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Surname Given Position or
County or
MACK George Black Whiskey Runner Seminole Nation  
MACK Jim Outlaw
brought in by Bass Reeves 08-08-1884
Chickasaw, Pottawatomie and Western Creek district brdp191
MACKEY John W. Outlaw, part of the Christian Gang, aka "Buttermilk John", one of the gang, captured in 1895 a short time after the killing of Deputy Sheriff W. C. TURNER Pottawatomie Co. Tecumseh Leader, Tuesday, May 3, 1895
MACKEY S. H. Judge Choctaw Nation See document
MACKEY Solemon Native American Sheriff Savanna, Pittsburg Co. Indian Pioneer Papers
Tobe Mackey Interview
March 10, 1937
MACKEY Tobe Native American Peace Officer Savanna, Pittsburg Co. Indian Pioneer Papers
Tobe Mackey Interview
March 10, 1937
MADSEN Christian US Deputy Marshal
along w/ Heck Thomas and Bill Tilghman they were often known as "The Three Guardsmen"; [Feb. 25, 1851- Jan. 9, 1944]; died in Guthrie, Oklahoma - Tombstone Picture
Thanks to Bill Walsh for the pic.
Indian Territory, Oklahoma Territory 3p4
MADISON Dennis Chief of Police
1996 to present
Enid, Garfield Co. Enid Police Chiefs
MADISON W. C. Unknown Logan Co. See document
MAHONEY John. Sheriff Logan Co. See another view
MALBIN Albert Bootlegger Western District brdp223
MALEDON George Bavarian Deputy Sheriff
U. S. Deputy Marshal - Judge Parker's "Hangman"
"Instant Death" - was his trademark.
was paid $5 a head for hanging
Indian Territory imp62, 68
MALOCH James Edward Chief of Police
killed in the line of duty on 12-14-1915
Perry, OK See photo
MALONE John Deputy U. S. Marshal Indian Territory Submitted by:
Earline Barger
MALTER William Chief of Police
Enid, Garfield Co. Enid Police Chiefs
MANKILLER Smoker Cherokee Murder
killed William Short
One of the first to be sentenced to hang by Judge Parker
was executed 09-03-1875 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory imp63
National Park Service
MANLEY Abler Murder
Killed Ellis McVay and cut off his hired mans hand
Was executed 09-09-1881 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
MANLEY Amos Murder
Killed Ellis McVay and cut off his hired mans hand
Was executed 09-09-1881 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
MANLEY Roy U S Marshal
took office 11-27-1940
Western District of Oklahoma Territory usmars
MANNING Cleave U. S. Deputy Marshal Indian Territory Indian Pioneer Papers
Jim Beagles Interview
August 16, 1937
MANNING Johnson Sheriff Indian Territory Indian Pioneer Papers
William Ballard,
July 27, 1937
MAPLES Dan U. S. Deputy Marshal - killed 05-05-1887 by Ned Christie Cherokee Nation brdp30-31
imp 84-87
MARKHAM John Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
MARKS L. W. U. S. Deputy Marshal Craig Co. Indian Pioneer Papers
William Anthony Cummings Interview,
May 17, 1937
MARSHALL Robert Seminole Lighthorseman
Killed 09-10-1894
Seminole Nation brdp138
MARTIN Robert Judge
was appointed secretary of the territory by President Harrison. It was the secretarys duty to record and preserve all the laws and proceedings of the legislature and perform all duties of the governor in case of death, to name a few.
Oklahoma Territory whfp30
MARTIN Roscoe Possession of Intoxicating Liquors in Indian Country Logan Co. See document
MARXS Charles H. U. S. Deputy Marshal Oklahoma Territory htp194
MASON Ernest Violation of the National Prohibition Act Logan Co. See document
MASONER Henry Outlaw Indian Territory Being researched by:
Sandra Stephens
See info
MASSEY Robert Murder
Murdered Edmond Clark
Was executed 04-13-1883 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
MASSEY William Deputy 1878 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
MASTERSON Jim U. S. Deputy Marshal
brother of Bat Masterson
was policeman at Dodge CIty, Kansas and a first day settler of Guthrie.
