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Your Guide To Oklahoma County Oklahoma Genealogy
Part of the OKGenWeb Project
Updated: 08 Jan 2025
Home > Lookups > Cemeteries > Obits > Photos > Queries > Resources > What's New

 Obituaries, Funeral Cards & Surnames
information obtained by submissions and research

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bullet Kaser, Millie (Belford)
bullet Kean, C. H.
bullet Keas, Ona "Nonie" McElmurry
bullet Keas, Standifer
bullet Keaton, James R.
bullet Kegereis, C. A.
bullet Keel, Zachary Austin 'Zach'
bullet Keen, Barbara Jean (McMillin)
bullet Keen, Bill G. & Mary L.
bullet Keith, Mrs. Hazle Bess (Maddox)
bullet Keith, Jesse H.
bullet Kellert, Frank William
bullet Kelley, Ervin A.
bullet Kelley, Minnie Dollie (Tyler)
bullet Kelley, Stanley Thomas
bullet Kelly, Charles
bullet Kelly, Mary
bullet Kennedy, Duane
bullet Kennedy, James Williams
bullet Kenney, Mary Frances (Helm)
bullet Kennon, Fred
bullet Kern, Eldon
bullet Keun, Lawrence E.
bullet Kerr Jr., Robert S.
bullet Ketchum, Gus
bullet Ketchum, Jennie Marie
bullet Kiam, S. (Mrs.)
bullet Kidd, Lola B.
bullet Kilian, Henry George Sr. & Zelma Irene (Blake)
bullet Killian, Betty Lou
bullet King, Frank E. & Jimmie C. (Whisenant)
bullet King, S. S.
bullet King, W. P. (Mrs.)
bullet Kinnaird, R. C.
bullet Kinney, Louise E. (Counter)
bullet Kirchner, Elizabeth
bullet Kirchner, James S.
bullet Kirker, Nell T. (Townsend)
bullet Kirkevold, Barbara
bullet Kirkpatrick, Rowena (Harvey)
bullet Kiviehen, James D.
bullet Kleeden, Mark & Genevieve (Cagle)
bullet Kleiner, Rudolph
bullet Kleinfell, Ida
bullet Klepzig, Carl F. R. & Leila (Jackson)
bullet Klick, Donald
bullet Knafele, Amelia
bullet Knapp, Polly Ann (Johnson)
bullet Knight, Amelia "Ann" (Jennings
bullet Knight, David Wayne
bullet Knight, Joseph Arthur
bullet Knott, George A. & Nellie
bullet Knott, James Standley
bullet Knott, Robert James & Martha (Standley)
bullet Koberg Sr., John D.& Gretta A. (Rhoads)
bullet Koberg Jr., John D. "Jack"
bullet Koller, John W.
bullet Konechney, Harry J. "Cotton" & Cis
bullet Kouri, Salwa
bullet Kottler, Sam
bullet Kouri, Dora Naifeh
bullet Kouri, Sam George & Velma Ethel Anderson (Polk)
bullet Krahl, Jimmie I. (Mounce)
bullet Kraft, David I.
bullet Kramer, Elizabeth
bullet Kramer, J. C.
bullet Krivanek, John W.
bullet Krogh, Nora I.
bullet Kucera, Joseph (Mrs.)
bullet Kyle, Charley


I hope you enjoy searching through our web site, as I've spent considerable time on it.
If you find other information on the web or elsewhere that might be appropriate for this page, please let me know.
I'm am particularly interested journals or other records of movement into Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.
Site authored by Marti Graham, Coordinator
Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
part of the OKGenWeb Project
Home Page last updated: 08 Jan 2025
This page updated: 08 Jan 2025


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