Creek County Oklahoma Genealogy ~ OKGenWeb
Updated: 08 Jan 2025
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Rest in quiet sleep while friends in sorrow for thee weep.

Sunrise Cemetery
Kellyville, Creek County, Oklahoma
About 5 miles West of Kellyville on Highway 66, turn North at the sign; 
cemetery is located at the top of the hill on the east.  maps

Sunrise Cemetery
07-26-17 I have no contact information for this cemetery

The following information has been gathered from obituaries and submissions by family members.
If you have family buried in this cemetery, please send your information to
I will add it to the page as soon as possible.

Clickable names has more information.

{note: major redesign of this page is under way.  If you don't find the name you are looking for at the beginning, look farther down the page.}

Adams, Randy Lee
Allen, Addie Mae
Alsop, Thomas Frank
Alsup, Clyde Samuel Sr. & Velma E. (Ralston)
Alsup, David & Mary (Houser)
Alsup, Edward Grant & Armina Frances (Tivis)
Alsup, Fred Leroy
Alsup, George W. & Hazel M. (Cunningham)
Andress, James Lee

Bair, Esther Vivian
Bair, Gladwin Daniel
Banks, William Henry & Cora (Lawson)
Banks, Cora (Lawson)
Banks, Margie (Taylor)
Banks, William Henry & Cora (Lawson)
Banks, William Henry "Bill" & Margie (Taylor)
Barlow, Wanda Mae
Barrow, Raymond W.
Barry, Jerry Wayne 
Berry, Georgia Hendrickson Dunham
Berry, James Thomas (Tom)
Byrd, Forrest A.

Carlock, Anna Pauline
Carlock, Carl Ray
Carlock, Shirley Daphine
Clark, Charlotte Irene (Willis)
Cooke, Nellie
Coooper, Joel Earl'Joe'
Crawford, James Everett


David, Joe Allen
Dawson, Charles "C. W."
Dirst, Corles Ordway & Doris "Ruth" (Wolfenbarger)
Dodson,Lewis W.
Dollar, Levi

Hall, Emma A. (VanNordell)
Hall, Harrison
Hall, John R.

Harper, Luther Larry
Hellard, Edgar Dwayne
Hill, Teresa Gayle

Jackson, James F. (Rev) & Jannie Irene Lawson
Johnson, Sr., Bob Will
Jones, Howard

Kirk , Augusta (Gussy)
Kirk, Danny Wayne
Kirk , David Joe
Kirk , Kevin
Kirk , Raymond Lee
Kirk , Thad

Lawson, Bobby Rex
Lawson, Ed
Lawson, Ellis
Lawson, Henry
Lawson, James H. & Josephine
Lawson, Kenneth Clarence
Lawson, L. D.
Lawson, Linda K.
Lawson, Susan
Lawson, Susan P. (Mackey)
Lawson, Vincent Garner
Lawson, Wilma Jean
Lewis, Nancy Ellen

Matlock, John Robert
Matlock, Kenneth Dale
Matlock, Roger Lee
Matlock, Rosa E. (Couch)
Mayberry, Nancy Ann
Mayberry, Jimmy Dean & William


McGuire, Allen Leon
McGuire, Clark Allen
McGuire, Clint & Willie (Lawson)
McGuire, Edith Mae (Lawson)
McGuire, Oscar & Rachel Elizabeth (Webster)
McGuire, Phillip Wayne

McGuire, Rachel Elizabeth (Webster)
McGuire, Ruth
McGuire, Walter
McGuire, William Jasper 
McGuire, Willie (Lawson)

Orr, David Allen

Ralston, Harvey
Ralston, Roy P.
Redus, Perry A. & Ollie Mae (Willard)
Riddick, Dollye Dimple (Jett)
Risner, Florence
Roberts, Georgia Wanda

Romine, Alma
Romine, Bertha F.
Romine, Claudie & Bertha F.
Romine, Della T. (Acree)
Romine, E. F. (Rev)
Romine, Edgar L. & Katherine
Romine, Everett Lee & Cup (Archer)
Romine, Frank
Romine, Harvey James & Della T. (Acree)
Romine, Jack J.
Ross, Ruby C.
Rosson, Betty Lou (Foster)
Rosson, Onia Sr.
Ruhl, Wayne A. Jr.

Schuldt, Roger
Self, Cloy Wilma (Pruitt)
Self, Alta Ruth
Self, Edward N. "Slim"
Sisney, Vernon Eugene
Smith, Febra Lou
Stallings, Eunice Clare
Stephens, Oscar L.

Wahl, Baby Boy
Wahl, Danny Glenn
Wahl, Minnie E.
Wahl, N.R. (Dutch)
Wahl, Norine L.
Wahl, Shirley N. (Webster)
Wahl, William Riley (Bill) & Norine L.

Wells, Bertha Mae


Waltrip, Ann Nora (Lawson)
Waltrip, Benjamin Clay
Waltrip, Edger I. & Thena A. (Matlock)
Waltrip, Isham S. & Ann Nora (Lawson)
Waltrip, Opal (Hall)
Waltrip, Thena A. (Matlock)
Waltrip, Walker Wayne
Warren, Clara Zetta (McGuire)
Webster, Baby  
Webster, Della E.
Webster, Leonard
Webster, Loyd & Cora (Nichols)
Webster, Richard
Wefer, Berlyn
White, Marvin Ace
Whitson, William R.
Wiley, Peggy Sue
Wolfe, Phanon L.
Wolfe, Ruby L.
Yandle, William
Yocham, Shelby L.
Young, Ralph




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Updated: 08 Jan 2025
Marti Graham, County Coordinator & Webmaster

