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Surname Given Position or
County or
PADGETT George W. Murder & Cattle Rustling
Killed W. H. Stephens
Was executed 09-09-1881 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
PANCOAST J. L. Associate Justice Supreme Court
for the 6th District of Oklahoma.
Born in Ohio 1852.
Admitted to the bar 1878.
Located in kansas 1879
Elected to the Kansas legislature 1887.
Came to Oklahoma in 1890 and elected City Attorney of Guthrie 1891.
Ex-Mayor of Perry 1897 to 1899.
Guthrie & Perry, Oklahoma moop18
PANE Steve Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
PANOSKI Creek Outlaw Cherokee Co. Indian Pioneer Papers
William Ballard,
July 27, 1937
Also see another view
PARCHMEAL William Murder
Killed William Feigel
was executed 06-26-1885 at Ft. Smith.
Ft. Gibson, I. T. National Park Service
PARKER Frank Violation of National Prohibition Act Logan Co. See document
PARKER Isaac Charles Judge
The Hanging Judge
The Iron Judge - (1838-1896)
Indian Territory icp
PARKER Jim Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
PARKS Frank Deputy U. S. Marshal Indian Territory Submitted by:
Earline Barger
PARRIS [Parish] John Indian Bootlegger - Outlaw - one of the two accused of the killing U. S. Deputy Marshal Dan Maples
arrested by Deputy John Curtis
Cherokee Nation brdp32
PATE S. H. Violation of the National Prohibition Act Logan Co. See document
PATTERSON C. C. "Champ" Murder & Bank Robbery
killed a Shawnee Police Officer
shot in a bank hold up in Boley, Oklahoma
Kiowa, Oklahoma pbfp283-284
Also see Boley
PATTERSON Emanuel Murder - killed Deputy Ayers
arrested by Heck Thomas six years later
got life for killing Deputy Ayers and died in prison.
Indian Territory brdp108
PATTERSON Sid Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
PATTON Robert Brashears Clerk 1875 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
PAYNE Ceaser Seminole Lighthorseman Seminole Nation brdp137
PAYNE Ramson U. S. Deputy Marshall Guthrie, O. T. whfp48
PAYNE Ted Unknown Logan Co. See document
PAYNE Thomas Seminole Lighthorseman Seminole Nation brdp138
PEARCE George Murder - Robbery
along with his brother John
killed and robbed William Vandever
was executed at the Ft. Smith gallows on 04-30-1896
Cherokee Nation brdp75
Marti Graham
PEARCE John Murder - Robbery
along with his brother George
killed and robbed William Vandever
was executed at the Ft. Smith gallows on 04-30-1896
Cherokee Nation brdp75
Marti Graham
PECKHAM C. E. Deputy Sheriff Beaver Co. See more
PEEVY Joe Deputy Sheriff - helped capture John Childers Choctaw Nation imp53
PEMBERTON John U. S. Deputy Marshal Muldrow, Indian Territory Indian Pioneer Papers
W. W. Payne Interview
November 9, 1937
PENSON Tobe Officer LeFlore Co. 1p31
PENTECOST Joe U. S. Deputy Marshal Logan, O. T. htp194
PERRIER Ray L. Deputy Washington Co. Submitted by:
Steve Clemons
See article
PERRIN Hack Sheriff
Grady Co. Grady County Sheriffs
PERRY Jess Deputy U. S. Marshal Indian Territory Submitted by:
Earline Barger
PETERS Joe U. S. Deputy Marshal
Sept. 17, 1863 - Feb. 11, 1945
Indian Territory Earline Barger
PETERS Samuel Murder
Killed by stabbing Charity Hanson
Was executed 09-08-1876 at Ft. Smith.
Choctaw Nation National Park Service
PETTIGREW Jim U. S. Deputy Marshal Muskogee, Indian Territory brdp85
PETTIT Charles Black U. S. Deputy Marshal Guthrie, O. T. - Pawhuska, I. T. - Osage Nation brdp162, 248
PETTUS Jim Deputy U. S. Marshal Indian Territory Submitted by:
Earline Barger
PETTY Leroy Possession & Sale of Liquor Logan Co. See document
PHEBUS William Morris US Deputy Marshal out of Fort Smith for Judge Parker;  City Marshal at Kiowa and Krebs;  b Leadhill, AR, on Oct 15, 1868
d McAlister, Pittsburg Co., OK 15 May 1950 m to WELCH, Margaret 28 Aug 1898
Choctaw Nation; Krebs & Kiowa, Pittsburg Co. OK Nick Cimino
PHILLIPS George U. S. Marshal Okmulgee Co.  
PHILLIPS Jesse First Sheriff of Atoka Co.  Atoka Co. Memories Of The Past
PHILLIPS Joe Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
PHILLIPS John Deputy Marshal
arrested Creek Outlaw Seaborn Kalijah
Creek Nation brdp133
PHILLIPS Vernon D. Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
PHILLIPS William Murder
Killed his father-in-law
was executed 04-17-1885 at Ft. Smith.
