Craig County, Oklahoma

Posted Queries for July thru September 2002

Re: Bennett descendents   468F

Query posted by Bennett, Bill on July 01, 2002 for BENNETT


Tammy my cousin posted the message on Joesephus Bennett.I have found no documentation on the J B to our grfather Charles E , I have found the census listing Joe.Bennett ,but no Charles listed for children.I have a picture of Chas and Louisa Armstrong Bennett in 1900 holding my Dad, at the age of two weeks.It would be great if we could tie our GF to Joesephus of Ok.


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Re: Bennett descendents   468G

Query posted by Ralstin, Tammy on July 02, 2002 for BENNETT


Hi, Bill. Thanks for the reply. Do you have the names of your Charles Bennett's parents? I have the children of Josephus and Nancy Bennett as Joseph Luther (my ancestor), Maggie Elizabeth, Edwin or Edward, Roxanna, Millie Jane, John S., William Casper, and James E. Bennett. All the children were born in Grant County, Indiana, except the last two. William's birthplace is listed as Missouri and James' as Vinita, OK. Does this coincide with the information you have? Hope to continue trading info. Thanks, again. Tammy


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Re: Bennett descendents   468H

Query posted by Bennett, Bill on July 02, 2002 for BENNETT


I not sure if there a connection or not,My cousin P. Bennett posted the message.She was leaving for S.D and did not have time to reply and asked me if I would connect.I have looked a census and found Joe., But did not find my GrF listed as child.Chas was in OK for a while,then moved the family to Canada,where a brother had moved .One uncle was born there in 1914. Chas was born 1882.My Dad was born 1900.There was four boys,with three born here in Indiana.I have a picture of GrF and GrM in 1900


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Re: BENNETT   439A

Query posted by Bennett, Mike on July 18, 2002 for BENNETT


Hi Jamie,
We appear to be cousins! Emerson Bennett was my Great Grandfather. Emerson's middle name was Green(e?). My dad tells me he remembers when he was a kid a story that either Emerson's or his father's original name may have been Green(e) and was changed to Bennett after arriving in this country. My grandfather was Lester Bennett who must have been the brother of Aletha. I hope this was helpful. I have just started to look into my family history so any info you could give me would be appreciated.


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STAMPS in Craig County, OK   434

Query posted by Brown, Michael on July 28, 2002 for STAMPS


I'm looking for any and all information on my g.g. grandfather who lived in Craig County from 1904 until his death around 1908-1909. His name was George Washington STAMPS.

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ATTN: Sharon Wells Gabel   435

Query posted by Brown, Michael on July 28, 2002 for , WELLS, WOOLMAN


Hi Sharon,

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Re: Woolman-Ogan Family   470A

Query posted by Brown, Michael on July 28, 2002 for WOOLMAN


Hi Sharon,


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Re: Woolman-Ogan Family   470



Thanks, Mike, for pointing out my errors on my original post. I must have been working VERY late....!


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Charlie Allen   436

Query posted by Lea on August 01, 2002 for ALLEN


Carrie; seen your information on a Ruby Allen have bee trying to locate my Allens for long time the only information I have is My grandfather was Charlie Wilson Allen His Father was ?? was George Allen his mother was Martha Jones he was suposed to have had sisters named Ruby, Arilla, Ida I don't know about any brothers. does these names ring bell let me known and thank you . Lea

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Dan Williams   476

Query posted by Lea on August 01, 2002 for WILLIAMS


I am looking for information on a Dan williams that lived in around welch, okla. 1934 he was brother to our grandfather Albert segel williams they had brother named Ellsworth who lived some where in western ks. these williams brothers were suppose to be from Ili. Dan williams was said to have had several children I have only one name [Lon Williams}not sure if Lon was nickname or not can any one help thanks loads Lea;


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Alvis Alfred HARRIS - Obit   437

Obituary posted by Grisso, H on August 08, 2002 for , HARRIS, MCCORMICK, ROSSITER, HOGARTH