Copyright © 1996-
OKGenWeb--County Genealogy All Rights Reserved
Linda Simpson, State Coordinator | Mel Owings, Assistant Coordinator

    SURNAME     GIVEN              BIRTH        DEATH         SOURCE COMMENTS
                Tah-Pan-Fah*                                        w/o Tah-Ka-Ney
                Tah-Ka-Ney*                                         died about 1900; h/o Tah-Pan-Fah
                Unnamed*                                            died about 1902 age 7; s/o Tah-Ka-Ney & Tah-Pan-Fah

  ACRE          Troy V.         09-22-1922   12-07-1973             Okla Pvt US Army WWII
  ACREE         Clara Lue       00-00-1888   00-00-1971   John      H-H. B.
  ACREE         H. B.           00-00-1880   00-00-1949   John      W-Clara L.
  AKINS         Jimmy           01-22-1941   01-27-1943             F-Clarence          M-Freda Forrest

  ALLEN         Lona Pearl      00-00-1904   07-27-1948   David     F-Dick Banks        M-Rebecca (Short)
  ALBERTY       Marvin L.
                  (Kenny)       09-14-1922   08-04-1971   David     F-Marvin   M-Irene  W-Mildred (Banks)
  ANDERSON      Lester K.       03-02-1936   02-13-1992   obit      b Gainsville, MO;   h/o Lillie Harris (married 1984 Miami)
  BANKS         Baby Boy        00-00-1934   00-00-1934   David     F-William Banks	M-Cora (Lawson)
  BANKS         Camella Beasley 06-24-1944   12-06-2005
  BANKS         Chester Arthur  06-10-1893   11-07-1959   David     F-Phillip Banks     M-Nancy (Short)
  BANKS         Elbert          11-26-1916   04-01-1964   David     F-Arthur Banks      M-Gertie (Bolin)
  BANKS         Ethel Pearl     01-04-1933   Reserved               F-Brookshire
  BANKS         Gertie Rosetta  01-14-1898   06-22-1991   David obit F-William Bolin	M-Selista (Brown)  obit b Ash Grove, MO

  BANKS         Hubert Francis  09-04-1915   07-14-1978   David     F-Jim Banks   	M-Georgeia (Roberts)
  BANKS         James Arthur    10-30-1892   11-29-1957   David     F-Dick Banks	M-Rebecca (Short)
  BANKS         Jeannie         10-00-1835   00-00-1912   David     F-                  M-Cassandra Banks
  BANKS         John Henry      07-09-1898   09-08-1945   David     F-Sol Banks	        M-Nancy (Bowman)
  BANKS         Leon            03-25-1941   Reserved
  BANKS         Mamie           03-29-1918   00-00-1990   David     F-Holman     	M-

  BANKS         Martha (T)      00-00-1917   00-00-1917   David     F-William Banks	M-Cora (Lawson)
  BANKS         Mary (twin ?)   00-00-1917   00-00-1917             F-William Banks	M-Cora (Lawson)
  BANKS         Oscar Lee       00-00-1915   00-00-1915   David     F-William Banks	M-Cora (Lawson)
  BANKS         Rebecca Jane    06-30-1865   12-17-1933   David     F-John D. Short	M-Lucretia (Reese)
  BANKS         Richard L.      06-26-1864   10-08-1922   David     F-                  M-Jeannie Banks
  BANKS         Vincent Ray     09-25-1932   04-01-2000   David     F-William Banks	M-Cora (Lawson)
  BANKS         Violet          03-06-1920   Reserved               F-Wm Riley Matlock  M-Rebecca Booth

  BAXTER        Killy Colenel   00-00-0000   12-05-1991   obit

  BEASLEY       Mary            07-09-1909   05-05-1921             F-                  M-
  BELT          Billy Joe       00-00-0000   00-00-1943             F-Arthur            M-Catherine
  BERRYHILL     Georgia Agnes   12-14-1923   08-06-1999   David     F-William Banks	M-Cora (Lawson)
  BERRYHILL     Stanford Cleo   08-24-1916   01-28-1993   David     F-        M-        W-Agnes (Banks)

  BIENFANG      Brian Kelly     07-27-1967   07-01-1988   obit      F-Herman            M-Barbara
  BIENFANG      Dusty           07-09-1970   05-26-1984             F-Herman            M-Barbara
  BISHOP        Jerame Dale     03-07-1979   03-07-1979             no other information
  BOLIN         Clark           00-00-1919   00-00-1937
  BOLIN         Essie E.        09-23-1912   03-16-1927             F-W. L.             M-Silista BROWN
  BOLIN         Irene           04-06-1912   06-06-1934             F-Vern KIRK         M-Mary RANDEL
  BOLIN         Mary A.         00-00-1865   00-00-1937   Katie     F-W. A.             M-Mary HENSON; w/o Robert E.
  BOLIN         Olie            06-15-1832   04-10-1914             (By C. M. BOLIN)
  BOLIN         Robert E.       09-28-1868   03-27-1951   Katie     h/o Mary A.
  BOLIN         Slista          00-00-1876   00-00-1950
  BOLIN         W. L.           00-00-1876   00-00-1964
  BOSTICK       Elsie Josephine 10-05-1908   10-11-1993   obit      F-R. L. Mannon      M-Margret Hallsell
  BOSTICK       Fred B.         09-09-1926   08-20-1983             F-Henry             M-Elsie Mannon
  BOSTICK       Henry Marvin    02-04-1904   03-26-1978             F-Samuel            M-Stella Puckett

  BRANNON       Donald Ray      07-21-1941   10-05-1999   David     F-Ray Brannon	M-Viola Banks
  BRANNON       Fannie Viola    10-19-1918   06-05-1996   David     F-William Banks	M-Cora Lawson
  BRANNON       Ray Joe         10-12-1916   06-13-1998   David     F-     M-		W-Viola Banks

