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Your Guide To Oklahoma County Oklahoma Genealogy
Part of the OKGenWeb Project
Updated: 11 Nov 2023
Home > Lookups > Cemeteries > Obits > Photos > Queries > Resources > What's New

 Obituaries, Funeral Cards & Surnames
information obtained by submissions and research

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bullet Rackley, J. J.
bullet Rader, Jake
bullet Radebaugh, William A. "Bill"
bullet Ragan, Hal
bullet Rahill, Arthur C. "Fuzzy"
bullet Randolph, Walter "Buster"
bullet Ramelli, Betty Jo
bullet Ramsey, Delbert Don
bullet Ramsey, Jim Roger & Margaret Lee (Bacon)
bullet Ramsey, Helen
bullet Ramsey, Leland Roy
bullet Ray, Kenny
bullet Ray, William Grayson
bullet Read, Violet Caroline
bullet Read, W. P.
bullet Real, Marilyn Elizabeth
bullet Reams, Sarah A.
bullet Rebel, John
bullet Redick, Charles R.
bullet Redus, Rev. Robert "Bob" R. & Bertha Clifton
bullet Redman, A. C.
bullet Reese, Clyde T.
bullet Reed, Idabell
bullet Reed, Infant son of Dr. Horace Reed
bullet Reed, James
bullet Reed, Leonard
bullet Reedy, Elmer W.
bullet Rehrig, Norman Alan
bullet Reid, Esther Eugenia
bullet Reinhart, John Martin & Amelia Mary (Bush)
bullet Reinhart, Martin John & Josephine
bullet Rempe, Teresa
bullet Renfro, Mannie
bullet Reprogel, Samuel
bullet Resindez, Adolfo
bullet Reynolds, Clinton H.
bullet Reynolds, Jon Dale
bullet Reynolds, Marcus Ector
bullet Reynolds, Oliver K. (Dr.)
bullet Rhodes, Phyllis L. (O'Brien)
bullet Rice, Caliatin A.
bullet Richardson, "Aunt Fanny"
bullet Richmond, Nettie Mae
bullet Ricketts, Homer Alvin
bullet Rickey, Ralph & Odessa (Smith)
bullet Riley, William E.
bullet Rising, E. R.
bullet Roach, J. J. (Mrs.)
bullet Roberts, A. J. "Jack" & Lucille (Sakaly)
bullet Roberts, Carl
bullet Roberts, Edward B.
bullet Roberts, Leo Loy & Edna Faye (Brumley)
bullet Roberts, Lola
bullet Roberts, Lucille Sakaly
bullet Roberts, Myron Calvin
bullet Roberts, Ruthie Ann Donaldson
bullet Robertson. J. Matt
bullet Robey, B. F.
bullet Robinson, Dr. Wayne
bullet Robison, Jim L. & Bettie J.
bullet Rocelle, Jonathan
bullet Rodgers, J. C. & Goldie June
bullet Rodgers, T. W.
bullet Rodesney, Anna
bullet Rodesney, Charles A. & Marie
bullet Rodesney, Frank F.
bullet Rodesney, Frank F. Jr. & Louise (Brown) & Marilyn
bullet Rodesney, John
bullet Rodesney, Orie F.
bullet Rogers, Dennis Ray
bullet Rogers, Arles A.
bullet Rogers, Loyd D. "Curly" & Mary
bullet Rogers, Ray
bullet Rogers, Raymond Thomas
bullet Rollins, Gladys C. Stufflebean
bullet Rollmann, Edith McGlasson
bullet Romero, J. Frank
bullet Romero, Louie
bullet Roof, Shandy Michele
bullet Rooms, Leo Forest
bullet Rose, Robert "Austin"
bullet Rose, Rosalie S.
bullet Rosenthal, H.
bullet Ross, Shelia Kay
bullet Rosser, Curtis E.
bullet Rosson, Leonard E.
bullet Rounds, J. B. "Chick"
bullet Royston, Hubert W. & Eugenia (Cain)
bullet  Rucker, Houston & Faye Ola Cassie (Bush)
bullet Rudy, Eugene L. & Mary Lucill
bullet Rudy, John Thomas
bullet Rueb, Alma R.
bullet Rush, Tom
bullet Russell, _____
bullet Russell, Cammie Lee Taylor
bullet Russell, H. E. "Goldie"
bullet Russell, W. A.
bullet Russell, W. D.
bullet Rutherford, S. Morton
bullet Rutter, A. B.
bullet Rye, Viola M. (McMahon)
I hope you enjoy searching through our web site, as I've spent considerable time on it.
If you find other information on the web or elsewhere that might be appropriate for this page, please let me know.
I'm am particularly interested journals or other records of movement into Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.
Site authored by Marti Graham, Coordinator
Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
part of the OKGenWeb Project
Home Page last updated: 11 Nov 2023
This page updated: 11 Nov 2023


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