From the Medford (OR) Mail Tribune 8-7-2002 at

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Grova Barrett   438

Query posted by Hunsaker, Walter on August 08, 2002


Date and place of death and burial

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Re: BENNETT   439B

Query posted by Jamie on August 09, 2002 for BENNETT


hi, nice to hear from you. I don't have much really. All I have is Emerson G. Bennett born jan 12, 1880 in Osburn, Kansas
married Mattie Mock born Aug 12 1882 in Monmouth(Moutle)Kansas.
Emerson died Aug 9 1984and Mattie died Jan 18 1964. At least thats whats in the family bible. My my grandfathers side (Klaus) family.
There were a few names but I couldn't quite figure them out.
theres a lloyed or Floyd Bennett named.
then theres Aletha Veatrice Bennett( my Ggrandmother) She died July 1995 in Vinita co. Oklahoma
Aletha married Jesse Henry Klaus Oct 1 1921
they had three children
James(my grandfather) Juanita and Phyllis

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robertson   464

Query posted by Pam on August 16, 2002 for ROBERTSON


looking for robertson in or around pitcher ok,my great uncle was alvin robertson or possibly joseph alvin robertson,when his stepsister died in poplar bluff mo in 1957 his adderess was listed in her obit as pitcher ok.any help from anyone would be nice Joie Robertson


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Re: Timpson Chapel Church Cemetery   461

Query posted by Kanuche on August 22, 2002 for HORSEFLY


Hi Jimmie,


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James R Berry-Hartshorne   463

Query posted by Cook, N on August 22, 2002 for BERRY


I am not that familiar with OK counties but is there one today called Hartshorne? The ancestor above I am searching lived there and this article also says 'or Gaines County. This would have been around the 1850-60 or later. He obviously owned a type of a buggy company that either rented out, leased or sold wagons, buggies, hacks..etc called Berry and Company. the article mentions he had worked for abt 10 yrs with a Jack McCurtain in Gaines Co Indian Terr then later when McCurtain died, Berry worked for a GW Riddle cattle ranch and later he was deputy US Marshal of the Indian Territory. I do not know if he was married, the article does not mention this or his parents. Any info would be helpful, thank you.


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Re: Craig Cty Obits   440

Query posted by Craig, J on September 05, 2002 for CRAIG


Hi IM looking for David Craig who is at the Bluejacket cemetery or the Miami cemetery. the tomestone is marked david craig 1826. would like to find his family,
He had children Bill, Jack, Lorn, fronnie, Ed,( GIRL) and a daughter Fronnie.
Jack has children Johnnie, Eddie, Virgil, Harold, and darrell, I think Dave was born in Missouri and He had a brothe francis Marion craig at Mt plesant Arkansas.
Dave's son Bill stayed and raised his family aty Mt. Pleasant arkansas also. Bills Son Elvie still lives there. any help you have on this family would sure help. THANK YOU JUNE CRAIG


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Brentnall/Peck Vinita or Bluejacket   458



I am searching for obits and burial information and any other information for the following family:
Grace Brentnall Peck b. 7/1888 in Ethel, Macon CO, MO-d. 7/ 1929 either in Vinita or Bluejacket, Craig CO, OK.
Her husband Lucius Butler Peck b.2/13/1882-d. 1966
I believe he remarried in Bluejacket on May 5th, 1930 to an Mrs. Olive Rucker.


