May 23, 2002 -
Daily Oklahoman Archives, The;
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma --
Choctaw city officials recently announced a portion of Elmwood Cemetery, has been set aside where only veterans and their spouses can be buried.
They also unveiled plans to build a $300,000 Choctaw Veterans Memorial on a site near the NE 23 Street overpass and the bypass leading to Choctaw Road.
This cemetery is filled with loving tributes and memorials to
ancestors as seen in many of the photos. The cemetery is much larger than first
look indicates.
2002 began taking photos of this cemetery
09-01-2007 I will be taking photos of the stones in this cemetery and
looking up the obits for each as I put them online on the surname page.
10-12-2007 spent the afternoon taking photos.
10-15-2007 meet the cemetery sexton today. Spent couple of hours taking photos.
10-16-2007 spent about an hour taking photos today.
12-23-2008 reorganized burials onto one page table (for now) showing name,
link to obit and thumbnail of stone if I have a copy
Elmwood Cemetery History -
rough file
Find A
Grave shows 187 interments as of 01-19-2009
Akers, Edmond |

no obit dod 1929 |
Allen, Ellen Elizabeth |

no obit dod 1940 |
Alsip, Kenneth & Maria
Fe "Fay" (Najera) |
Anderson, Lona |
Anthony, Jr. Jack L. |
Anthony Sr., Ronald B. |

Austian, Alan Lee |

Baker, Michael & Glynn "Anne" (Drake) |
Baker, Wilbert |
Bare, Patricia Elizabeth (Straily) |
Barrett, Fred Lee

dod 01-17-2009
Barron, Colby G. |
Bayless, Chalice R. &
Betty J. |
Bayless, Thomas Robert |
Bealmer, Mary Lucille |
dod 1987 |
Beardslee, Charles Russell
& Vera Ophelia |

his dod 1976 obit not found |
Beatty, Burton W. & Cora B. |

no obits his dod 1970 hers 1978 |
Beatty, Carolyn Marie |
Beatty, Garry Don |
Beatty, Harry E. &
Kathryn Bernice |
Beatty, Mary C wife
of W. C. Beatty |

Beatty, Ollie |
Beatty, W. C. |
Benson, Ella A |
have stone |
Beezley, Ron |
no stone/funeral marker found 2009-01-10
dod 2008 |
b. Feb. 1, 1929 d. Nov. 30, 1966 |
FindAGrave |
Benson, Andrew E. (Pvt.)
b. 1844 d. 1912 |
FindAGrave |
Billings, Cindy Renee
(Thomas) |
Billings, Gary L. & Kathlene
Veronica |
Bishop, Jessie May |
dod 1989 |
Blankenship, Nora R.
(Cogburn) |
dod 1995 |
Blasdel, Marie Tracey |
Blasdel, Earl Edward |
Blasdel, George Edward |
Blevins, Scott Eldon & Grace (Birdwell) |
Bomar, Harvey & Geneva
(Jean) |
Booker, Shirley E. |
Bomgren Sr., Joel H. |
Bozarth, Jr. James L. & Maria de
los Angeles |

his stone - none for her or obit found |
Bradshaw, Donald Gene & Wendy
Marie (Overs) |
Bradshaw, Earl Hampton |
no stone/marker 2009-01-23
dod 2000 |
Bradshaw, Paul David |
Brand, Bradley Dean |
no stone/marker 2009-01-09
dod 2008 |
Bratton Sr., Weldon
"Big Boy" Lee & Lynn |
Brown, Archie |
no stone dod 1995 |
Brown, Leslie Richard
& Wanda Jo (Patterson) |
his obit [dod 2002] not found 02-03-2009 |
Bruce, William E. |
Brumley, Billy G. |
no stone/marker 200*-01-09
dod 1968 |
Brumley, Arlion Marion "Tye |
Buck, Jarrod Hunter |
no stone yet 2008-12-23-08
Bucy, Noy Lee "N. L." & Lula |
Butler, Halley Samuel |
Byrd, Arnold L. |
Castor, Michael Raye Sr. "Moose" |
Climer Sr., Paul R. & Ima |
both obits |
Coker, William A. "Bill"
& Ruby
dod his 2007 have obit, no
stone yet 02-01-2009 |

