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Updated: 08 Jan 2025
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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
Created:  01 Jun 2010 


Updated: 08 Nov 2023
Creek Co. OK

Website additions:


2016 most of the year was spend relearning much html code & re-organizing material to put online.
2017 SITE ADDITIONS & UPDATES  please us your browser to find the name-- many have had the original obit image added &or linked to the respective stone at FindAGrave, if found
02-23-17 miscellaneous changes to various pages
08-2017 adding more obits and updating the index pages
11-2017 adding more obits and updating the index pages

All of these names have been merged into the index.

  1. Allensworth, Sarah E. (Mrs.)
  2. Armstrong, Chessie E.
  3. Baker, Crystal Lynn O'Quinn
  4. Banks, John d 1959
  5. Banks, John d 1957
  6. Barnard, J. M.
  7. Barnes, Brandon Lee
  8. Battle, Lorell
  9. Baughn, Thelma Ruby (Berryhill)
  10. Bell, Robert "B.J."
  11. Berry, Tom
  12. Berryhill, Charles
  13. Berryhill, Lyle Bruce
  14. Biddle, Ray
  15. Boyd, Mrs. C. F.
  16. Bristow, Mahalia A.
  17. Bristow, Mollie Cornelia (Harris)
  18. Britt, William Luther
  19. Brown, H. A.
  20. Brown, Quince L. Jr.
  21. Brownrigg, Irvie
  22. Burchfiel, Mrs. J. R.
  23. Caldera, Marie
  24. Carter, Harry Wilson
  25. Chastain, J. R. "Roy"
  26. Clayon, Monroe
  27. Cline, Orpha 'Lisa'
  28. Clinkenbeard, Wanda (Thompson) & Virgil, Jr.
  29. Crawford, James Everett
  30. Davis, George W.
  31. Davis, Mabel E.
  32. Denardo, Edith & Donald
  33. Dick, Richard Henry
  34. Drenton, Barbara Ann (McDaniel)
  35. Dunn, Tracy L.
  36. Eaton, Mary E. (Cabe)
  37. Enlow, Velma Mae
  38. English, Thomas Howard 'Doc'
  39. Endecott, Pearl F.
  40. Frazier, Jr., J. Vere
  41. Fry, Wilma Jeanne
  42. Garton, Edwin S.
  43. Gibbons,Billy Jack "Bill"
  44. Glandon, Michael
  45. Gregory, James Willard
  46. Gregory, Lon
  47. Groom, Marshall J.
  48. Guthary, Arline Louella (Yocham)
  49. Hagee, John C. (Rev)
  50. Hall, Robert 'Bob' Earl
  51. Harper, Luther Larry
  52. Hausner, Jimmie R.
  53. Hume, Gayle (Bell)
  54. Jones, Will C.
  55. Johnson, David M.
  56. Jordan, Mary
  57. Kelly, Soloman Anderson
  58. Kimble, Paul A.
  59. Kimberling, V. V. "Vernie"
  60. Ladd, I. E.
  61. Lauener, Loris Dale
  62. Laux, David & Edward
  63. Lawhorn, Daniel Bryan
  64. Lawrence, Barbara J.
  65. Lawson, Perry June
  66. Lawson, Roy H.
  67. Lovell, Ed
  68. Luker, Tom A.
  69. Knight, Frank
  70. Marlett, Isaac
  71. Mason, Andrew Giovanni
  72. Masters, Milton Bennett
  73. Maulding, Mary Lou Carselowey
  74. Maulding, Dwight Willis
  75. McClain, Eugene L.
  76. McCulloch, Bobby
  77. McCullough, Jimmie Vern
  78. McDaniels, Suzanne Marie
  79. McGuire, Sam
  80. McLerran, Jesse Lee
  81. McMahon, William
  82. Mershon, C. M.
  83. Monroe, Clayton
  84. Moran, Grant
  85. Morel, Karen Milynn Ausmus
  86. Morgan, Percy
  87. Moore, Patricia
  88. Morris, Daniel Bruce
  89. Mullins, Mary Jo Baker
  90. Ness, Clara Mildred
  91. North, Laura (Hiatman)
  92. Notreware, Carson Wayen
  93. Perry, Charles M.
  94. Pogue, Alice
  95. Queen Sr., Michael David
  96. Reed, R. E. "Bud"
  97. Reynolds, Mary
  98. Riggle, Lavina (Hallum)
  99. Romine, Harve C. & Lois (Burrows)
  100. Romine, Harvey James & Della T. (Acree)
  101. Ross, Bill
  102. Rush, Gerald E.
  103. Sanders, Henry, Vina, Bertie, Zula
  104. Schrader, Charles T. (Dr.)
  105. Scott, Lincoln S.
  106. Sebring, Harvey Derril
  107. Selsor, Alfred William
  108. Selsor, Connie
  109. Selsor, Winnie
  110. Sharp, Wilda Jo "Billie Jo"
  111. Shirley, Houston Iluf Jr.
  112. Shultz, Pauline
  113. Skinner, George
  114. Smith, Mary Catherine
  115. Smith, Michieal R.
  116. Snow, Robin Lee
  117. Sparkman, Orvel Lee
  118. Stout, Van D. (Mrs.)
  119. Street, Sue (McCubbin)
  120. Study, Ada O.
  121. Sumner, Vivian
  122. Sutton, Robert Brenton "Bob"
  123. Tiger, Cheryl
  124. Treeman Brothers, Jeff, Chris,Rick & Mike
  125. Tuttle, Alfred Lee
  126. Tuttle, Vinita Violet
  127. Updike, Margaret
  128. Upshaw, Gerald Monroe
  129. Waters, Edwina M.
  130. Webb, Oyneta Pearl
  131. Wileman, Edgar D.
  132. Williams, Adam Eugene
  133. Williams, Clarence Ray
  134. Williams, Michael David
  135. Williams, Roy T. "Bob"
  136. Young-Miller, F. Jane
  137. Youngstrom, Jessie Lee