  BROONER       Wandajean E.    10-08-1932   09-01-1995   obit      F-Lee Bond          M-Corla Hudson
  BROWN         Betty Louise    03-10-1934   05-10-1934             F-Jesse Brown       M-Winnie McGuire
  BROWN         Elizabeth       02-04-1932   02-17-1998   obit      b Bronx, NY
  BROWN         Evelyn V.       04-09-1922   ---                    F-                  M-
  BROWN         Geraldine       04-26-1928   01-24-1993   obit      b Webb City, MO
  BROWN         Guess Uno Sr.   10-16-1916   02-26-1989             Brother of Tressie McGuire
  BROWN         Henry Oscar     10-07-1935   12-05-1993   obit      F-Jess Henry        M-Winnie McGuire
  BROWN         Jesse Henry     03-06-1908   11-02-1977   obit      F-                  M-
  BROWN         Shirley F.      05-24-1947   ---                    F-Jess H. Brown     M-Winnie McGuire
  BROWN         Winnie          06-16-1914   ---                    F-Oscar McGuire     M-Rachel Webster
  BURKS         Donald Ray      05-09-1953   12-07-1995   obit      F-Dayton Burks      M-Evelyn
  BUSH-TURNER   Baby            00-00-0000   00-00-0000             F-                  M-
  BUTTRAM       Dolly L.        02-10-1922   03-06-1990   obit
  BYRD          Forrest A.      06-11-1900   05-27-1975   stone     Veteran

  CALDWELL      Helen Pauline   07-21-1906   07-02-1987   obit      F-                  M-
  CAMP          Leon            01-23-1933   07-03-1989   obit      F- __ Camp          M-Jimmie Ozbun

  CARRASCO      Jose Galvan     08-23-1958   08-29-1994   obit      F-
  CARTRETT      Ben Franklin    07-15-1894   12-13-1949             F-William           M-Julie Joyce
  CASEY         Ricky Don       06-24-1963   07-24-1992   obit      F-Kenneth           M-Naomi Cartrett
  CASTILLO      Kennett Dean    12-03-1963   11-07-1991   obit      F-John              M-Virginia
  CHEESMAN       John Andrew 1   01-29-1852   06-24-1942   Jan       F-William           M-Susan Elam    W-Mary
  CHEESMAN      Mary Elizabeth  06-28-1853   03-06-1943   Jan       F-Joe Frazell                       H-John
  CHEESMAN      Thomas A. 'Tom' 01-27-1874   09-06-1941   Jan       F-J. A.             M-Mary E. Frazell
  CHILDRESS     Gene            08-10-1923   11-02-1990   obit      F-
  COBERLY       Joe H.          08-13-1904   05-04-1983             F-Lewis             M-Martha A. Edmondson
  COOPER        David Bradley   03-01-1958   11-18-1976             F-E. L.             M-Bessie Long
  COOPER        Evelyn "Maxine" 00-00-0000   07-06-1988   obit      F-Jim F. Titus      M-Martha A. Allen
  CONLEY        Audrey Evelyn   07-04-1931   01-10-1995   David     F-Herman Allen	M-Lona Banks
  COTHAM        Rutha Paralee   01-05-1849   11-30-1930   Linda     w/o Alfred Sampson  F-Peter Roberts M-Mary A. HORTON
  COX           Jack L.         01-26-1935   04-25-1993   obit      F-                  M-Rachael
  CREASON       James B.        03-27-1927   12-30-1992   obit
  CREASON       Olgie M.        10-30-1929   10-25-1992   obit

  DAVENPORT     Frances William 04-19-1920   07-04-1940   Barbara   F-Charles E. Williams M-Doris RADFORD

  DEGRAFFENREED J. O. Wolfe     02-09-1922   --
  DEGRAFFENREED William Arthur  05-12-1929   08-19-1993   obit      h/o Freida Jo Wolf
  DELCOUR       Helen G.        11-08-1929   12-27-1983   Marti     F-Harvey C. Romine  M-Lois Burrows
  DESJARLAIS    Ray A.          08-12-1953   05-15-1994   obit      F-Albert            M-Lucille
  DOBBS         Baby            01-27-1940   01-27-1940   David     F-J.L. Dobbs	M-Juanita (Riley)
  DOBBS         Juanita         00-00-1922   00-00-1942   David     F-Thomas Riley	M-Corda Bell (Sloan)
  DOLLAR        Levi            02-17-1886   07-26-1951   stone
  DOWDY         Bea Ellen       10-26-1949   10-26-1949             F-Boyd              M-Bea Ellen
  DOWDY         Beatrice Ellen  04-30-1920   12-20-1991   obit      F-
  DOWDY         Boyd            01-26-1918   Reserved
  DOWDY         Boyd Allan      08-19-1939   08-19-1939             F-Boyd              M-Bea Ellen
  DOWDY         Joseph W.       06-07-1935   06-11-1935             F-Joe               M-Bertha Goodwin
  DOWDY         Monroe          04-17-1939   03-07-1940             F-Boyd              M-Bea Ellen
  DRYE          James "Doug"    12-10-1935   05-30-1994   obit      b Locust Grove, OK
  DUKE          Charlie         04-13-1934   ---                    F-                  M-
  DUKE          Wilma Brown     03-10-1938   ---                    F-Jess H. Brown     M-Winnie McGuire