Cole, Lyle LeRoy & Betty Jo
her dod blank |
Cook, Joy Arlene (Kennedy) |
Cook, Raymond C. |
Cook, Orval Elisha "Man" |
no stone yet 2008-12-23
dod 2008 |
Couch, Charlie L. & Delia Schisler |
no stone yet 2008-12-23
both obits |
Cramer, Bert Thomas
& Joyclynn Ann |

no obit for either |
Cramer, Gary Lynn &
Sharon (White) |
Cramer, Lewis Gene &
Ruth Pearl (Hines) |
no stone - found her obit |
Dan, Nettie Esther (Gharst) |
obit no photo |
Dann, Giles Andrew &
Arvilla |
Danner, Noble Douglas |
Davis, Donald Lee & Beverly
Louise (Dunn) |

funeral markers dod 2006 & 2007
Davis, Lee & Thelma Lea (Wood) |

Davis, Ella Zell & Robin Arlene & Timothy Arin |
Dean, Elbert William |
Dorrell, Turner Reese |
Drake, Glenn A. & Patsy Darlene (Tacker) |
Dugger, Robet G. & Marie |
Eblen, Stanley V. |
Eccles, Kent Eugene "Gene" & Ella Lea |
her obit not located |
Evans, Christoper David
"Chris" |

funeral home marker dod 2007 |
Fales, Denise Rea |
Farino, Frank |
dod 1996 |
Ferren, Durward E. (Don) & Lorraine
P. |
Fivecoat, Samuel |
no stone yet 2008-12-23
dod 1941 |
Franks, Claude E. & Doris |
Fringer, James "Jim" |
no stone
dod 2008
Foster, Nancy Delores |
dod 1994 |
Fox, David Christian |
Gandy, Hettie M. |
dod 1989 |
Gayler, Jack & Hazel Ellen (Denton) |
no stone yet 2008-12-23
dod 2008; his ? not obit yet |
Gibson, Kyndra Lee Jensen |
Goddard, George Franklin |
Gonzales, Julia Ann (Davis) |

Goodmon, Albert Newton &
Maureen Elizabeth (Parke) |
Goldsberry, Katha |
Goodson, Seth Allen |

funeral homemarker only dod 1995 |
Gordon, Nonnie K. |
Graham, Carolyn Ann |

no obit stone only - dod 1959 |
Graham, Greenville Spencer |
Gravitt, Zayvre Daxx |
Gray, Doris Gwendolyn
"Gwen" |
Gray, Ronald Wayne |
Green, Wanda June (Henry) |
dod 1996 |
Groves, Clarence W. &
Leetta |
Grimsley, Billy Ray (Bill) |
Grimsley, Earl &
Xercie Beatrice (Simpson) |
her obit dod 1996 |
Chancelee "Chance" Benton |
Hale, Albert Troy |
Hammond, Sarah Beth |
no stone yet 2008-12-23
dod 2006 |
Hatfield, Billy Lee |
Hatfield, Monty Rex |
Hays, Barbara Sue
(Robinson) |
Hazen, Richard John |
no stone yet 2008-12-23
dod 2008 |
Heiskell. Hubert Leon |
no stone yet 2008-12-23
dod 1995 |
Hester, Jim Monroe & Candice
(Trotter) |
no stone yet 2008-12-23
dod 1987 |
Hill, Dwayne Ray |
no stone yet 2008-12-23
dod 1985 |
Hill, Gene & Kathryn Sue (Tallent) |
Heath, Bobbie Floyd, Sr. &
Yvonne (Jeffers) |
Henderson, Roy Sam |
dod 2006 |
Holt, William S. & June
found her obit, stone has no dod for him |
Houser, W. D. "Bill" and Lorene |
Huckleberry, James
Clifford Sr. |
no stone yet 2008-12-23
dod 2003 |
Hudspeth Jr., Charles W. &
Marie (Oxford) |
Huff, Timothy Ellis |
no stone yet 2008-12-23
dod 2007 |
Humphrey. Ethridge
M. Sr. & Lucile |

her obit, not his - his dod 1962 |
Humphrey, Dorothy
Margarett |

Huston, Josh Lee |
Huston, Sam Francis & Ruth Agnes
(Houser) |
no stone yet 2008-12-23
dod 2004 |
Hunter, Arthur Ray |
Hunter, Norma Jean
Girod (Huston) |
no found found yet 02-01-2009 |
Jackson, Green Wood (Dub) &
Sandra Jean (Rosser) |
Jaggers, John B. & Eula Mae |
both obits |
Jaggers, Sandra Inez Smith |
Jeffers Jr., Maurice "Bud"
Retired Army PSG |
Jenison, Quenton Boyd |
dod 1987 |
Jensen, Bill |
Keen, Bill G. & Mary L. |

no obit yet 2009-01-23
dod 2000 |
King, Frank E. & Jimmie C. (Whisenant)
no obit her - no dod on stone |

