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Garvin County

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Seven Shooter

Seven Shooter

Clabber Flats is a cemetery, not a town. Seven Shooter is the town. It used to be a regular old
town. It was a tough place for a long time. This was the area where outlaws came to hide out.

At that time, nearly everybody farmed or raised cattle. The area was real thickly settled, nobody
lived very far apart. There was lots of Indians in the woods.

On weekends everyone would gather in town at the Seven Shooter store to play games and
buy groceries. They had picnics and different games like croquet.

Seven Shooter got it name because somebody was killed with a gun that just had six shots in it
A seventh shot killed the guy. The man who killed him had fired all six cartridges, but a seventh bullet
killed the guy. Nobody kenw where the seventh bullet came from, so they hung the man who did the
killing anyhow.

Seven Shooter wasn't much of a town, but there was a post office there. There is nothing there now
because Longmire Lake now occupies that area. Even Clabber Flats cemetery was moved.

Alpharetta Dickson

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Coordinator - Rebecca Maloney

State Coordinator: Linda Simpson

Asst. State Coordinator: Mel Owings

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