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Updated: 08 Jan 2025
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Mounds Cemetery
aka Oakwood Cemetery
Mounds, Creek County, Oklahoma
aka Oakwood Cemetery
aka New Bethel Cemetery
  mounds.gif (17623 bytes)

Mounds Cemetery
% Jo Pyle
PO Box 93
Mounds, OK 74047
First documented interment was 1903. 

The following information has been gathered from obituaries and submissions by family members. 

If you have family buried in this cemetery, please send your information to Mounds_Cemetery_Submission

  SURNAME          GIVEN               BIRTH           DEATH            SOURCE     COMMENTS
  ALLEN            Daniel Carl         03-14-1936      10-08-1994       obit       b Elizabeth Town, GA
  Anderson, Etna
  ANDERSON         R. E.               08-27-1902      05-18-1989             b Coral Co. TX
  ANDERSON         Sallie B.           08-10-1895      03-08-1993       obit       b Mesquite, TX
  Anderson, W. D. (Dub)                12-01-1905      12-15-1988       obit     
  Alspaw, Elbert Lafey
  Alspaw, Robert Lee & Lydia Ann (Sisler)
   Anthis, Gladys Marie                03-26-1908      04-02-1989       obit       b Acorn Ridge, MO
  BAKER            Wanda Jean          02-18-1940      05-28-1992       obit       b Bristow, OK
  Banes, Lewis F. Dr. & Margaret Jane Wymore
  Banes, Martha Wright
  Banes, Melvin Wright
  BARNHILL         Robert                                               source     brother of Frances Thomas
  BARTON           Leah                09-11-1905      05-15-1987       obit       b Mounds, OK
  BARTON	   William Franklin    12-12-1911      01-14-1990       obit       h/o Beryl
  BEESLEY          Linda Marie         05-23-1950      09-07-1994       obit       b Sapulpa, OK
  BELL             Cecil Ray           10-16-1942      11-12-1989       obit       b Kellyville, OK
  BENNETT          Hershal S.          01-06-1917      01-27-1991       obit       b Creek Co., OK
  BONEY            Samuel T.           06-22-1905      02-28-1995       obit 
  Boyles, Nellie Ann
  BROWN            David Jordan        05-25-1941      01-19-1995       obit       b California
  BROWN            Myrtle Stevens      12-09-1892      09-21-1992       obit       b Mounds, IT
  BRUTON           Dobie D.            07-31-1965      09-06-1987       obit       b Sapulpa, OK
  Buchanan, James & Lillie Smith
  BURGESS          Virginia A.         05-27-1935      01-11-1995       obit       b Slick, OK
  BYARD            Hiram W.            02-19-1893      10-25-1988       obit       b Hundred, WV

  Cadion, Tom Herbert Jr.
  CANTWELL         Margaret            05-08-1915      02-22-1992       obit       b Sapulpa, OK
  CHAMBERS         Betty Lou           01-06-1923      06-07-1993       obit       b Tulsa, OK
  CHRISTIAN        Glenda May          06-10-1944      08-08-1990       obit       b Kellyville, OK
  CHURCH           Fannie              09-02-1907      09-02-1988       obit       b Vian, OK
  Church, Herbert E.
  CORNELISON       Shirley             12-18-1941      09-25-1993       obit       b Seymour, MO
  COWAN            David E.            00-00-0000      04-15-1994       obit       
  COWELL           Sedric Devoe        11-01-1919      03-25-1991       obit       b Coal Hill, AR
  CRAWFORD         O. L.               05-09-1924      07-11-1992       obit       b Mounds, OK
  Crawford, Emma Cumsey 
  Crawford, George
  CRITTENDEN       Mable Hutchcraft    11-30-1911      08-11-1993       obit       b Rombar, MO
  Cross, Mary Catherine
  CRUIKSHANK       Jesse Bayless       03-18-1932      10-28-1992       obit       b Mounds, OK
  CRUIKSHANK       Rosa Lee            04-10-1902      03-05-1990       obit       b Hectorville
  CULBERTSON       Clyde L.            11-05-1888      10-21-1977       obit 

  DAVIS            Loyd Ellis (Rev.)   09-05-1909      08-25-1990       obit       b Alma, AR
  DeGraffenreid, Helen Omega
  Donaldson, George Ewin 
  DORMAN           Josephine           00-00-0000      12-27-1935       obit 

  EATON            Rev. Daniel Johnson 00-00-0000      07-23-1916       Karen 
  EDELMAN          James Sr.           08-15-1904      04-28-1987       obit       b Indian Territory
  EDELMAN          John Oscar          01-05-1929      05-03-1993       obit       b Carnegie, OK
  EDELMAN          Wreathe V.          01-11-1908      01-30-1989       obit       b Ft. Cobb, OK
  Eldredge, Donald G.
  FORESMAN         Edward J.           05-27-1915      12-16-1990       obit       b Lafayette, IN
  Foster, Elsie Carrie (Evans)
  Gibson, Chester Earl
  Greer, Ralph Earl
  Graham, Vesta Bond (Babe)
  HAYWOOD          Ida Ellen           10-25-1899      05-01-1991       obit       b Madison County, AR
  HILL             Oneta B.            06-23-1924      07-13-1992       obit       b Mounds, OK
  HOLT             Dempsy David        00-00-0000      12-17-1990       obit       d Tarpley, Texas; Veteran
  HOLT             Esther L. Skinner   12-05-1878      02-17-1932       Mary       b MO; w/o T.W.S. [Thomas Wm Sherman]
  HOLT             Jessie Darlene Bond 04-23-1923      05-20-1988       obit       b Mounds, OK
  HOLT             T.W.S.              08-22-1866      10-20-1929       Mary       b MO; h/o Esther
  HOPKINS          J. D.               06-02-1929      07-06-1994       obit
  HOPKINS          Leslie S.           00-00-0000      11-04-1990       obit       
  Hutson, Audrey

