Craig County, Oklahoma

Posted Queries for January thru March 2001

Bear Timposn   300

Query posted by Mobley, Jimmie on January 19, 2001 for , TIMPSON, SMITH


I have hit a wall searching for information on Bear Timpson/Smith, lived in Craig Co., his wife was Sallie LuLu they both are buried at Timpson Chapel Church Cemetery. He is my great great grandfather, I have found a good bit of information on him, but I would like to know if Bear is his real name, where he was born, his parents, etc. Other's related is Susie E. Deal/Timpson, Eliza Buzzard, Eliza Boot, Samuel Timpson. I believe he was adopted, by whom? and his surname is Smith. Please e-mail if you have any information.

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Stolabarger Ralston   301

Query posted by Bcok on January 23, 2001 for , STOLABARGER, RALSTON


Looking for info on Edna Stoalabarger who married John W. Ralston. She might have gone to school in Bluejacted where her mother Louisa is buried. She visited her parents in 1911 after moving to Chattanooga,TN with her husband. Her parents moved here from Enid. thx,Deb

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PS   354

Query posted by Monroe, Cl on January 23, 2001 for ALLEN


Do you know any of her siblings names? My Ruby has about 10 brothers and sisters. Let me know.


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Ruby ALLEN   354A

Query posted by Monroe, Cl on January 23, 2001 for ALLEN


I have a Ruby M. Allen born 24 Mar 1913 but I only know her parents names. I have no info on spouse or children.
Parents: James Sam O. ALLEN and Luria B. BROUGHTON. I'm sure she was born in OK, but I don't have the exact county.


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Ruby Allen   354B

Query posted by Thompson, Donna May on January 23, 2001 for , ALLEN, GREGORY


Carrie, Do you know of a Ruby Allen b. in Vinita,Craig co.
in about 1920 who married Benjamin Franklin Gregory,b.1917 in Nowata? These are my grandparents, but I have no knowledge of Ruby Allen's parents or family. Would you happen to have her in your line? They moved to Coffeyville,Ks which is where they raised their family.


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no Fay, Violet or Opal   354C

Query posted by Monroe, Cl on January 24, 2001 for ALLEN


Here's what I got:
1. Dessie L ALLEN was born 04 Jan 1904.


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Ruby Allen   354D

Query posted by Thompson, Donna May on January 24, 2001 for , ALLEN, TIMMERMAN, MANTOOTH


Carrie, I don't know what happened, I actually had a message there. Fay Mantooth was mentioned by my mother, and also a Violet Timmerman, and maybe, I'm not sure, but also an Opal?- Thanks for responding so quickly.


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Ruby Allen   354E

Query posted by Thompson, Donna May on January 24, 2001 for , ALLEN, TIMMERMAN, MANTOOTH


Carrie, I know my Ruby Allen had brothers and sisters, though I don't know how many or what their names are. I have heard my mother talk about two women, whom I'm assuming may be sisters of Ruby, but I only have married names for them.
One is Violet Timmerman and the other is a Fay or Faye Mantooth. Does any of this ring a bell?


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Timpson Chapel Church Cemetery   358

Query posted by Mobley, Jimmie on February 28, 2001 for , TIMPSON, DEAL, BUZZARD, BOOT, HORSEFLY, MOUSE, WOODALL


I am searching for information on the relative's of my great great grandfather Bear Timpson.His grandparent's were "Ju noh quoh le ske" and Katie.His parents were "Diyeski and Ain ce or Nancy.His siblings are Elizabeth/Betsy Bryant Buzzard, Eliza Buzzard/Woodall founder of Timpson Chapel Church Cemetery in 1872, Eliza Boot, Liver Timpson.His children were Susie EDeall, married Claude Deal, Samuel Timpson married a Susie, Nancy Timpson/Taylor married a Frank Taylor and Katie Timpson(my great grandmother).Some of the relatives children include Jennie/Jane Buzzard/Walker/Corntassel, Ned Walker, Susan Walker, Fallingblossom Walker, John Corntassel, Nellie Corntassel, Jessie Corntassel, Sadie May Deal, Adda Deal/Pilgrim, Leadie Elizabeth Deal/Brown.Issac Mouse, E lah we Mouse, Quaty Mouse, Caty Horsefly, Ol keyne Timpson, Nellie Timpson, William Boot/caretaker of Timpson Chapel Church Cemetery, Cornelious Boot, Nellie Glass/Boot, and many more.Most were living in Craig Co., OK and are buried at Timpson Chapel Church Cemetery.
Any information please email me @


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John Wesley Stout   302

Query posted by Hintz, Judie on March 03, 2001 for , STOUT, STOUGHT


I am looking for information on John Wesley Stout or Stought. I was told that he could be found in the Craig County Census as widowed and living with his daughter Matilda Jane Kepner who was married to Dave Kepner. I am try to establish my Indian Heritage. I was told that he is listed on microflim on the Indian census rolls 1931-1932. Microfilm #9766 Nat i 220 also Microfilm #990.3 IT r. which is the Delaware and Shawnee Indian 1869-1898 Item3;Census of Delaware in CN 1894, Item 4; Register of Delaware 1898. I would like to have copies if possible.

