873, Deputy Sheriff 1875, Clerk 1885, Clerk 1886, Judge 1888, Judge 1893, Judge 1903 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
TAYLOR Walter "Spunky" U. S. Deputy Marshal - sworn in June 27, 1893 Indian Territory imp165
TAYLOR Wash Outlaw Indian Territory brdp186
TE-O-LIT-SE Unk. Outlaw
was executed 06-29-1883 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
TERRELL Joseph Possession of Liquor Logan Co. See document
TERRILL J. T. Outlaw - member of the United Socialist Club Indian Territory brdp117
TERRILL Ray Bank Robbery
rode with Al Spencer and Jelly Nash
also with Matthew Kimes
Indian Territory pbfp125, 179-180
TERRY J. J. U. S. Marshall Hugo, I. T. Indian Pioneer Papers
Clarence Grandville Bearden Interview,
September 30, 1937
TERRY Louis "Luke" Night Marshal LeFlore Co. See news article
Submitted by:
Troy Philis
THAWES Joquis Outlaw Indian Territory brdp186
THAYER Earl "Dad" Outlaw
rode with Al Spencer and Jelly Nash
Indian Territory pbfp125
THOMAS Henry A. "Heck" 1886-1891 US Deputy Marshal in Indian Territory; 1891-1901 Deputy Marshal in Oklahoma Territory; Police Chief, Lawton, OK for 8 years.  Along with Chris Madsen and Bill Tilghman they were often known as "The Three Guardsmen."  Born 1850 Athens, GA; son of Lovick and Martha Thomas. Age 17 joined Atlanta [GA] police force. 1871 married his cousin, Isabelle Gray.  1876 moved to Galveston, TX.
Indian Territory (Chickasaw area) gang, Pink Lee was killed by Heck Thomas near Dexter TX c 1885.  Married Matie Mowbrary, daughter of George and Hannah Mowbrary of Tulsa, Indian Territory, in October 1889 in Arkansas City, KS. killed Bill Doolin near Lawson [more]
Indian Territory, Oklahoma Territory, Lawton, OK 3p3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 13
THOMISON George Harrison U. S. Marshal Indian Territory Submitted by:
Greg Thomison
THOMPSON Canada H. U. S. Marshal
was appointed on November 8, 1897 after Nagle resigned.
and resigned Jan 13, 1902.
Guthrie, Oklahoma Territory htp253
THOMPSON G. W.  Judge 1883 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
THOMPSON Gus U. S. Deputy Marshal Indian Territory imp200
THOMPSON Hiram A. "Hi" City Marshal
04-05-1901 to 01-17-1902
U. S. Deputy Marshal
Tulsa, O. T.
Western District
THOMPSON J. S. Sheriff Anadarko, Oklahoma Oklahombres Journal Vol X, Number 4, Summer 1999
THOMPSON Jeter L. Outlaw Cherokee Nation brdp143
THOMPSON Joe U. S. Deputy Marshal Indian Territory imp200
THOMPSON John Outlaw
was executed 06-28-1892 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
THOMPSON T. U. S. Deputy Marshal Oklahoma Territory tl1p97
THOMPSON Thomas Murder & Bootlegging
was executed 07-11-1884 at Ft. Smith.