  EDMONSON      William         01-21-1875   08-08-1942   obit      F-Sam Edmonson      M-
  FARLEY        Max Andrew      06-11-1988   06-11-1988   obit      F-Tim Farley        M-Kim McGuire
  FEEBACK       Charlie         02-14-1912                          W-Roxa
  FEEBACK       Rachel C.       09-14-1913   01-03-1994   obit      H-Ross
  FEEBACK       Roxa            07-07-1913   12-22-1991   obit      F-W. R. Matlock     M-Rebecca Booth       H-Charley
  FEEBACK       Tenny D.        03-14-1901   12-12-1990   obit      H-Walter L.
  FEEBACK       Walter L.       02-07-1898   00-00-1970             F-Parrish N.        M-Polly Serelda Barnard
  FONT          John            05-29-1881   12-01-1972             F-Jack              M-Margaret E. Branch
  FORREST       Bill            00-00-0000   00-00-1994             F-                  M-
  FORREST       Cleo & Leo      02-05-1940   02-05-1940             F-Jeff              M-Hettie Jones
  FORREST       Harry J.        06-25-1922   08-25-1976             F-Jeff M.           M-Hattie Jones  -- Veteran
  FORREST       Hattie Maydean  09-09-1936   12-19-1951             F-Jeff              M-Hattie Jones
  FORREST       John Jefferson  08-25-1889   05-09-1943             F-R. L.             M-Catherene Redding
  FORREST       Joene Leslie    04-12-1939   09-19-1994   obit      F-Joseph Brown      M-Margaret Long Pair
  FORREST       Leslie O. (Ted) 11-03-1919   07-11-1983             F-Jeff              M-Hattie Jones
  FORREST       Nellie          00-00-0000   00-00-0000             F-Jeff              M-Hettie Jones
  FORREST       Nellie Francis  02-26-1944   11-11-1944             F-Harry Forrest     M-
  FORREST       Olief M.        06-30-1930   ----------             F-Jeff              M-Hettie Jones
  FORREST       Ron F.          00-00-1945   00-00-1993             F-L. O.             M-Ruby Jones
  FORREST       Ruby Jones      08-14-1918   08-05-1994             F-Casey M.          M-Pearl V.
  FRAZEE        Anthony Dean    03-29-1967   06-20-1987   obit      F-Carl Frazee       M-Leta Richie

  GASKIN        Boy             00-00-0000   00-00-0000             F-                  M-
  GASKINS       George F.       07-18-1880   05-16-1931             F-Williams
  GASKINS       Mrs.            00-00-0000   00-00-0000             F-                  M-
  GEE           Cora E.         08-05-1881   03-16-1965
  GEE           Ernest Leroy    09-28-1925   07-26-1991             F-James Ernest      M-Cora Carson
  GEE           Fred M.         09-20-1879   07-03-1955             F-                  M-
  GEE           James Ernest    09-28-1906   03-23-1973             F-Fred              M-Cora Hensley
  GOEN          Clarence Wayne  01-04-1926   02-08-1926   David     F-Elmer Goen	M-Verda (  )
  GOEN          Elmer Rudy      04-27-1902   02-16-1964   David     F-Roscoe Goen	M-Laura (Short)
  GOEN          James           00-00-1909   00-00-1909   David     F-Roscoe Goen	M-Laura (Short)
  GOEN          William Roscoe  11-11-1877   07-18-1940   David     F-       M-         W-Laura (Short)
  Grimes, Hattie Frances Lue (Webster)  

  HALL          Emma A.         12-13-1863   04-10-1939             F-Issac VanNordell  M-Jane Stott
  HELLARD       Edgar Alfred    06-15-1918   11-25-1981   David     F-       M-         W-Juanita (Banks)
  HELLARD       Juanita         03-17-1922                          F-Arthur Banks      M-Gertia Bolin
  HELLARD       Karen Rae       03-27-1942   04-05-1942   David     F-Edgar Hellard	M Jaunita (Banks)
  HIGHLAND      Delphia (Gee)   10-06-1901   02-18-1991   obit      F-Fred              M-Cora Hensley
  HILL          Ed              07-29-1849   09-12-1938               Mrs. Ed White - chg.

  HOLEMAN       Billie L.       12-23-1929   ----                   F-Earl H. Roberts   M-LaVern Calvert H-Johnie
  HOLEMAN       Henry A.        03-15-1896   01-25-1960   obit
  HOLEMAN       Johnie Squire   12-30-1921   08-04-1999   obit      F-Henry A.          M-Josette Stephens
  HOLEMAN       Jossette I.     05-23-1904   06-04-1979   obit
  HOLEMAN       Mary Jane Lowe  00-00-1867   08-21-1953             2nd wife of J. S. Holeman
  HOOPER        Caryl           07-18-1911   06-20-2001   obit      F-Frank Brush       M-Stella Loutzenhauser
  HOPKINS       Lavon Pauline   01-01-1929   02-00-1936   David     F-Wm  Hopkins	M-Lona (Banks)   CS
  HOPKINS       Martin L.       00-00-1884   00-00-1959   Bonnie    h/o 1)Florence; h/o 2) Effie
  HOPKINS       Virginia        09-04-1929   00-00-0000             no date death listed - stone next to William D. Hopkins
  HOPKINS       William Dennis  11-04-1927   05-02-1997   David     F-Wm  Hopkins	M-Lona (Banks)
  HOUSEHOLDER   Karen           09-22-1952   08-07-1994   obit      David  F-Dennis Hopkins    M-Virginia (Cox)
  HOUSTON       Delphia         06-21-1925   02-14-1988   obit      F-                  M-Minnie
  HOUSTON       Victor W.       04-11-1917   12-27-1992   obit      b Bristow, OK; Veteran;  F-      M-
  HOWERTON      Lula            07-29-1895   10-12-1985   Marti     F-E. F. Romine      M-Mary Simerly
  HUGHES        Andre D.        09-13-1979   10-02-1995   obit      F-Darnell Hughes    M-Donna
  HUNTER        Ronald LeRoy    08-16-1949   11-12-1994   obit      F-_?_ Hunter        M-Blanche
  Hurst, Junior Jackson