Kinney, Louise E. (Counter) |
Kinney, Jimmie Jack |
no stone yet 2008-12-23
dod 2007 |
Kohler, Robert L. "Bob" |
no stone yet 2008-12-23
dod 2008 |
Konechney, Harry J.
"Cotton" & Cis |
found his obit |
Knight, Amelia "Ann" (Jennings |
Knight, Gary W. &
Dorothy Ann Holt
Lanham, Terry Mark |
Lasley, Calvin D. |
dod 1988 |
Latshaw, Flora Ida (Paiz) |
Lee, Arthur R. & Charlotte
Lavonne (Simpson) |
Lewellen, Leroy
"Sonny" & A. Pearleen |
Long, David & Shelley
Eugenia |
found her obit - nothing on him 2009-01-11 |
Lott, Dudley O. &
Sylvia Norene (Moore) |
Lowe, Leon Duel & Norma (Bratton) |
Lundy, Floyd Alton |
no stone/marker 2009-01-09
dod 2008 |
Maddox, Thurman F. |
Marshall, Vivian
"Elaine" Smith |
Martinsen, Michael
R. & Jacqueline

Funeral Home Marker |
Masters, Elsie Faye |
Maynard, Lindsey & Wilma
Jean (Whisenant) |
no stone yet 02-2009
found both obits |
McCall, Eric |
dod 1992 |
McCool Jr., Alvin Leroy & Ola N. |
McDonald, Annie Marie
Hasbell |

did not find obit |
McKinney, Linda Kay
Wilkerson (Shartzer) |
McReynolds, Hugh E."Mac" & Jan
Marie (Streitenberger) |
Miller, John Keeney & Fannie (Westmoreland) |
Mitchell, Gregory Frank
no stone yet 2008-12-23
dod 2008 |
Mitchell, James (Jim) F * Mary Sue
(Womack) |
Moler, Jack Norman |
Monroe, Bradley Scott |
Mootassem, Pamela
Jennings El |
Moreland, Walter James &
Vivian L. |
his dod 1988 |
Moreno, Elfida Patricia |
Mosby, Thelma K. |
dod 1994 |
Murphy, Dr. Robert William "Bob" |
no stone yet 2008-12-23
dod 2008-12-24  |
Neal, Lawrence & Nellie Jeffers |
Nelson, Elizabeth |
Neinast, Mayme A. |
dod 1993 |
Ohmart, Christian Edward
& Neomi Ruth
(Hale) |
found both obits |
Orr, James E. & Mavis M. (Higgins) |
both obits |
Overturf, Minnie Amelia
Price |
Owen, Jerry Dale & Elaine |
obit- him not obit found for her no stone - funeral markers
Owens, Mark Louis |
Owens, Robert Duane "Butch" |

no obit found 12-23-2008 |
Parsons, James L. |
Parsons, Rev. A. E. &
Virginia (Smith) |
his obit found - she survived dod 2008 |
Patrick, Kenneth W. & Kathrine
Allien |

no obit found 12-23-2008 |
Patterson, James Clinton &
Dorothy Laverne Green |
his dod 1994; hers 1981 |
Pearson, Ricky Art (Brother &
Pearson, Debbie Ann (Sister) |

no obit found 01-25-2009 |
Perkins, James &
Monika (Ponader)
found hers - his dod 1993 not found |
Pershica, Karon
Denise (Leverich) |
her dod 1998 |
Peters, Robert E. "Bob" |
dod 1998 |
Petty, Vernon H. & Mary |
Plaisted, Joseph |

obit not found |
Pollard, John J. & Laura
Sue (Taylor) |
Pointer, Nathan E. |
Pointer, Thurman |
Pool Sr., Jesse L. & Edith
E.(Gharst)M Graham |

found no obit for either |
Pool Jr., Jesse Lee & Mary Diama
Poyner, George & Edith
Geneva (Loveless) |
no stone yet 2009-01-10
dod 2008 |
Price, Charles & Erma
Mae (Spear) |
her dod 1998; his not found |
Price, James D. |
dod 1988 |
Prosek, JoAnn Patricia |
Pryor, Donald Joe & Marie |
Pursell, Mildred Ruth (Cryer) |
no stone yet 2008-12-23
dod 2007 |
Redus, Bobby R & Bertha Clifton |
no stone yet 2008-12-23
dod 2007 |
Reese, Clyde T. |
Robison, Jim L. & Bettie J. |
Rodgers, J. C. |
no stone yet 2009-01-23
dod 2008 |
Romero, Louie |
Rodgers, Conrad & Anne |
Rodgers, J. C. & Goldie
June |
Rogers, Dennis Ray |