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i am sarah ward   328

Query posted by Ward, Sarah on March 07, 2001


i am sarah ward!


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Zailey Harmon school teacher/principal 1910 Craig Co. OK   303

School records posted by Scott, Robin on March 08, 2001 for , HARMAN, HARMON, HAMPTON


I am looking for information on Zailey Harmon who was a school teacher and or principal at one of the schools in Craig Co. OK from 1910 until her death in 1918. She was living as a boarder with the family of Andy Hampton during the 1910 census in Craig Co. OK. We are hoping to find out which school she taught at there in the county. Thanks for any help you can provide!!


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Zailia Harmon   303A

School records posted by Schofield, Connie on March 09, 2001


Zalia Harmon and Prof. E.R. Bell were the first teachers at the Old Rock Schoolhouse beginning in 1909. This was Dist. 47 --- White Oak School Dist. Zailey was the primary teacher--grades 1-3 She was from Siloam Springs, AR Prof. Bell taught grades 4-8


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Eva Ritchie buried at Carslowey Cemetery 1924?- 1926?   305

Query posted by Mcguire, Judy on March 10, 2001 for , RITCHIE, GREEN, GREENE


Looking for any info (or suggestions)! Eva or Evie Green(e) Ritchie is definitely buried at Carslowey Cemetery in Craig County, but I don't know the date. Her Husband was Lewis Franklin Ritchie. They had a son born April, 29,1923 in Wyandotte OK and she died a few years later in Vinita. Children are Leonard, Howard, Roy and James Orson Ritchie. Thanks! Judy


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Zailey Harmon   303B

Query posted by Scott, Robin on March 13, 2001 for , HARMAN, HARMON


Hello C. Schofield !
Thanks so much for letting me know about that! Is that listed in a history book somewhere or something? I would love to get a copy out of the book if so. Can you tell me anything else about this school that she taught at? We had always been told that she taught at on of the Indian schools there in Oklahoma. Zailey Harmon was also of Indian decent and we were always wondering about where it was that she taught at. We have always been told that she taught at the school until her death in 1918. Thanks so much for responding to my posting!!
Robin Scott

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Sarah Ward   328A

Query posted by Foster, Garry on March 13, 2001 for , WARD, FOSTER, COUNTRYMAN, MCDANIEL, DAVIS


The Sarah Ward I am talking about was the Daughter of James Ward and Sarah Countryman. Sarah Ward married a William E. Foster. They lived in the Craig county area in Hollow, Oklahoma. Sarah Ward was my grandmother.


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Need help   304

Query posted by Neldabaker on March 20, 2001 for , MCSPADDEN, NEAL, DESHAZO, EDMONDS


My greatgrandfather Wm. M. Edmonds married Dora Neal. She died in La. in 1896. I know nothing about her as far as birth, etc. They probably married abt. 1888 place unknown. I found something from LDS that leads me to believe that she might be the daughter of James Monroe Neal and Mary Ann DeShazo. I saw an obit on the Craig County page for a DeShazo. I also saw on the 1890 list an Edmonds was listed.
Wm. Edmonds second wife Mary Merritt whom he married in La. had a son Walter McSpadden. According to SS records he died in Craig County, Ok.
My Edmonds were in Ok. at one time as deceased aunts and uncles have talked about the family visiting there. No one was sure of where though. Also my father was born in La. which is a fact I'm sure of because of church records but for some reason my mother thought he was b. in Ok. and this is what is on my birth cert.
I'm at a dead end with my Edmonds and nothing at all on my greatgrandmother Dora Neal except for her name. If someone can help with any of this I'd really appreciate it. Thanks, Nelda

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Carslowey   305A

Query posted by Mobley, Jimmie on March 21, 2001 for , RITCHIE, GREENE


Try contacting Jon Gentry, he has a web site on the Carslowey from Craig Co. and he might know something.

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Claude Deal   342

Query posted by Mobley, Jimmie on March 21, 2001 for , DEAL, TIMPSON


I understand that Claude C Deal was a photographer or was his hobby.I am despreatly trying to find out if there are any pictures in Craig Co. or the Vinita area (Oklahoma for that matter) of a man named Bear Timpson, his wife Sallie Lulu/Timpson or any of the Timpson, Buzzard, Boot, Deal family memebers.