  JACKSON       Abel Lee        02-21-1928   04-06-1992
  JACKSON       B.              10-24-1939
  Jackson, Jannie Irene (Lawson)
  JACKSON       June            06-24-1938   -----
  JACKSON       Claude Jr.      03-19-1924   08-22-1993   obit      W-Florence
  JACKSON       Glenda Gail     11-21-1945   03-13-1948             F-Claude            M-Betty Fox
  JOHNSON       Herman J. Jr.   03-02-1927   09-26-1991   obit      F-Herman            M-Ovie
  JOHNSON       Herman          07-13-1896   05-31-1982
  JOHNSON       Joe J.          06-21-1928   10-04-1984             F-Herman            M-Ovie
  JOHNSON       Ovvie           08-08-1902   11-03-1981
  JONES         ______          00-00-0000   00-00-0000             F-Jim               M-
  JONES         Baby            00-00-0000   00-00-0000             F-Rufus             M-Bertha Donaldson
  JONES         Baby            00-00-0000   00-00-0000             F-Rufus             M-Bertha Donaldson
  JONES         Baby            00-00-0000   00-00-0000             F-Rufus             M-Bertha Donaldson
  JONES         Elbert          08-22-1935   08-22-1935             F-Rufus             M-Bertha Donaldson
  JONES         Harley R.       00-00-0000   00-00-0000             F-Jim               M-
  JONES         James Marion    08-06-1875   08-04-1956   Jodie     F-Thomas            M-Sarah Jane Ruckman
                                                                      b Omaha, AR; h/o Minnie Burnette;
  JONES         Lester LeeRoy   07-07-1940   10-22-1994   obit      F-
  JONES         Margaret        06-21-1917   08-23-1933   Geraldine F-Lester Jones M-Minnie Lawson
  JONES         Minnie          05-23-1893   05-31-1945   Geraldine F-Vincent G. Lawson M-Susan Mackey H-Lester
  JONES         Mollie Mae      02-05-1920   10-10-1994   obit      F-Wm H. Johnson     M-Laura B. Cole
  JONES         Roger Dale      02-12-1965   05-25-1991   obit

  KIEFER        Delcie Myrtle   00-00-1897   09-12-1943   Jan       F-J. A. Cheesman      M-Mary E. Frazell
  KENYON        Cecial A.       10-01-1911   01-28-1914   David     F-C. C. Kenyon	  M Della Banks
  KEY           Samuel Walter   04-26-1961   08-09-1988   obit      F-Clerence            M-Ann McClure
  King, Orville B. "Buck" 
  KING          William Frank   04-18-1905   12-12-1994   obit      F-
  KIRK          Raymond Lee     02-27-1929   11-28-1989   obit      F-Thad Kirk           M-Verlis
  KIRK          Sally Ann Beene 09-03-1932   ----------
  KIRK          Thad K.         01-14-1908   04-12-1976
  KIRK          Todd Steven     10-28-1957   08-26-1991   obit      F-Raymond             M-Sally
  KIRK          Verlis          ----------   ----------

  LAWSON        Blanche         12-31-1921   -----                  F-John R. Matlock M-Rosa E. Couch
  LITTLE        Everett         01-19-1916   04-21-1983   Linda     F-John           M-Mary Magdaline Willard
  LITTLE        John Evan       01-19-1916   02-23-1980   Linda     F-John           M-Mary Magdaline Willard
  LITTLE        Mary Magdalene  04-12-1881   08-00-1922             F-William Milan  M-Rachel Davis
  LOONEY        Hester Ann      03-29-1869   04-19-1934             F-Than McGuire   M-Polly Baker
  LOWE          Nancy Emiline   01-01-1908   12-17-1979             F-Lewis Coberly  M-Martha A. Edmondson
  LOWERY        Goldie May      08-25-1910   02-24-1976   obit
  LUCKENBILL    Tela            08-20-1890   12-23-1975   Linda     F-Alfred Sampson Cotham M-Rutha Paralee ROBERTS (full name Arteley Cotham Redus Cox)
  LUTRELL       John W.         02-18-1832   05-29-1903             Father of Mary Ella Turner

  MANNON        B.              00-00-0000   00-00-0000             F-C. J. Mannon   M-Bess Estep
  MANNON        Clarence        03-27-1905   03-06-1919             F-R. L. Mannon   M-Margret Hallsell
  MANNON        Fred            01-23-1898   11-09-1919             F-R. L. Mannon   M-Margret Hallsell
  Martin, James Clark 
  MATHEWS       Stephen Randell 05-07-1959   05-08-1959             F-
  MATLOCK       Eva Irene       12-24-1929   06-01-1966   David     obit F-William Banks  M-Cora (Lawson)

  MCCLELLAND    Jason Michael   07-22-1973   05-26-1996   Lori
  MCGUIRE       Alice Mary      03-20-1877   03-21-1961             F-
  MCGUIRE       Allen Leon      06-29-1939   10-21-2001   Geraldine F-Clark McGuire  M-Edith Lawson
  MCGUIRE       Bernice         08-26-1934   08-26-1934             F-Arthur         M-Claudine
  MCGUIRE       Clifford J.     09-24-1912   09-02-1971               Cpl. 377 Air Sq AAF WWII
  McGuire, Donald James 