Chickasaw Nation National Park Service
THORNE Evarts Policeman Cherokee Nation brdp143
THORNTON George E. U. S. Deputy Marshal Oklahoma City, O. T. brdp110
THORNTON John Murder
killed his daughter after abusing her
was executed at the Ft. Smith gallows 06-28-1892
Indian Territory Marti Graham
THRASHER Alva Chief of Police
Enid, Garfield Co. Enid Police Chiefs
THRASHER John City Marshal
Enid, Garfield Co. Enid Police Chiefs
THURLO Edward Ellis U. S. Deputy Marhsal
killed in Duncan, Stephens Co, Ok in Jan of 1896
He was killed by Dave Putty
Stephens Co. Being researched by:
Barbara Hancock
TIGER John Creek Outlaw - brought in by G. Johnson and Bud Ledbetter. Western District brdp228, 235
TILGHMAN William Matthew "Bill" US Deputy Marshal along with Chris Madsen and Heck Thomas they were often known as "The Three Guardsmen";  killed Nov. 1, 1924 in Cromwell, Oklahoma by Wiley Lynn a Prohibition Agent
captured Bill Doolin at Eureka Springs
Indian Territory, Oklahoma Territory 3
htp196, 201, 203-204, 209-213, 218, 220-224, 226-227, 230-235, 241, 248, 252, 260, 262, 264-265
  Bob Chada
TILLY Jonathan S. U. S. Deputy Marshal Spokogee, Indian Territory Oklahombres Journal Vol X, Number 4, Summer 1999
TILTON Bose Chief of Police
Enid, Garfield Co. Enid Police Chiefs
TIPTON Thomas U. S. Deputy Marshal under E. D. Nix Chandler, Oklahoma Territory htp194
TITTSWORTH Frank Unknown Logan Co. See document
TOBLER George Murder
killed a rival, Irvin Richmond, over a woman
was executed 01-30-1890 at Ft. Smith.
Choctaw Nation National Park Service
TOLBERT John U. S. Deputy Marshal - served under Judge Parker - died in 1944 at Clarsville Indian Territory imp123
TOLBERT Paden U. S. Deputy Marshal - served under Judge Parker - died April 24, 1904 Indian Territory tl1p159
TONEY Aaron Unknown Logan Co. See document
TO-SA-LO-NAH   Seminole Indian Outlaw - aka "Greenleaf"
brought in by Bass Reeves
Indian Territory brdp200
TOWERLY William Horse Thief - youth
killed an already wounded U. S. Deputy Marshal Frank Dalton by blowing out his brains.
killed posseman Ed Stokley
Choctaw Nation htp95-97
TOWNSEND Hosea Judge
1897 to 1907
Purcell, I. T.  
TRAHERN James N. Judge 1880 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
TRAINOR Bud Outlaw Indian Territory brdp32
TREADWAY Frank Nightwatchman Perry, Oklahoma See newspaper articles
TREW   Deputy Marshal, 1905 Pontotoc Co., OK Roff Enterprise, July 21, 1905
TROLLINGER Robert Outlaw
Member of the Cookson Hills Gang
armed robbery of banks in Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Arkansas 1932-34
Oklahoma. *source: "Bad Boys of the Cookson Hills"..R. D. Morgan..New Forums Press
Submitted by:
R. D. Morgan
TROTTER Anthony Unknown Logan Co. See document
TROTTER James Peace Officer Oklahoma Territory  
TROUSDALE W. B. "Billy" County Sheriff, 1895
arrested "Buttermilk" Mackey & Foster Holbrook - members of the Christian gang
Pottawatomie Co. Tecumseh Leader, Tuesday, May 3, 1895
TRUAT Harry Peace Officer Oklahoma Territory  
TUALISTO   Creek - Murder & Robbery
Robbed and Murdered Emanuel Cochran
Was executed on the Ft. Smith gallows 06-29-1893.
Choctaw Nation  
TUCKER Bert Murder - He surrendered to Grant Johnson Eufaula, I. T. brdp235
TUCKER E. D. Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
TUCKER Morgan U. S. Deputy Marshal Indian Territory brdp162
aka "Tuni"
was executed 10-10-1873 at Ft. Smith
Indian Territory National Park Service
TURNER George Unknown Logan Co. See document
TURNER Sam Sheriff Hughes Co. Seminole Producer - Jan. 28, 1929
TURNER (Y) William C. Deputy Sheriff, 1895; murdered by Bob CHRISTIAN Pottawatomie Co. Tecumseh Leader, Tuesday, May 3, 1895
TWO-A-NUCK-EY   Outlaw - brought in by Bass Reeves Indian Territory brdp195
TYLER Bud Outlaw Indian Territory brdp68

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