can not find his obit |
Rogers, Loyd D . " Curly "
& Mary |
his dod 1992 |
Rogers, Ray |
dod 2005 |
Rogers, Raymond Thomas |
Rose, Robert "Austin" |
Rowe, Kenny |
no stone yet 2009-01-23
dod 2008 |
Royston, Hubert W.&
Eugenia C. |
no stone yet 2009-01-23
1987 & 1995 found both obits |
Rudy, Eugene L. & Mary Lucill |
Rudy, John Thomas |
Sadler, Robert Henry |
Sanders Sr., James |
stone yet 2009-01-10
dod 2007 |
Sandmann, Mike & Bonnie |
no stone yet 2009-01-10
dod 2008 |
Sands, William L. |
Scroggins, Maude E. |
dod 1983 |
Shahan, Sam & D.
Cheryl (Silkwoood) |
Shelby, Donald Hugh & Patricia
(Pat) Marie (Womack) |
Sires, Delmar E., "Smiley",
Sr. & Juanita M. her obit not found no dod on stone |
Sires, Delmar Jr. &
Bobbie Jean (Heath) |
found hers |
Skinner, Maggie |
Southerland, Everett |
Spencer, Jean |
no stone yet 2008-12-23
dod 1987 |
Spencer, William P. |
Spitler, James Oliver |

no obit dod 1897 |
Standrich, Earl A. &
Geraldine "Jerri" E. (McDowell) |
Steaveson, Vivian "Leila"
Harvey Breedlove |
Steele, Ralph E. |
dod 1995 |
Straily, Max D. & Dorothy Faye (Whisenhunt) |

2009-01-11 need his obit |
Street, Ronald Lynn |
dod 1989 |
Street, Willard Lee |
dod 1988 |
Streller, Steeva Dawn
Gandy |
no stone yet 2008-12-23
dod 1995 |
Swaim, James Eugene & Carol J. |
Taylor Jr., Joe Lettz & Loretta Mae |
Tedford, George &
Charlotte Kay (Sheffield) |
no stone yet 2009-01-10
dod 2007 |
Terry, Gerald E. |
Tescier, John Isadore &
Alice May (Smith) |
Thill, Mildred D. |
Thompson, Carl Thomas & Ann
LaRue Hefner his dod 1974; hers not noted on stone |
Thompson, Georgia May |
dod 1992 |
Troglin, James W. &
Margarette Bell (McCurley) |
Vanderlinde, John & |
his dod 1988 |
Varner, Billy & Judy
(Pennington) |
no stone yet 2009-01-10
dod 2007  |
Vaught, Jane G. (Goss) |
no stone yet 2008-12-23
dod 2008  |
Vinyard, Phillip Ray
no stone yet 2008-12-23
dod 1992 |
Vinyard, Terry Clyde |
dod 1987 |
Walker, Eugene & Betty |
his obit |
Walker, Mell Nevelle |
Wagnon, Charle E.& Virginia
(Sanderson) |
Ware, Delcina J. |
dod 1991 |
Weeden, Donnelle & Carroll, Roy C. |

no dod her; his Nov 1998 found no obit |
Weeden, Lee |
no stone yet 2009-01-23
dod 1988 |
Welch, Dolan Wayne |
Wenzl, Stephen & Sharon Sue
(Robison) |
no stone yet 2009-01-09
dod 2007 nothing on him |
Widmayer, Olice Blanche |
Williams, Joe B. & Dorothy
L. |

01-27-2009 no obits found |
Williamson, William C. &
LaVerne Marie (Loganbill) |
have both obits |
Wilkerson, Johnny H. |
Whitlow, Bruce C. &
Marianne |

no obit found 12-23-2008 for her |
Whisenhunt, Hughie &
Delores A.(Leboef) |
Wood, Raymond C. |
Woods, James & Mary |
his obit - no stone his dod 1955 |
Woods, William |

Wright, David Alan |

as of 12-23-2008 no obit found |
Wright, Eugene Carl |
Wright, Ede Renee |
Ybanez, Arturo M. |
no stone yet 2009-01-09 |
Yoakum, Marion "Ted"
& Ola Nadine (Williams) |
Youngblood, John
Orville & Helen Irene (VonElm) |