Oklahoma Territory htp194
MATHERS Jimmy Attorney
Ardmore, Carter Co. The Jake Hamon Story
"Wobblin Willie"
Steven Riner
MATHES Sam Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
MATHIS Christopher Columbus  Ranger 1884 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
MATTHEW John Chief of Police El Reno, Oklahoma Territory tl1p96
MATTHEWS John W. U. S. Deputy Marshal Western District brdp213
MAYBERRY C. W. "Charley" Deputy Sheriff
U S Marshal
Wetumka, OK Frank R. Mayberry
MAYER William U S Marshal Indian Territory Indian Pioneer Papers
Aaron Duncan interview
September 14, 1937
MAYHALL James Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
MAYSE James Sheriff
US Marshal
Nowata Co. See photo & obit
Being researched by:
Marvin Lewis
McALESTER James J. U. S. Marshal
04-06-1893 to 06-16-1906
Indian Territory & Central District of Indian Territory usmars
McANALLY W. J. Chief of Police
killed by Matthew Kimes
Beggs, Oklahoma pbfp180
McATEE John L. Territorial Justice
was in charge of the 5th district which was Kingfisher, Grant and Garfield counties, and headquarters in Enid.
Oklahoma Territory htp211
McCARTY Buck Violation of the National Prohibition Act Logan Co. See document
McCARTY Patrick Murder
killed Thomas Mahoney and a brother
was executed 04-08-1887 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
McCARVER Judge Justice of the Peace El Reno, Oklahoma Territory brdp108
McCAULY Billy Deputy U. S. Marshal Indian Territory Submitted by:
Earline Barger
McCAY Alf Policeman Indian Territory htp77
McCLAIN George  Sheriff 1895-95 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
McCLAIN George W.  Judge 1904 Choctaw Nation- LeFlore Co. Doug Barkley
McCLARK ? ? ? ? Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co.. McCurtain Lawmen
McCLARY Harold Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
McCLURE John U. S. Marshal LeFlore Co. - probably Kullychacha area Indian Pioneer Papers
Wesley Dean Interview,
November 1, 1937
McCOMBS Charles Chief of Police
Enid, Garfield Co. Enid Police Chiefs
McCONNELL John Outlaw - brought in by Bass Reeves Chickasaw, Pottawatomie and Western Creek District brdp191-192
McCORMICK Langston Sheriff Boley, Oklahoma pbfp284
McCOY Charles Deputy Sheriff 1876 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
McCURDY Elmer Outlaw Oklahoma Oklahombres
McCURRY Edward Outlaw - wanted for larceny Indian Territory brdp186
McCURTAIN David Deputy Sheriff 1868, Sheriff 1871 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
McCURTAIN Edmond US Marshal Choctaw Nation - LeFlore Co. 1p37
McCURTAIN Greenwood Sheriff 1873, District Attorney 1884 Choctaw Nation - LeFlore Co. Doug Barkley
McDANIELS Earl Sheriff from Hodgens LeFlore Co. 1p43
McDONALD Alva U. S. Marshal
took office 07-13-1921
Western District of Oklahoma pbfp126-127
McDONALD W. H. Outlaw - brought in by Bass Reeves Indian Territory brdp203
McDOULET Annie "Cattle Annie" Outlaw Indian Territory  
McELVAINA Riley Deputy U. S. Marshal Muskogee Co. Indian Pioneer Papers
LeRoy Ward Interview,
October 9, 1937
McELVAINA Robert Deputy U. S. Marshal Muskogee Co. Indian Pioneer Papers
LeRoy Ward Interview,
October 9, 1937
McELWAY J. C. Black Outlaw Indian Territory brdp209
McGEE Bob Murder Osage Nation brdp248
McGEE Orpheus Murder
killed Robert Alexander
was executed 04-21-1876 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
McGILBERRY Charles Deputy Sheriff -1868, Ranger-1872 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
McGILL Clyde Sheriff
Love Co.  