Cherokee Nation National Park Service
PHILPOT Johnny Sheriff Sequoyah Co. Earline Barger
Sequoyah Co. CC
PHILPOTT Walter Outlaw
rode with Al Spencer and Jelly Nash
Indian Territory pbfp125
PICKETT John Outlaw - brought in by Bass Reeves Indian Territory brdp195
PIERCE Charley Whiskey peddling
member of the Dalton gang, but was later dropped because of his fool hardiness
became a member of the Doolin gang.
arrested once by Heck Thomas
killed by Thomas and Tilghman at the Dunn home in Payne County on May 2, 1895
Indian Territory htp145, 159, 226
whfp4040-42, 69-70, 72, 77, 84-85, 93, 105, 118-119, 121, 151, 190-191, 267, 273, 277-281, 283, 307, 318, 372
See bio
PIERCE Fred Violation of the National Prohibition Act Logan Co. See document
PIERCE George Outlaw
was executed 04-30-1896 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
PIERCE Joe Choctaw Black - Horse Thief Choctaw Nation Indian Pioneer Papers
Andrew Jackson Berryhill
Interview, July 9, 1937
PIERCE John Murder - brought in by Grant Johnson
was executed 04-30-1896 at Ft. Smith.
Western District brdp223
National Park Service
PIERCE Ross Deputy Sheriff Oklahoma County, OK  
PILGREEN Hosea (1855-1905) former mayor, sheriff [from Poteau, and court clerk of LeFlore Co.; buried at Old Hall Cemetery Choctaw Nation - LeFlore Co. 1p43, 127
PINSON Tobe Deputy U. S. Marshal Indian Territory Submitted by:
Earline Barger
PIXLEY Dan Murder of Dave Givens Tabler Springs htp133
POE Oscar Bank Robbery
robbed the Centralia Bank Oct. 16, 1916
leader of the Poe-Hart Gang.
killed by officers Jan. 21, 1917
Craig Co.  
POE Poem Bank Robbery
robbed the Centralia Bank Oct. 16, 1916
member of the Poe-Hart Gang.
Craig Co.  
POE Red Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
POINTER John Murder
killed EdVandever and William Bolding
was executed 04-03-1874 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
POINTER John Outlaw
was executed 09-24-1894 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
POINTS Fred Possession of Intoxicating Liquor in Indian Country Logan Co. See document
POLING Alonzo U. S. Deputy Marshal under E. D. Nix Oklahoma Territory htp194
PORTER Grosvernor A. U. S. Marshal
took office for Eastern District 11-11-1907
Southern District of Indian Territory
also Eastern District for Oklahoma
PORTER General Pleasant Captain - Creek Lighthorseman Creek Nation brdp131
POSEY Hens Outlaw - brought in by Bass Reeves Indian Territory brdp196
POST Thomas   Indian Territory brdp196
POSTOAK John Murder
Killed John Ingley and his wife
Executed 12-20-1878 at Ft. Smith.
Creek Nation brdp182
POTES Ira Sheriff Murray Co. Indian Pioneer Papers
Ira Potes Interview,
June 03, 1937
POUND George W. Sheriff Tobucksy Co., Choctaw Nation See document
POWELL A. P. Deputy Sheriff
killed by either Eddy "Newt" Clanton or Ford Bradshaw, both members of the Cookson Hills Gang, in Chelsea, Oklahoma, Feb.1934
Rogers Co. *source: "Bad Boys of the Cookson Hills"..R. D. Morgan..New Forums Press
Submitted by:
R. D. Morgan
POWELL S. D. Judge Seminole Co. Seminole Producer - Aug. 27, 1929
POWERS John Sheriff Clarksville, I. T. brdp128
PRABET Jim Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
PRATHER Capt. J. S. U. S. Deputy Marshal El Reno, Oklahoma Territory htp220
PRATT W. E. City Marshal
Enid, Garfield Co. Enid Police Chiefs
PRICE R. J. Constable Pottawatomie Co. See more
Submitted by:
PRIEST John F. Deputy U. S. Marshal Indian Territory Submitted by:
Earline Barger
PRITCHARD George K. U. S. Marshal
02-18-1904 to10-03-1907
Central District of Indian Territory usmars
PROCTOR Ezekiel Cherokee Lighthorseman Cherokee Nation brdp122
PROCTOR John Deputy Sheriff Cherokee Nation brdp124
PUDDY Dave Intoxication
resisted arrest
was shot once in the head by Marshal W. E. McLemore.
He died instantly.
Leon, OK Butch Bridges This & That, Vol. 4 Issue 164
PUL-MUSKEY   Murder Creek Nation brdp137
PURDY Aaron outlaw accused of "introducing and selling whiskey in the Indian country" and of robbing trains, intent to kill a Federal Officer. Incident with Heck Thomas and possee, was badly wounded.
brother of Tom Purdy
Snake Creek, 16 miles south of Red Fork, Indian Territory 3p20
htp111- 114, 123-124
PURDY Tom outlaw accused of "introducing and selling whiskey in the Indian country" and of robbing trains. Brother of Aaron Snake Creek, 16 miles south of Red Fork, Indian Territory 3p20
PUSLEY Liman Sheriff Gains Co., Choctaw Nation, IT  Debbie Long

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