  MCGUIRE       Edgar           04-29-1933   12-15-1994   David     F-	  M- 	     W-Darla (Banks)
  MCGUIRE       James A.        03-27-1868   01-14-1949             F-
  MCGUIRE       John W.         06-28-1873   04-02-1950             F-Than           M-Molly Baker

  MCGUIRE       Marvin E.       02-21-1926   12-09-1949             F-
  MCGUIRE       N. C. (Than)    05-00-1852   00-00-1932             F-               M-
  MCGUIRE       Naomi Ruth      12-16-1932   12-27-1974             F-               M-
  MCGUIRE       Polly Baker     08-00-1850   00-00-1932             F-               M-
  MCGUIRE       Tom             07-19-1887   10-20-1945             F-Than           M-Molly Baker
  MCGUIRE       Tressie B.      06-26-1914   08-12-1993             F- __ Brown      M-
  MCGUIRE       Wilma Jean      00-00-1937   00-00-1938             F-Arthur         M-Claudine

  MEDLEY        Harold          03-18-1930   05-31-1931             F-Claude (Scrap) M-Minerva Jones
  MILES         Frank                                     Jean      no other information
  MILES         Jearldine (baby)                                    no other information
  MILES         Nettie Clation  03-17-1868   00-00-1938
  MILES         William M.      09-17-1854   00-00-1950
  MYRICK        Lewis E.        05-07-1905   02-13-1993   obit      b Okemah, OK; h/o Bessie

  NICHOLS       Atha Mae        05-26-1911   11-06-1993   obit      b Van Buren, AR
  NICHOLS       Hulis           08-13-1913   07-29-1979             F-Jonathan          M-Rachel Williams
  NICHOLS       Jonathan        09-18-1879   04-24-1948
  NICHOLS       John N.         00-00-0000   04-26-1928
  NICHOLS       Myrtha Romine   07-01-1890   04-07-1963   obit      F-John Holeman      M-Mellissa Sigler H(1)-Frank Romine
  NICHOLS       Onas Lee        00-00-1919   00-00-1992
  NICHOLS       Rachel          03-25-1887   01-26-1975             F-James Williams    M-Fannie Barnard
  NICHOLS       Willie          09-26-1909   04-15-1984             F-Jonathan          M-Rachel Williams
  Potter, Thomas Preston 
  OVERTON       Clifford Leon   04-06-1969   12-19-2000   obit      F-Clifford Leon     M-Joy Marie Bomar
  PERKINS       George W.       10-03-1920   00-00-0000
  PERKINS       Louise M.       11-05-1919   05-25-1993   Tami      F-Claude Jackson    M-Nellie Capella Stewart
  Perkins, Rhonda Gayle
  POINTER       Suler Mae       03-31-1907   05-20-1911   Linda     F-William Pointer   M-Sarah Annis Willard

  RADFORD       Doris Frances   05-14-1870   03-12-1929   Barbara
  RALSTON       Billie Jo       07-29-1949   07-29-1949             F-Ellis             M-Maxine
  RALSTON       Ellis O.        11-04-1913   07-09-1653             no other information
  RALSTON       Frances B.      00-00-0000   00-00-0000             no other information
  RALSTON       Harry E.        00-00-0000   00-00-0000             ashes w/ Ruby M.
  RALSTON       John F.         12-22-1896   09-22-1947             no other information
  RALSTON       John F. Jr.     10-10-1929   11-15-1985             CS
  RALSTON       Joseph W.       08-26-1882   08-03-1951             F-Ben F.            M-Margarett Mitchell
  RALSTON       Rhonda K.       00-00-0000   00-00-0000             no other information
  RALSTON       Rosetta         09-15-1898   09-15-1956             F-Jesse Allen       M-Myrtle Shoffler
  RALSTON       Ruby M.         11-24-1915   06-10-1989   obit      b Sapulpa, OK  [burial location per Smith Funeral Home
  REDUS         Homer Gale      09-20-1930   01-03-1931             F-Benny O.          M-Lorene GAMBILL
  REDUS         Vivian Irene    09-12-1935   09-12-1935   Linda     F-Perry             M-Alice WILLARD
  REED          ______          00-00-0000   00-00-0000             CS
  REED          Irna            00-00-0000   00-00-0000             CS
  REED          Jerry           00-00-1903   00-00-1918             CS
  REED          Luther T.       09-06-1889   06-28-1940
  REED          Mary Belle      08-00-1869         1955   Patty     CS
  REED          Mattie          05-00-1897                Patty     CS; F-Robert C.     M-Bell
  REED          May B.          05-02-1935
  REED          Robert          07-00-1859         1918   Patty

  RICHIE        Leta L.         08-30-1944   00-00-0000
  RICHISON      Jimmy Ross Jr.  08-30-1961   07-10-1984   obit      Susan; F-Jimmy Richison    M-Susan

  RILEY         Kenneth	Jack    05-22-1926   01-14-1995   obit      F-Thomas Riley	M-Corda (Sloan)
  RILEY         Thomas Raymond  11-30-1885   09-09-1945   David     F-Joe Riley	        M-Susan (Asher)	W-Corda Bell (Sloan)
  RISNER        Carl            05-11-1911   10-22-1933             F-Carl Risner

  RISNER        Lessie          00-00-1882   11-13-1964
  RISNER        Luther          00-00-1907   00-00-1958
  RISNER        William J.      00-00-1881   10-08-1966

  ROMINE        Edgar L.        08-22-1896   12-29-1947   John      F-E. F. Romine      M-Mary Cupp        W-Eunice England
  ROMINE        Frank           07-00-1889   00-00-1930   John      F-E. F. Romine      M-Mary Simerly     W-Myrtha Holeman
  ROMINE        Katherine       04-07-1899         190?   John      F-