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Wallace Jack Tippin Doolin   306



Walace Jack Doolin born 6-27-1922 died 3-24-2001 Funeral Services will be held monday Pending time 11:00 Highland Cem, Oilton, Please call Sherry Jean Doolin 862-3214 or Peck Funeral Home 862-3222, Oilton Son of Walter Jay Tunnell Doolin and Gertrude Nora Tippin Doolin Grandparents, Marion Prentis Ramsay and Martha Lucinda Vandike Tippin and Wallace Marion Kelly and Clara Alice Lankford Robinson Doolin
Survived by
Elnora Keller Helwick
Sherry Jean
Walter Jay
John Wesley
One aunt Fern Doolin Peck
Grandchildren: Angela Marie Orcut Davis,Justin Brock Worthy Doolin,Jessica Nicloe Worthy doolin,David Lee Oneal Edison,Mathew Jay Oneal Doolin,Wesley Tate Doolin, Zackary Tate Doolin,Patrick Tate Scott, Brandy Tate Scott, James Wallce Harper Ratliff, Jamma Patrica Blair Ratliff, And 5 Greatgrand child Brooke Nicloe Ratliff Glasby, and Ryan Tyler Orcutt Davis,Stacy Chapman,Terra Chapman and Jason Chapman, Nephews Mark Lee Osborn Doolin, Billy Lee Helwick Bean,Samuel Austin Helwick Ketcher, Warren Lee Helwick, Ricky Paul Hufford Helwick, Nieces Betty Jo Helwick Tyree Haley, Emma Sue Hewick Bean Dart,Mary Ellen Ketcher Helwick,Tommy Lynn Huffard Helwick
Tammy Jean Hufford Helwick Greer,Penny Lynn Stockman Lominick,Sarah Elizabeth Douglas Doolin Canfield and Susan Lynn Dogals Doolin,
Preceded in Death by parents and 5 Brothers Billy Gean,Charles Edwin, and Clarence Raymond two who died as infants one Sister in Law, Etta Lou Doolin and Grandson David Oneal Edison, Retired Rancher and horse Trainer, Loved every Body,
Grandparents, Marion Prentis Ramsay and Martha Lucinda Vandike Tippin Wallace Marion Kelly and Clara Alice Lankford Robinson Doolin
Great Grandparents William Carmickel Spencer and Jane Wallace Bateman Ramsay Tippin Dias John and Mary Elizabeth Robinosn Vandike, Willam Marion Lyle and Lidia Kelly Doolin John Hickman Dunham Lankford, Retired Rancher and horse Trainer, Supplemented ranching income through out life as VFW Sapalupa Club manger, Car Salesman and Weight Master Tulsa Stock Yards, Gate Steward Midway Downs, Cafe-Night club owner,and Car salesman, Served in WWWII in Coast Gaurd, Was active member of several Oklahoma Round Up Clubs for many years, bulldogged till 40 plus years old, He was a man Who just plain Liked people and Horses, Was a friend and never under no circumstances was a respect of any persons title. or position in life but was Proud for all that who made accomplishments, proud with all sincerity, for anyones effort, Genealogy Can be found on this link under, Doolin, Tippin, Vandyke, Hensley, Lankford,Bateman,

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what yr   328B

Query posted by Parker, Kelley on March 26, 2001 for FOSTER


I have a 1930 Yearbook "The Star" from Welch, Ok and there is a name Willie Foster that graduated in 27' as was a member of the alumni in 30', if the time frame fits, let me know be glad to help.


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Willie Foster   328C

Query posted by Foster, Garry on March 27, 2001 for , FOSTER, WARD, COUNTRYMAN, HILKER, MASON, YOUNG


My grandfather name was William E. Foster was married to Sarah E.J. Ward. They had a son named William. They lived on a farm in Hollow, Oklahoma, about 13 miles from Welch. That probably would be his son as they were in the area. William E. Foster was born in 1856 and died in 1938 and is burried in the GAR cementary in miami, okla. William E and Sarah Ward had 7 kids if I remember right.
Thank you for you interest. I am willing to accept help any time I can get it.
I don't know a lot about my father's family but I am slowly gathering information.
Garry Foster
1419 Velma Dr.
Coffeyville,Kansas 67337


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treatment at mental institutions   334

Query posted by Bisson, Christine on March 28, 2001


Hi my name is christine bisson, i go to woodbrdge high school in bridgeville, de on the united states of america. i am reserching for an english project, i need to find out how the mental institutions patinets we treated in the early insttuition, i woul like any help you can give me, send it to
or any sites that may help me
thank you


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