  Ireland, Melvin Wright
  JONES            N. C. "Red"         00-00-0000      03-26-1989       obit       h/o Georgie 
  JONES            Myra Vivian         02-13-1903      01-01-1995       obit
  JONES            Paul A.             12-13-1925      02-15-1995       obit
  JONES            Richard R.          08-04-1926      03-07-1990       obit       b Mounds, OK
  Johnson, Wesley Dean

  KINCADE          Maurice             04-04-1930      04-29-1993       obit       b Viola, MO
  LACEY            Juanita             04-17-1904      08-14-1990       obit       b Wheatland, MO
  LAUGHLIN         Verna               00-00-0000      06-28-1989       obit   
  LITTLE           Vada Mae Davis      04-13-1933      02-17-1991       obit       b Keota, OK
  Lyons, Earshel M.
  LYONS            William Cody        00-00-0000      01-21-1992       obit       d Garden City, KS

  McNabb, Ruby Jane (Wagle)
  Messer, Edd
  Messer, Gordon
  Messer, James "Jim"
  Messer, Maggie
  Messer, Marion
  Messer, Maudie Mae
  Morgan, Perry Chancy (Chauncy?) 
  Nance Sr., James D.
  OSBORN           Bobby               07-08-1932      07-01-2001       obit   
  PARKS            Ned J.              01-17-1925      08-27-1988       obit       b Kiefer, OK
  Parkinson, Rick
  RABIE            Mary Frances Eaton  00-00-0000      07-23-1986       Karen 
  RANNEY           Jay LeRoy           05-17-1910      11-19-1995       obit       b Creek Co.
  RANNEY           Maudie N.           04-14-1911      09-03-1989       obit       b Stone Co. AR
  RATHBUN          Ralph Otis          08-05-1909      05-03-1987       obit       b Milford, TX
  REDWINE          Mattie Amanda       05-04-1910      10-20-1995       obit       b Rady, AR
  RICE             Ina Margaret        02-02-1934      09-21-1991       obit        
  RIDEN            Joe Max             10-23-1925      03-29-1995       obit       b Mounds, OK
  ROBBINS          Corrine             09-25-1900      08-26-1991       obit       b Kingston, MO
  ROBBINS          James Ernest Jr.    05-14-1920      08-29-1993       obit       b Sapulpa, OK
  Roberts, Linda "Suzy" (Granger) 
  ROLLINGS         James O.            12-04-1902      01-26-1988       obit       b Meridan, MS

  Settle, Ruby Larleene
  SHORE            W. H. (Sol)         04-29-1901      05-24-1991       obit       b Cassville, MO
  SHREFFLER        Dan                 00-00-0000      10-00-1989       obit       
  SHREFFLER        Lorene Nanna        09-12-1914      06-13-1989       obit       b Missouri
  SIMONDS          Allen Randolf       00-00-0000      07-19-1988       obit       
  SISSON           Jeane H.            00-00-0000      06-25-1990       obit 
  Slater, Ruby Ann
  SMITH            Betty Lou           05-30-1938      08-19-1991       obit       b Okmulgee, OK
  SMITH            Daniel Silas        03-14-1933      12-06-1993       obit       h/o Sarah Mae
  Smith, N.B. aka Nathaniel Brown Smith
  SPARKS           Kathleen            04-22-1922      03-13-1992       obit       b Mounds, OK
  STARKEY          Evelyn Dora         12-12-1923      07-13-1986       obit
  STARR            Elda L.             07-26-1910      07-20-1988       obit       b Mounds, OK
  STEPHENSON       Daisy Mabel         03-09-1924      12-11-1988       obit       b Tulsa, OK
  STEPHENSON       Charles L. "Steve"  12-29-1919      12-29-1988       obit        
  STINNETT         Coy L.              10-21-1923      03-06-1991       obit       b Okmulgee, OK
  THOMAS           Arthur H.           02-07-1907      05-30-1989       obit       b Walters, OK
  THOMAS           Frances [w/o Arthur                                  source
  THOMAS           F. C.                                                source
  THOMAS           Floyd                                                source
  THOMAS           Mary [w/o Floyd                                      source
  Thornburg, Edna
  Thornburg, Lucy
  Thornburg, Robert
  Tewell, Melinda (Rathbun) 
  TUTTLE           Ida Belle           03-01-1910      05-03-1993       obit       b Pickett Prairie
  WILSON           Arthur David        00-00-0000      01-13-1990       obit       h/o Velma Maxey
  WILSON           Helen Marie         06-03-1906      10-14-1989       obit       b Tonkawa, IT
  Wright, Clarence O. & Mallie Hurt
  YOCHAM           Dortha E.           08-04-1903      02-26-1974       obit 
  YOCHAM           Troy S.             12-03-1900      04-22-1974       obit 
  YOUNG            Alma                11-07-1900      07-05-1988       obit       b Ozark, MO
  YOUNG            Ardis Sr.           10-16-1913      05-14-1995       obit       b Coffeyville, KS
  YOUNG            Floyd               10-04-1897      01-30-1991       obit       b Illinois

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Updated: 08 Jan 2025
Marti Graham, County Coordinator & Webmaster

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