Pawnee County, Oklahoma Area Queries

Welcome to the Query section of the Pawnee County, Oklahoma Home Page. This area is only for queries on ancestry from inside Pawnee County, Oklahoma. If you have ancestry that came from counties surrounding Pawnee County, please use surrounding Pawnee County query list. If you have ancestry that settled in Pawnee County from outside Oklahoma, please use outside Oklahoma queries.

Joe Thurstenson 01/08/07 is a photo of the student body of the Skedee Valley School. I am guessing this to be sometime during the early 1930’s but would like to learn the exact date if possible. What is the location of the school? On the back of the photo is a listing of the students in family groups so I cannot identify the individuals. Also attached you will find this listing of students and their teacher, Rubye Jo Harris. Hopefully this query will find individuals who can identify the individual students in the photo, date the picture and tell me the exact location of the school; I’m assuming it is a country school. My connection to the photo is that my wife is descended from Lawerence David Hallum. If identifiers could count from the left in each row and indicate the number of child from the left and give the name, we will be consistent in our system and hopefully tack the correct name on each child. My wife’s guess (and it is a guess) is that #3 in the back row could be Lola Hallum, #6 could be Hazel Hallum, #10 could be Lawerence Hallum. In the Front row, #5 could be Elsie Hallum and #6 Anna Lee Hallum. We would like to be reassured of her correctness or to be correct if in error. But also, would like to have the others matched with names. I may have some of the names misspelled because some were nearly faded out or marked over so it was difficult to determine the spellings.

To view the archived queries for 1997-1998, 1998-1999, 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002 or 2002-2003 please click the appropriate year.


This page was last updated: August 22, 2009

CC: Bobbi Dunn

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Copyright 2020 by Robert Gale Fender