  SCOTT         John Wesley     01-28-1894   09-26-1949   David     F-Sam J. Scott	M-Mary H. (Holeman)  W-Maude Banks

  SELF          Audyne          03-19-1923   09-29-1993   obit      F-Wm Suttenfuss **  M-Jicy Osborne       H-Huber
  SELF          Claudia V. Wms  10-10-1900   03-20-1992
  SELF          Dolly H.        02-01-1881   04-06-1978             F-Ed Hill           M-Sarah Jackson

  SELF          Elsa R.         01-20-1901   03-11-1984             F-J.H.              M-Dolly Hill
  SELF          Estella Clay    11-06-1916   --
  SELF          Huber           01-24-1914   --
  SELF          Inez McKinney   10-30-1914   --
  SELF          John H.         04-17-1873   03-07-1933             F-Eli A.            M-Martha A. Lester
  SELF          Melvin          11-04-1915   --
  SELF          Milvia Dean     07-24-1931   12-25-1940             F-John O.           M-Gertie
  SELF          Nedra L.        08-13-1934   --
  Self, Zennie (Chuck)
  SELF          Zennie (Chuck)  02-02-1909   12-25-1993   obit      F-John              M-Dollie  W-Estelle
  SHORT         Baby Boy          abt 1918   about 1918   David     F-Marion Short	M-Martha (Gibson)
  SILVA         Lola Elaine     02-09-1952   10-24-1993   obit      F-John Degraffenreed M-Lola
  SLOAN         Baby Philp      11-15-1923   11-17-1923   David     F-Toney Sloan	M-Tressie (Taylor)
  SLOAN         Beatrice        00-00-1925   07-00-1926   David     F-Toney Sloan	M-Tressie (Taylor)
  SLOAN         Delton Emerson  06-22-1944   05-02-1990   David     F-Joe Sloan         M-Phebie (Titus)
  SLOAN         Willa Etta      05-06-1875   07-21-1925   David     F-Dan Stillwell	M-       H-John Wm
  SLOAN         John Wm.        05-24-1868   00-00-1947   David     F-John J. Sloan	M-Mary Jane Huffman
  SLOAN         Peggy Sue       08-21-1949   11-10-1999   David     F-      Wiley	M-		   H-Roger Sloan
  SLOAN         Phebie Francis  11-28-1915   06-24-2000   David     F-James H. Titus	M-Martha (Allen)   H-Joe Sloan
  SLOAN         Toney Theodore  01-08-1901   02/17/1957   David     F-John W. Sloan     M-Etta (Stillwell)
  SLOAN         Tressie Adelle  01-04-1906   09-06-1987   David     F-Walter Taylor	M-Bonnie (Jenkins) H-Toney Sloan

  STALLINGS     Bert Wayne Sr.  09-18-1897   04-12-1977

  STAFFORD      Alice Willard   04-10-1882   05-10-1963   Linda     F-John Henry Willard  M-Elizabeth Mooney
  STAFFORD      Clarence M.     12-27-1885   04-08-1974             F-John R.             M-Mary Wells
  STAFFORD      J. Henry        10-29-1900   05-25-1973   Linda     F-Russell M., Jr.     M-Alice Willard

  STAFFORD      John Henry      00-00-1921   00-00-1928   Linda     F-Robert              M-Maud (book has as James Henry)
  STAFFORD      Patricia        03-00-1943   03-00-1943   Linda     F-Clarence            M-Leta Loreen CULVER
  STAFFORD      Robert          12-27-1885   04-08-1984   Linda     F-Russell M. Stafford, Sr. M-Mary WELLS
                                                                    (book has dob  01-27-1886 - dod 04-08-1974);  h/o Maud MARTIN (d 1936)
  STEPHENS      Everett L.      02-07-1913   09-18-1988   obit      b Lebanon, MO; h/o Hazel Golding

  TAYLOR        Ada Jane        02-07-1897   01-06-1988   obit      b Blythedale, MO; w/o Robert
  TAYLOR        Elizabeth       09-11-1856   12-28-1934   Kathy     w/o Leander F-Henry STIDAM
  TAYLOR        Frank           00-00-1892   00-00-1931
  TAYLOR        Frank V.                     00-00-1930             F-Frank M-Elizabeth HUNT
  TAYLOR        Gary P., Jr.    04-02-1969   06-23-1991   obit      F-Gary P. M-Mary P. LEMASTER
  TAYLOR        Leander         03-19-1857   02-02-1943   Kathy     h/o Elizabeth

  TAYLOR        Mary Jane       11-23-1894   02-18-1985   obit      F-Hudgins M-[blank]
  TAYLOR        Richard                                             no dates or other information
                  Hugh (Bus)
  TAYLOR        Robert          07-20-1889   09-14-1948             moved from Troy, OK 04-11-1988
  TAYLOR        Troy L.         05-18-1919   06-21-1941             moved from Troy, OK 04-11-1988

  THOMAS        James A.        02-29-1864   01-29-1942   ST        F-William P.       M-Frances E. Foster
  THOMAS        Mary E.         05-05-1869   10-08-1943   ST        F-William Hankins  M-Ruth Rough
  TURNER        Bytha Elizabeth 04-18-1888   01-05-1978   obit      F-A.L. Johnston    M-
  TURNER        Wm David        03-04-1943   03-05-1943             F-Fred             M-Mary
  TURNER        Wm Harrison     09-25-1888   08-29-1975             F-John W.          M-Ella Luttrell

  WALTRIP       Ethel Jones     08-22-1939   --                     F-                 M-
  WALTRIP       Henry Leroy     09-07-1937   02-14-1978   Veteran   F-Ben              M-Opal Hall
  WALTRIP       Opal            08-23-1919   --                     F-Hall