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Re: Bennett descendents   468I

Query posted by Brown, Donita on September 10, 2002 for BENNETT


I'm looking for relatives of Nancy Hazel/Hazel Nancy Bennett. Her family lived in the vinita-Whiteoak area of Oklahoma. She was the first wife of my grandfather Edgar Michael and her family was originally from Indianna. All the info I have on her is that She had a brother James who was married twice. First wife Viola had a daughter when he married her and second wife named Abbie was the mother of their twin boys named James Edward and Edward James. Nancy drowned along with her oldest son and daughter sometime in the 1930s. After my grandfather remarried he moved back to white oak where my mother remembers living with grandma bennett and uncle jim came to dinner often. I believe these sre the same Bennetts but am not sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Bennett descendents   468J

Query posted by Ralstin, Tammy on September 10, 2002 for BENNETT


I need to clarify something...was Nancy Hazel's married name Bennett? If so, your Edgar Michael Bennett must be the Edwin/Edward Bennett for whom I have no information. I do have information, however, for James Bennett and it matches the information you have. The parents of James Bennett and his siblings were Josephus Bennett and Nancy Hodson Bennett. Their parents were Josephus Kelso/Kelsa Bennett and Hester Sapp Bennett and Seth Hodson and Margaret Hockett Hodson. I have ancestors beyond these generations, which I will be happy to send if this info matches yours. My connection to the Bennett line is through Joseph Luther Bennett, the oldest son of Josephus and Nancy Bennett.


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Re: Bennett descendents   468K

Query posted by Brown, Donita on September 11, 2002 for , BENNETT, MICHAEL


Her maiden name was Bennett. My grandfather was Edgar Dewey Michael. Michael surname. Grandpa always called her Hazel when he spoke of her. Their children were Opal, Benjamin"Bud", Mary Alice, Joe Sephus, Charles Floyd, Hazel Lee,and Edgar Dee all surname Michael. Opal and Benjamin drowned with their mother in the 1930's. Mary Alice died as an infant. All of Hazel's and Edgar's children are now dead and her grandchildren have had no contact with the Bennett side of the family. The James Bennett information is supposed to be Hazel's brother's family.


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Nancy Hazel or Hazel nancy Bennett   457

Query posted by Brown, Donita on September 12, 2002 for , BENNETT, MICHAEL


I am looking for any information the family of Hazel Nancy Bennett . This was my grandfathers first wife. Her family lived in the vinita-whiteoak area.We believe she was born sometime between 1900 and 1905. She married My grandfather after 1920 because he was still in KS at the time and single. My grandfathers name was Edgar Dewey Michael born 1900. We know they were in Big Cabin, OK in 1932 because thats where their son Charles was born. They latter moved to MO. Hazel and her daughter Opal and Son Benjamin drowned sometime before 1936 since my grandfather married his second wife in 1936. He returned to whiteoak, Ok in the 1940 where his two youngest sons were born and they were living with his previous mother-in-law. My mom only remembers her as grandma Bennett but she remembers her Uncle Jim Bennett who came to dinner alot and that he had twin sons named James Edward Bennett and Edward James Bennett. I believe that she is connected to the Josephus Bennett family from that area but can not find proof. Would greatly appreciate any info I can get .


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Re: Zack Murphy White   441

Query posted by Dunlap, Virginia on September 16, 2002 for , WHITE, JAMES, CHOATE, BEAN


update information on Zack Murphy White bd 12/31/1891 dd 7/1967 in BlueJacket Oklahoma at Craig General Hospital, married Florence Boatman 1917 in Fulton Co Ark. Had 3 children Merle, Sterling and Mary.


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Library   442

Query posted by Girl, That Johnson on September 18, 2002


Does Craig County or Vinita have a library? If so where is it located & does it have a website?


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Re: William Hallum   465

Query posted by Projectingrafting on September 18, 2002 for HALLUM


I'm interested in anything you find. William B. Hallum--and this seems to be the same one--is the great-great grandfather of my wife.