  11-01-2017 I am unsure if all these name have been merged into the index. Files as now being merged into the index as I add them to the site.
  1. Babb, William Maynard
  2. Banks, James Tom
  3. Barden, James "Claud"
  4. Barnett, William Abraham
  5. Baxter, Edward Preston
  6. Bean, Ola Agnes
  7. Berryhill, Jackson Glen Jr.
  8. Berryhill, Jackson Glenn Sr.
  9. Berryhill, Juanita E.
  10. Billings, J. C.
  11. Bolton, Mildred I.
  12. Bonham, Robert Sylvester
  13. Bone, Dr. J. Wade
  14. Bowman, Beve & Fred
  15. Boyd, Anna J.
  16. Boyer, David Beecher
  17. Bozarth, Jess A.
  18. Brackett, Martha
  19. Bradley, Alfred B.
  20. Braught, T. R.
  21. Braught, Mrs. T. R.
  22. Brennan, Judity Beth Berry
  23. Brownfield, Judith Elizabeth Knappenberger Brennan
  24. Bruner, David
  25. Bruner, Lizzie Harjo
  26. Childress, Earnest L.
  27. Childress, Earnest Lloyd Sr.
  28. Christianson, Carra Lee
  29. Clark, Juanita (Brummett)
  30. Cobb, J. H. N.
  31. Coday, Sarah Francis (Roe)
  32. Collins, Jess Lee
  33. Cole, Linda
  34. Cox. Janet Lee Lytle
  35. Day, Roy
  36. Davis, Buck
  37. Davis, Grace "Ileene"
  38. Dearborn, Zelma Harting
  39. Deason, Inez Jewel
  40. Ellis, Gaylord H.
  41. Ellis, Mary Elizabeth
  42. Ellis, Stephanie Ann
  43. Elkins, Sanford G.
  44. Emanuele, Josephine
  45. Emery, Merle C.
  46. Ennis, Orvel L.
  47. Ethridge, Carolyn Faye
  48. Farley, Rachel Jane
  49. Faulkner, Teddy
  50. Fiarris, John Henry
  51. Fisher, Jimmie
  52. Gann, Martin Luther
  53. Gibson, Ina Maxine
  54. Granger, Emma
  55. Grass, Jerry Lee
  56. Haney, Ruth Frances
  57. Harden, Catherine
  58. Harlan, Betty
  59. Harwood, Bob
  60. Haynes, Joyce Delores Hicks
  61. Humphreys, William & Bessie N.
  62. Kirk Family
  63. Knappenberger, D.[Devern] L.[Lester]
  64. Jones, Mattie Irene
  65. Johnson, Lonnie Dean
  66. Leverett, Clay & Edith
  67. Leverett, Price & Bessie
  68. Leverett, Violet
  69. Marsey, Robert
  70. Mayberry, Jimmy Dean & William
  71. MaComb, Gary Neal
  72. McAnally, Grace Lorraine
  73. Naifeh, Raymond (Judge)
  74. Norton, Lovena
  75. Patrick, Robert "Bob"
  76. Pearce, Christian
  77. Petitt, Lois Jean 'Randi' (Pickering)
  78. Petitt, Marvin Van
  79. Raby, Mozelle Kay
  80. Ray, Steven Michael
  81. Riley, Lily
  82. Romine, Hubert Floyd
  83. Schneider, Flora
  84. Shoen, Beryl
  85. Smith, Clarence R.
  86. Stosberg, Alice Rogers
  87. Tanton, Monte L
  88. Taylor, Elizabeth Ann
  89. Taylor, Mary E. Thomas
  90. Tharp, Naomi
  91. Tonton, Phyliss K.
  92. Tapp, Leo Virgil
  93. Warner, Minnie
  94. Wells, Bertha Mae
  95. Wells, Ronnie Lee
  96. West, Van P.
  97. Wilson, James Alexander
  98. Williams, Togie
  99. Wilson, William Taylor & Sarah Catherine (Cable)
  100. Williams, Sam P.
  101. Williamson, Emma
  102. Winfrey, Benjamin Andrew
  103. Yarger Charles S.


2016 most of the year was spend relearning much html code & re-organizing material to put online.  


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Updated: 08 Jan 2025
Marti Graham, County Coordinator & Webmaster

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