  WATASHE       Edyth V.        05-08-1918   05-28-1992             F-    Waltrip
  WATASHE       James Sr.       12-15-1915   12-24-1992   obit      F-    Watashe      M-Rosa Holder
  WEBSTER       Gary Lee        12-27-1940   --

  WHITNER       Nellie          07-01-1891   12-00-1985
  WHITSON       Almus Wesley    04-00-1928   03-00-1931   Linda     F-William          M-Dora Elizabeth Willard
  WHITSON       Alfred          01-14-1900   01-13-1986*  Linda     W-Sarah Williamson
  WHITSON       Baby Boy        00-00-0000   00-00-0000   Linda     F-William          M-Dora Elizabeth
  WHITSON       Claudie M.      00-00-1919   04-09-1978             F-William          M-Dora Elizabeth Willard
  WHITSON       Dora Elizabeth  03-25-1891   07-18-1961   Linda     F-William Milan    M-Rachel Davis Willard
  WHITSON       Lela            00-00-0000   00-00-0000   Linda     F-William          M-Dora Elizabeth
  WHITSON       Lizzie Willard  03-25-1891   07-18-1961             F-William Milan    M-Rachel
  WHITSON       Luther Ike*     00-00-1910   12-25-1976   Linda     F-William          M-Dora Elizabeth
  WHITSON       Sara Williamson*11-06-1903   10-08-1978   Linda     F-George Williamson M-Mary Magdalene
  WHITSON       Sarah Estell    00-00-0000   00-00-0000   Linda     F-William          M-Dora Elizabeth
  WHITSON       William         11-02-1874   01-24-1931   Linda     W-Dora Elizabeth Jane Willard

  WHITSON       Willie Ann      11-02-1874   01-24-1931             F-Willard Whitson  M-
  WILLARD       Clyde           12-21-1908   11-14-1971   Linda     F-William          M-Janie Williams
  WILLARD       Edna Marie      04-00-1916   04-11-1918   Linda     F-William          M-Janie Williams
  WILLARD       Janie Williams  06-20-1885   05-04-1968   obit      F-James            M-Fannie BARNARD   H-William
  WILLARD       John Henry      03-01-1859   01-19-1927   Linda     F-Wm Henry         M-Mara FLETCHER
  WILLARD       Louis           11-26-1920   01-22-1973   Linda     F-William          M-Janie Williams   Pvt US Army WW II
  WILLARD       Rachel Jane     02-16-1866   01-19-1912   Linda     F-Ira Joseph Davis M-                 H-William M.
  WILLARD       Ruby            07-08-1922   07-22-1930   Linda     F-William          M-Janie Williams   CS
  WILLARD       William M.      03-09-1883   05-08-1969   obit      F-John Henry       M-Elizabeth Mooney W-Janie
  WILLARD       William Milan   05-18-1957   08-00-1915   Linda     F-William Henry    M-Mary Fletcher    W-Rachel DAVIS
  WILLARD       William Mouloum 05-25-1855   08-00-1915             F-Henry            M-Mary Fletcher    CS

  WILLIAMSON    A.J.            00-00-1858   00-00-1910*
  WILLIAMSON    Albert          00-00-1888   05-12-1909*
  WILLIAMSON    Andrew                                                no other info
  WILLIAMSON    C. W.           00-00-1875   00-00-1912             F-                 M-
  WILLIAMSON    Carmen          00-00-1910   00-00-1911   Linda     F-George W.        M-Mary Magdalene
  WILLIAMSON    George W.       00-00-1875   00-00-1912   Linda     W-Mary Magdalene
  WILLIAMSON    George W., Jr.  08-11-1912   11-27-1986   Linda     F-George W.        M-Mary Magdalene
  WILLIAMSON    Mary Magdalene  04-12-1882   08-00-1922   Linda     F-Wm. M. Willard   M-Rachel Davis     H-George W.
  WINSTON       Kenneth Ott     03-21-1932   11-11-1981             F-W. A.            M-Minnie Rhodes

  WRIGHT        Cleo            10-15-1917   10-22-1932             F-J. W.            M-Josie
  WRIGHT        James W.        02-05-1883   12-08-1945             F-R. N.            M-Martha Thompson
  WRIGHT        Jose            00-00-1883   06-09-1923             F-                 M-


   [NOTE: information in red obtained from National Obituary Archive <> 2001]

*These Indian graves moved from Heyburn Lake area when the lake was built.
**Saultenfuss [spelling in the Sunrise Cemetery Book]

John Andrew Cheesman  b Bond County IL; d Kellyville OK
Mary Elizabeth Frazell Cheesman b Franklin County OH; d Kellyville OK; d/o Joe Frazell [note: Sunrise Cemetery Book list name as Frizzell]
Thomas A. Cheesman b Kellyville OK
These graves just have a small block, two are marked with black paint. Mary and Tom then one next to them has nothing on it. I believe this to be John Andrew Cheesman since he was buried there. He is in the Cemetery records also.  Jan <> June 2001 

Sunrise Book shows 
Whitson, Arnold W. 06-14-1900  01-13-1986   F-   M-Sara Jane
Whitson, Ike  00-00-1913 12-25-1976 F-William M-Lizzie Willard


sunrise.gif (15129 bytes)  sunrise2.gif (28067 bytes)

obit= Sapulpa Herald unless otherwise noted
d/a = daughter of
d/s = double stone
h/o = husband of
i/o = infant of
s/o = son of
w/o = wife of

CS = Concrete Slab
F = Father
H = Husband
M = Mother
M/M = Mr. & Mrs.
S = Sister
W = Wife