Queries for Seminole County, Oklahoma
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UNIDENTIFIED MAN Published originally on 5-19-1929 and republished 5-19-1999 under heading of "70 Years ago Today" in "The Seminole Producer" "The body of an unidentified man, about 50 years of age who had been dead a week or ten days, was found today, hidden in a pasture two miles north and a half mile west of the City. He came to his death by violence, the forehead being badly crushed and two large gashes having been inflicted on the back of the head. No marks of identiication were found on the body and features were totally unrecognizable. Two of his pockets were turned out and all were empty. The body was found by Jack MITCHELL, 14, while going through the pasture of his father, C.P. Mitchell"
Created: 6-2001 Maintained by Rebecca Ramsey - okcosemino@usgennet.org Copyright 2001 by Rebecca Ramsey Updated: Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 20:11:37 UTC