McGILL Enoch Unknown Logan Co. See document
McGILL John U. S. Deputy Marshal Indian Territory brdp56
McGINNIS Andrew posseman
killed by either Troy Love or "Kye" Carlile, September 1932, Cherokee County, Oklahoma
Oklahoma. *source: "Bad Boys of the Cookson Hills"..R. D. Morgan..New Forums Press
Submitted by:
R. D. Morgan
McGOWEN Patrick Outlaw
was executed 09-09-1881 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
McGREGG Buck Outlaw Oklahoma Territory tl1p116-117
McGREW Otto Assault and Battery Logan Co. See document
McGRIFF Harry E. Jailor
Woodward Co See more
Being researched by:
Sherrel Hailstone
McGRIFF John Wilson Town Marshal or County Sheriff Woodward Co See more
Being researched by:
Sherrel Hailstone
McINTOSH Amos Murder - brought in by Grant Johnson - said to have killed Lee Atkins U. S. Deputy Marshal Western District brdp224
McINTOSH Wiley U. S. Deputy Marshal Indian Territory brdp203
McIVOR William Francis Sheriff
Oklahoma Co.  
McJOHNSON James Outlaw - brought in by Bass Reves Chickasaw, Pottawatomie and Western Creek District brdp192
McKAY D. S. U. S. Deputy Marshal Guthrie, O. T. whfp41
McKEE H. L. Chief of Police
Enid, Garfield Co. Enid Police Chiefs
McKEE John Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
McKEIFER John Peace Officer Oklahoma Territory  
McKINNEY A. P. Outlaw Indian Territory brdp186
McKINZEY W. F. Police Officer Duncan, Oklahoma Oklahombres Journal Vol X, Number 4, Summer 1999
McLAUGHLIN George Special Officer Carter Co. Stephen Riner
McLAUGHLIN James Michael Undersheriff
Police Judge
Justice of the Peace
Sallisaw, Sequoyah Co. See obit
Pam Cobb  granddaughter.
McLAUGHLIN Price Deputy U. S. Marshal Indian Territory Submitted by:
Earline Barger
McLEMORE Darel "Fat" Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
McLEMORE W. E. Deputy Marshal Ardmore, Carter Co. Ok Butch Bridges This & That, Vol. 4 Issue 164
McWILLIAMS Sam - aka "Verdigris Kid" Outlaw Indian Territory brdp54
MEAGHER Michael U. S. Marshal Indian Territory  
MEEKS Sam Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
MEERS Elisha Judge Indian Territory imp49
MENURED Jess Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
MERCHON James Deputy Indian Territory Indian Pioneer Papers
William Anthony Cummings Interview,
May 17, 1937
MERRILL Bice Jailer Seminole Co. Seminole Producer - Jan. 28, 1929
MERRYMAN David Colbert U. S. Deputy Sheriff Sugar Loaf, Choctaw Nation Russ Merryman
see photo
MERSHON J. H. U. S. Deputy Marshal Chickasaw Nation brdp186, 196
MESSLER Jim U. S. Deputy Marshal Indian Territory imp52
MICHAELS J. E. Possession of Still & Mash Logan Co. See document
See document
MILLER Arthur Unknown Logan Co. See document
MILLER Ben Policeman Indian Territory htp254
MILLER Bill a notorious murderer and horse thief, of Jacksboro, Texas; alias Bill SMITH, alias Bill BRYANT, alias Martin ROERS; killed near Wiburton, I.T., July 18, 1905 by US Marshal DAVIS Wiburton, I.T. Roff Enterprise, July 21, 1905
MILLER Calvin Deputy Sheriff Muskogee Co. Indian Pioneer Papers
William Ballard,
July 27, 1937
MILLER F. M. U. S. Marshal
only female to work Indian Territory
Indian Territory See F. M. Miller
MILLER G. L. U. S. Marshal
was removed from office.
Central District of Indian Territory usmars
MILLER James Outlaw Muskogee Co. Indian Pioneer Papers
William Ballard,
July 27, 1937
MILLER John Outlaw Muskogee Co. Indian Pioneer Papers
William Ballard,
July 27, 1937
MILLER Joseph Wright Policeman/Deputy Sheriff
Deputy Marshal
Oklahoma City, OK
Guthrie, OK (O. T.)