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Re: Whiteday genealogy   477E

Query posted by Shawneeheyjude on September 22, 2002


Okie Eddy, I have just found your message. I have family I am looking for Nellie Mae Whiteday Dawson and her husband Charles Dawson. My great Grandmother and Grandfather Whiteday is where I draw a dead stop. Please write to me. Judy


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Re: Carselowry Cemetery   477F

Query posted by Shawneeheyjude on September 22, 2002


Nailtucker, Thank-you for your message, it came just at the right time. I seek info on my Grandmother (Nellie Mae Whiteday Dawson) and my Grandfather ( Charles Dawson). Nellie C.Dawson would appear to be my grandmother, however , I always thought she had the same name as my mother ( Nellie Mae). But all of it fits. If you like I can send pictures of them to you. My mother had a few. She passed away Nov. 8 th 1998. Thank you ever so much. Jude


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Re: Whiteday genealogy   477G

Query posted by Eddy, Okie on September 22, 2002 for , WHITEDAY, PARRISH


Dear Judy, I shall be pleased to write to you and exchange Whiteday info. The lady that I got most of it from has since passed away, but because my husband was acquainted with some of them and my interest in retaining info of the local families I still maintain an interest. We are not related, just through kinship by friendship. The lady I spoke of was married to a Parrish and was intimate friends with my grandmother's sister-in-law in their young lives. She was able to give me lots of details of my family and others of the neighborhood.
I will write to you personally at your email address. Sincerely, Eddene (Hightower) (Mrs. Newt) Thompson


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Re: Whiteday genealogy   477H

Query posted by Spaulding, Judy on September 23, 2002


Okie Eddy, Please feel to e-mail me at the enclosed address. I have a few pictures. Have you ever seen pictures of the people you speak of or that sleep within the stones. Jude


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Re: Whiteday genealogy   477I

Query posted by Eddy, Okie on September 23, 2002 for , WHITEDAY, PARRISH


Sorry, but I have not seen nor do I have any pictures of any of the Whiteday people. I do have a picture of the Mrs. Parrish who gave me the info, but that's all. I already sent you the info last night by email. Eddene Thompson


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Re: Library   442A

Query posted by Schofield, Connie on September 26, 2002


Vinita does have a library. However, they do not have a website, nor do they do research for anyone. You have to contact the local genealogical society for that.


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Re: Brentnall/Peck Vinita or Bluejacket   458A

Query posted by Schofield, Connie on September 26, 2002


There are 10 stories on the Peck family in the new county history book, including one on this family. You may want to buy one.


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Re: Library/History Book   442B

Query posted by Girl, That Johnson on September 27, 2002 for ARNOLD


Thanks for the library information. Does the history book have any information about the Sanders & Lydia/Lyddie Arnold family who lived at 224 1/2 S. Wilson St, Vinita, OK in the 1930's? Their children were James Noah (wife Annie), Minnie, Mattie, Mary, Pearl & Frank Arnold. One of the girls may have married a Samatinger. We do not know if any of the family remained in Vinita after 1934 when Lyddie's mother Judah Atchley died.


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Re: Library/History Book   442C

Query posted by Schofield, Connie on September 27, 2002


Apparently none of the family members wrote any stories for any of the history books.

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Charles Randolph Vogel 1949-1966   443

Obituary posted by Transcriber, Data on September 27, 2002 for VOGEL


<< no relation to family, posted as courtesy >>

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Re: Brentnall/Peck Vinita or Bluejacket   458B

Query posted by Viles, Rebecca on September 27, 2002


Hi Connie,
Thank you for your informing me about my relatives in the new county history book. I'll have to purchase a copy. Have a nice weekend. Becky


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Kathleen Louise Armstrong Brown   444

Obituary posted by Brown, Dani on September 30, 2002 for BROWN


Kathleen Louise Armstrong Brown
Beloved Mother and Grandmother

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Ethel Vann   445

Query posted by Brown, Dani on September 30, 2002 for , VANN, BEAN, BROWN


Ethel Vann was born 18 Oct 1891 and she died in Vinita, Oklahoma on 15 April 1997. Her son was Frederick Bean, who died in Vinita on 17 Dec 1994. I would like to get more information about this family, if possible.

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Vinita Obituaries   447

Query posted by Denise on September 30, 2002 for WILLIAMS


I am looking for an obituary for Charles Lewis Williams. He is buried in Fairview Cemetery, Vinita. He died Oct. 25, 1924. If anyone could tell me how I could locate this obituary I would appreciate it.


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