Perry, OK
Being researched by:
Jan Roll Holland
See group photo & bio
MILLER Mose Outlaw Muskogee Co. Indian Pioneer Papers
William Ballard,
July 27, 1937
MILLER Ohio Officer Logan Co. See photo
MILLER Robert Chief of Police
Enid, Garfield Co. Enid Police Chiefs
MILLER William "Bill"Zeke Bank Robber - Bootlegger
ran with Choc Floyd and George Birdwell
Indian Territory pbfp223
MILLER Zeke Black U. S. Deputy Marshal Alderson, I. T. brdp162
MILLIGAN Benjamin F. Deputy Sheriff Cimmaron Co Submitted by:
Scott Sloan
MILLS Enos U. S. Deputy Marshal Indian Territory imp133
MILLS James Black - Murder
killed John Windham
was executed 04-19-1889 at Ft. Smith.
Seminole Nation National Park Service
MINOR Sam Deputy U. S. Marshal Indian Territory Submitted by:
Earline Barger
MITCHELL Will H. Officer Logan Co. See photo
MOAD Elmer Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
MONTGOMERY Dewey Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
MONTGOMERY Fred Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
MONTGOMERY Sam Deputy Sheriff
State Pardon & Parole Officer
Beckham Co. See more
Being researched by:
Marilyn Montgomery
MOORE Chub Outlaw - murder brought in by Bass Reeves Chickasaw, Pottawatomie and Western Creek district brdp191-192
MOORE Colbert Outlaw Indian Territory brdp186
MOORE E. A. Ranger 1904 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
MOORE Edgar Allen Judge 1902 Choctaw Nation - LeFlore Co. Doug Barkley
MOORE Frank Peace Officer Oklahoma Territory  
MOORE G. C. Undersheriff Old Greer County Indian Pioneer Papers
G. C. Moore Interview
August 19, 1937
MOORE Jim Murder - Veterian Killer - killed Depty Marshal Bill Spivey
sentenced to hang by Judge Parker
was executed 09-03-1875 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory imp63
National Park Service
MOORE Lyman R. Ranger 1898 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
MOORE W. E. "Billie" Lawman Major Co. ootp32
MORAN Roy Detective Tulsa, Oklahoma pbfp242
MORRIS ? ? ? ? Murder of Ed Davis
father of George Morris
arrested by Heck Thomas
was sentenced to a long prison term as an accessory
Indian Territory htp74-75
MORRIS Ernest R. Unknown Logan Co. See document
MORRIS George Murder of Ed Davis
arrested by Heck Thomas
was sentenced to life imprisonment
Indian Territory htp74-75
MORRIS Robert Henry Deputy Sheriff Beckham Co.  
MORRIS Tal Sheriff of Monroe LeFlore Co. 1p43
MORRISON John W. Town Marshal
U.S. Deputy Marshal
Killed in the line of duty in July 1907 near the Davis Store on Little River.
Sasakwa, I. T. (Seminole Co.) Charles C. Morrison
MORTON Leona Unknown Logan Co. See document
MORTONS D. R. Policeman Lawton, Oklahoma Territory htp257
MOSS George Black Murder - Outlaw
killed George Taff
sentenced to die on the gallows at 2 P. M. on 04-27-1888
was taken to potters field after he was hanged
Choctaw Nation brdp16
htp 101-102, 107-108
MOXLEY Dale Chief of Police
Enid, Garfield Co. Enid Police Chiefs
MUNDIS Flora Quick
aka "Tom King"
Horse Thief
helped spring Ernest Lewis
Logan, Canadian & Oklahoma counties of Oklahoma Territory htp183-187
MUNROE Thomas I. Police Commissioner Tulsa, Oklahoma pbfp244
MUNSON Henry Outlaw - member of the Cook gang Indian Territory brdp55
MURPHY Ben Sheriff Balls Chapel Community near Atoka, Atoka Co. Tales of Atoka County Heritage
MURPHY W. A. "Pat" U. S. Deputy Marshal under E. D. Nix Pond Creek & Enid, Oklahoma Territory htp211
MURRY Robert Policeman Colbert, I. T. brdp147
MUSGROVE Jim Sheriff
killed by Frog Davis
Cooweescoowee District, Cherokee Nation Indian Pioneer Papers
John M. Reynolds Interview
July 16, 1937
MYERS George Washington Chief of Police
dod: 04-06-1917
Tahlequah, Oklahoma Being researched by:
Shelia Moss
MYERS Homer Detective Tulsa, Oklahoma pbfp242
MYERS Jodie Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen

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